#N canvas 10 40 620 460 12;
#X msg 93 390 menuclose;
#X obj 45 437 s pd-mon-nouveau-patch.pd;
#X obj 20 200 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 1 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X obj 20 240 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 2 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X obj 20 280 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 3 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X msg 59 145 \; pd filename mon-nouveau-patch.pd /tmp \; #N canvas
\; #X pop 1 \;;
#X text 12 109 Click these messages starting from the top:;
#X msg 59 230 msg 20 27 symbol Hello_World!;
#X msg 75 270 symbolatom 20 100 0 0 0 0;
#X msg 91 310 connect 0 0 1 0;
#X text 90 350 click on [symbol Hello_World!( in the new window;
#X text 172 390 now close the new window;
#X obj 20 320 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 4 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X obj 20 360 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 5 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X obj 20 400 cnv 15 5 5 empty empty 6 5 0 0 20 -262144 -258699 0;
#X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty send_messages_to_pd 20 12 0 24
-228992 -66577 0;
#X text 11 55 Keeping true to the name "Pure Data" \, you can send
messages to Pd itself. All messages are in the same format \, whether
its in your patch \, or it's Pd's GUI talking to the Pd core.;
#X connect 0 0 1 0;
#X connect 7 0 1 0;
#X connect 8 0 1 0;
#X connect 9 0 1 0;