#N canvas 15 58 626 395 10; #X obj 292 20 import cyclone; #X obj 533 20 pddp/dsp; #X obj 8 10 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty hello_world 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577 0; #X text 198 136 2 create an object called: osc~; #X text 198 106 1 create a message box with the text: 200; #X text 198 166 3 create an object called: dac~; #X text 198 196 4 connect the message box to the osc~ object's left inlet; #X text 198 226 5 connect the osc~ object to both inlets of the dac~ object; #X text 198 256 6 make sure your volume is set very low; #X text 198 286 7 turn on DSP by clicking the box on the upper right corner; #X text 198 316 8 click the message box to hear sound;