- replace [comment] with #X text

- wavetable
  - link to playnow/draw_sound

- Load a sound file (high-level, no tables, no soundfiler)

- Play sound file back with phasor~?

- Scrub sound file with numberbox

- Create sound (high-level FM abstraction?)

- Change sound quality with numberbox

File Order:

- hello world
    quick sine wave patch
- audio data
    differences between audio and message data
- dsp processing
    controlling the DSP
- oscillators
    [osc~], [cos~], [phasor~]
- amplitude modulation
    super simple AM
- AM synthesis
    nice AM example
- frequency modulation
- FM synthesis  
    (80's keyboard sound!)
- click
    graph click and play it
	 a click contains all frequencies
- ramping up and down
    [line~], [line]
- 3.audio.examples/A04.line2.pd
- filtering
    removing audio by frequency
	 working in the frequency domain rather than amplitude
- filter types 
    lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandreject/notch
- filter order
- filter shapes
- resonant frequency
- filter Q
- equalizer
- reverb (rev1, rev2, freeverb~)
- feedback delay network reverb (fbn~)
- convolution reverb (partconv~)

digital audio tutorial
- digital audio
    samples represent the amplitude at the slice of time
- aliasing
- the samples