- fix compilation of netclient, netrec, netserver, piperead~, pipewrite~ - include mp3 externals from iem_mp3 and unauthorized and make mp3*.libs files - put objects with conflicting names into a directory namespace maxlib/scale Gem/scale iem/prepend cxc/prepend flext/prepend - move .libs files to externals/build/src from externals/build/PLATFORM. The platform-specific makefiles copy them before compiling. If a platform-specific .libs file is needed, create it in the externals/build/PLATFORM directory. The makefiles will use both: `test -f $*.libs && cat $*.libs` `test -f ../src/$*.libs && cat ../src/$*.libs` - make MinGW makefile for "win" so that the GNU Makefile method will be standard on all platforms. - do symlink aliases in externals/build/src/makefile.common - write externals/build/doc/standardize-help.sh