- make C++ compile targets (packages/darwin_app/Makefile has some) - add version number getters from packages/Makefile - document externals building following the smlib example - add "test lib" functionality to binary building in externals/Makefile - simplify Makefile, making just "all" and "install" with subsections for each subdir. - add in mtx_ objects with special characters using setup functions and filenames with 0x escapes (mtx_/ and mtx_./ for example). Make sure to have the objects call the correct setup function since it can change the functionality - include mp3 externals from iem_mp3 and unauthorized and make mp3*.libs files - put objects with conflicting names into a directory namespace maxlib/scale Gem/scale iem/prepend flext/prepend - add these to the build system: PDContainer ann grh iemstream iemxmlrpc