#N canvas 70 3 889 647 12; #X obj 290 277 average; #X obj 19 171 beat; #X obj 19 196 borax; #X obj 19 146 chord; #X obj 472 491 dist; #X obj 290 172 divide; #X obj 290 146 divmod; #X obj 606 171 fifo; #X obj 290 303 history; #X obj 17 496 ignore; #X obj 17 470 iso; #X obj 605 145 lifo; #X obj 290 329 match; #X obj 290 197 minus; #X obj 609 261 mlife; #X obj 290 224 multi; #X obj 472 516 netdist; #X obj 19 272 pitch; #X obj 290 251 plus; #X obj 17 418 pulse; #X obj 472 542 remote; #X obj 19 221 rhythm; #X obj 19 246 score array01; #X obj 17 444 speedlim; #X obj 17 522 step; #X obj 609 236 subst; #X text 30 27 maxlib 0.8 :: Music Analysis eXtensions LIBrary; #X text 140 44 written by Olaf Matthes <olaf.matthes@gmx.de>; #X text 139 61 download at http://www.akustische-kunst.de/puredata/maxlib ; #X text 72 146 chord detection; #X text 69 171 beat tracking; #X text 78 222 beat detection; #X text 73 197 music analysis; #X text 136 246 score following; #X text 73 272 pitch information; #X text 20 115 MUSIC / MIDI ANALYSIS; #X text 290 110 MATH; #X text 357 147 calculate / and %; #X text 355 172 / for several inputs; #X text 349 252 + for several inputs; #X text 349 224 * for several inputs; #X text 353 198 - for several inputs; #X text 361 276 average of last N values; #X text 362 302 average over last N seconds; #X text 345 329 match input to list of numbers; #X text 17 392 TIME; #X text 94 445 lets input through every N milliseconds; #X text 56 472 play sequence of MIDI notes; #X text 78 497 ignore too fast changing input; #X text 469 459 CONTROL; #X text 520 490 send to list of receive objects; #X text 541 514 same for netreceive; #X text 531 541 send to one receive object; #X text 604 118 BUFFER; #X text 650 145 last in first out; #X text 653 171 first in first out; #X text 64 524 a line object that steps; #X text 606 204 OTHER / EXPERIMENTAL; #X text 666 235 self-similar substitution; #X text 665 261 cellular automaton; #X obj 290 355 scale; #X text 344 356 scale input to outpur range; #X text 72 418 a 'better' metro; #X obj 17 548 history; #X obj 17 574 velocity; #X text 86 548 average over last N milliseconds; #X text 93 574 velocity of input in digits per second; #X obj 472 569 netrec; #X text 531 570 netreceive with extra info about sender; #X obj 290 381 delta; #X text 344 381 calculate 1st or 2nd order difference;