# # makefile for copying all of the help docs into this folder for # inclusion into the externals packages # DOC_DIR = . all: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # all standard objs' help files cp ../../OSCx/doc/*.pd \ ../../aenv~/*.pd \ ../../ann/examples/*.* \ ../../arraysize/*.pd \ ../../beatpipe/*.pd \ ../../build/*.pd \ ../../bbogart/chaos/tools/*.pd \ ../../bbogart/*/*.pd \ ../../creb/doc/*.pd \ ../../creb/doc/examples/*.pd \ ../../cxc/reference/*.pd \ ../../dfx/*/*.pd \ ../../ext13/doc/*.pd \ ../../ggee/*/*.pd \ ../../gem2pdp/*.pd \ ../../ff/*.pd \ ../../hcs/*.pd \ ../../markex/*.pd \ ../../maxlib/help/*.* \ ../../mjlib/doc/*.pd \ ../../motex/*.pd \ ../../pdogg/*/*.pd \ ../../plugin~/*.pd \ ../../rhythm_estimator/*.p? \ ../../susloop~/*.pd \ ../../svf~/*.pd \ ../../vbap/*.pd \ ../../vst/*.pd \ ../../zhzxh~/*.pd \ $(DOC_DIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # [sprinkler]'s help file is generated by ./configure cd ../../sprinkler && autoconf && ./configure cp ../../sprinkler/sprinkler-help.pd $(DOC_DIR) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IEMlib uses its own dir and since its not maintained in CVS # its best not to change the objects install -d -m0755 $(DOC_DIR)/iemhelp cp ../../iemlib/iemhelp/*.* $(DOC_DIR)/iemhelp #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # remove help files for objects that are not included due to conflicts, etc. # # mjlib [prob] conflicts with cyclone's [prob] rm prob-help.pd # maxlib conflicts with cyclone rm help-split.pd #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # no need to have pd patches executable chmod a-x *.pd #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # this is mildly dangerous, since it just deletes everything clean: rm -f *.pd *.ps *.txt test.som *~ rm -Rf iemhelp