/* Copyright (c) 2005 Miller Puckette. BSD licensed. No warranties. */ /* fix parameter settings not to report pitch if evidence too scanty? note-on detection triggered by falling envelope (a posteriori) reentrancy bug setting loud flag (other parameters too?) tweaked freqs still not stable enough implement block ("-b") mode */ /* From here to the first "#ifdef PD" or "#ifdef Max" should be extractable and usable in other contexts. The one external requirement is a real single-precision FFT, invoked as in the Mayer one: */ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* this is only needed with Microsoft's compiler */ __declspec(dllimport) extern #endif void mayer_realfft(int npoints, float *buf); /* this routine is passed a buffer of npoints values, and returns the N/2+1 real parts of the DFT (frequency zero through Nyquist), followed by the N/2-1 imaginary points, in order of decreasing frequency. Pd 0.41, for example, defines this in the file d_fft_mayer.c or d_fft_fftsg.c. */ #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <malloc.h> #elif ! defined(_MSC_VER) #include <alloca.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) #endif typedef struct peak { float p_freq; float p_amp; float p_ampreal; float p_ampimag; float p_pit; float p_db; float p_salience; float p_tmp; } t_peak; /********************** service routines **************************/ /* these three are dapted from elsewhere in Pd but included here for cmolpeteness */ static int sigmund_ilog2(int n) { int ret = -1; while (n) { n >>= 1; ret++; } return (ret); } static float sigmund_ftom(float f) { return (f > 0 ? 17.3123405046 * log(.12231220585 * f) : -1500); } #define LOGTEN 2.302585092994 static float sigmund_powtodb(float f) { if (f <= 0) return (0); else { float val = 100 + 10./LOGTEN * log(f); return (val < 0 ? 0 : val); } } /* parameters for von Hann window (change these to get Hamming if desired) */ #define W_ALPHA 0.5 #define W_BETA 0.5 #define NEGBINS 4 /* number of bins of negative frequency we'll need */ #define PI 3.14159265 #define LOG2 0.69314718 #define LOG10 2.30258509 static float sinx(float theta, float sintheta) { if (theta > -0.003 && theta < 0.003) return (1); else return (sintheta/theta); } static float window_hann_mag(float pidetune, float sinpidetune) { return (W_ALPHA * sinx(pidetune, sinpidetune) - 0.5 * W_BETA * (sinx(pidetune+PI, sinpidetune) + sinx(pidetune-PI, sinpidetune))); } static float window_mag(float pidetune, float cospidetune) { return (sinx(pidetune + (PI/2), cospidetune) + sinx(pidetune - (PI/2), -cospidetune)); } /*********** Routines to analyze a window into sinusoidal peaks *************/ static int sigmund_cmp_freq(const void *p1, const void *p2) { if ((*(t_peak **)p1)->p_freq > (*(t_peak **)p2)->p_freq) return (1); else if ((*(t_peak **)p1)->p_freq < (*(t_peak **)p2)->p_freq) return (-1); else return (0); } static void sigmund_tweak(int npts, float *ftreal, float *ftimag, int npeak, t_peak *peaks, float fperbin, int loud) { t_peak **peakptrs = (t_peak **)alloca(sizeof (*peakptrs) * (npeak+1)); t_peak negpeak; int peaki, j, k; float ampreal[3], ampimag[3]; float binperf = 1./fperbin; float phaseperbin = (npts-0.5)/npts, oneovern = 1./npts; if (npeak < 1) return; for (peaki = 0; peaki < npeak; peaki++) peakptrs[peaki+1] = &peaks[peaki]; qsort(peakptrs+1, npeak, sizeof (*peakptrs), sigmund_cmp_freq); peakptrs[0] = &negpeak; negpeak.p_ampreal = peakptrs[1]->p_ampreal; negpeak.p_ampimag = -peakptrs[1]->p_ampimag; negpeak.p_freq = -peakptrs[1]->p_freq; for (peaki = 1; peaki <= npeak; peaki++) { int cbin = peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq*binperf + 0.5; int nsub = (peaki == npeak ? 1:2); float windreal, windimag, windpower, detune, pidetune, sinpidetune, cospidetune, ampcorrect, ampout, ampoutreal, ampoutimag, freqout; /* post("3 nsub %d amp %f freq %f", nsub, peakptrs[peaki]->p_amp, peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq); */ if (cbin < 0 || cbin > 2*npts - 3) continue; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) ampreal[j] = ftreal[cbin+2*j-2], ampimag[j] = ftimag[cbin+2*j-2]; /* post("a %f %f", ampreal[1], ampimag[1]); */ for (j = 0; j < nsub; j++) { t_peak *neighbor = peakptrs[(peaki-1) + 2*j]; float neighborreal = npts * neighbor->p_ampreal; float neighborimag = npts * neighbor->p_ampimag; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { float freqdiff = (0.5*PI) * ((cbin + 2*k-2) -binperf * neighbor->p_freq); float sx = sinx(freqdiff, sin(freqdiff)); float phasere = cos(freqdiff * phaseperbin); float phaseim = sin(freqdiff * phaseperbin); ampreal[k] -= sx * (phasere * neighborreal - phaseim * neighborimag); ampimag[k] -= sx * (phaseim * neighborreal + phasere * neighborimag); } /* post("b %f %f", ampreal[1], ampimag[1]); */ } windreal = W_ALPHA * ampreal[1] - (0.5 * W_BETA) * (ampreal[0] + ampreal[2]); windimag = W_ALPHA * ampimag[1] - (0.5 * W_BETA) * (ampimag[0] + ampimag[2]); windpower = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag; detune = ( W_BETA*(ampreal[0] - ampreal[2]) * (2.0*W_ALPHA * ampreal[1] - W_BETA * (ampreal[0] + ampreal[2])) + W_BETA*(ampimag[0] - ampimag[2]) * (2.0*W_ALPHA * ampimag[1] - W_BETA * (ampimag[0] + ampimag[2])) ) / (4.0 * windpower); if (detune > 0.5) detune = 0.5; else if (detune < -0.5) detune = -0.5; /* if (loud > 0) post("tweak: windpower %f, bin %d, detune %f", windpower, cbin, detune); */ pidetune = PI * detune; sinpidetune = sin(pidetune); cospidetune = cos(pidetune); ampcorrect = 1.0 / window_hann_mag(pidetune, sinpidetune); ampout = oneovern * ampcorrect *sqrt(windpower); ampoutreal = oneovern * ampcorrect * (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune); ampoutimag = oneovern * ampcorrect * (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune); freqout = (cbin + 2*detune) * fperbin; /* if (loud > 1) post("amp %f, freq %f", ampout, freqout); */ peakptrs[peaki]->p_freq = freqout; peakptrs[peaki]->p_amp = ampout; peakptrs[peaki]->p_ampreal = ampoutreal; peakptrs[peaki]->p_ampimag = ampoutimag; } } static void sigmund_remask(int maxbin, int bestindex, float powmask, float maxpower, float *maskbuf) { int bin; int bin1 = (bestindex > 52 ? bestindex-50:2); int bin2 = (maxbin < bestindex + 50 ? bestindex + 50 : maxbin); for (bin = bin1; bin < bin2; bin++) { float bindiff = bin - bestindex; float mymask; mymask = powmask/ (1. + bindiff * bindiff * bindiff * bindiff); if (bindiff < 2 && bindiff > -2) mymask = 2*maxpower; if (mymask > maskbuf[bin]) maskbuf[bin] = mymask; } } #define PEAKMASKFACTOR 1. #define PEAKTHRESHFACTOR 0.6 static void sigmund_getrawpeaks(int npts, float *insamps, int npeak, t_peak *peakv, int *nfound, float *power, float srate, int loud, float hifreq) { float oneovern = 1.0/ (float)npts; float fperbin = 0.5 * srate * oneovern, totalpower = 0; int npts2 = 2*npts, i, bin; int peakcount = 0; float *fp1, *fp2; float *rawreal, *rawimag, *maskbuf, *powbuf; float *bigbuf = alloca(sizeof (float ) * (2*NEGBINS + 6*npts)); int maxbin = hifreq/fperbin; if (maxbin > npts - NEGBINS) maxbin = npts - NEGBINS; /* if (loud) post("tweak %d", tweak); */ maskbuf = bigbuf + npts2; powbuf = maskbuf + npts; rawreal = powbuf + npts+NEGBINS; rawimag = rawreal+npts+NEGBINS; for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) maskbuf[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) bigbuf[i] = insamps[i]; for (i = npts; i < 2*npts; i++) bigbuf[i] = 0; mayer_realfft(npts2, bigbuf); for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) rawreal[i] = bigbuf[i]; for (i = 1; i < npts-1; i++) rawimag[i] = bigbuf[npts2-i]; rawreal[-1] = rawreal[1]; rawreal[-2] = rawreal[2]; rawreal[-3] = rawreal[3]; rawreal[-4] = rawreal[4]; rawimag[0] = rawimag[npts-1] = 0; rawimag[-1] = -rawimag[1]; rawimag[-2] = -rawimag[2]; rawimag[-3] = -rawimag[3]; rawimag[-4] = -rawimag[4]; #if 1 for (i = 0, fp1 = rawreal, fp2 = rawimag; i < maxbin; i++, fp1++, fp2++) { float x1 = fp1[1] - fp1[-1], x2 = fp2[1] - fp2[-1], p = powbuf[i] = x1*x1+x2*x2; if (i >= 2) totalpower += p; } powbuf[maxbin] = powbuf[maxbin+1] = 0; *power = 0.5 * totalpower *oneovern * oneovern; #endif for (peakcount = 0; peakcount < npeak; peakcount++) { float pow1, maxpower = 0, windreal, windimag, windpower, detune, pidetune, sinpidetune, cospidetune, ampcorrect, ampout, ampoutreal, ampoutimag, freqout, powmask; int bestindex = -1; for (bin = 2, fp1 = rawreal+2, fp2 = rawimag+2; bin < maxbin; bin++, fp1++, fp2++) { pow1 = powbuf[bin]; if (pow1 > maxpower && pow1 > maskbuf[bin]) { float thresh = PEAKTHRESHFACTOR * (powbuf[bin-2]+powbuf[bin+2]); if (pow1 > thresh) maxpower = pow1, bestindex = bin; } } if (totalpower <= 0 || maxpower < 1e-10*totalpower || bestindex < 0) break; fp1 = rawreal+bestindex; fp2 = rawimag+bestindex; powmask = maxpower * PEAKMASKFACTOR; /* if (loud > 2) post("maxpower %f, powmask %f, param1 %f", maxpower, powmask, param1); */ sigmund_remask(maxbin, bestindex, powmask, maxpower, maskbuf); /* if (loud > 1) post("best index %d, total power %f", bestindex, totalpower); */ windreal = fp1[1] - fp1[-1]; windimag = fp2[1] - fp2[-1]; windpower = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag; detune = ((fp1[1] * fp1[1] - fp1[-1]*fp1[-1]) + (fp2[1] * fp2[1] - fp2[-1]*fp2[-1])) / (2 * windpower); if (detune > 0.5) detune = 0.5; else if (detune < -0.5) detune = -0.5; /* if (loud > 1) post("windpower %f, index %d, detune %f", windpower, bestindex, detune); */ pidetune = PI * detune; sinpidetune = sin(pidetune); cospidetune = cos(pidetune); ampcorrect = 1.0 / window_mag(pidetune, cospidetune); ampout = ampcorrect *sqrt(windpower); ampoutreal = ampcorrect * (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune); ampoutimag = ampcorrect * (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune); /* the frequency is the sum of the bin frequency and detuning */ peakv[peakcount].p_freq = (freqout = (bestindex + 2*detune)) * fperbin; peakv[peakcount].p_amp = oneovern * ampout; peakv[peakcount].p_ampreal = oneovern * ampoutreal; peakv[peakcount].p_ampimag = oneovern * ampoutimag; } sigmund_tweak(npts, rawreal, rawimag, peakcount, peakv, fperbin, loud); sigmund_tweak(npts, rawreal, rawimag, peakcount, peakv, fperbin, loud); for (i = 0; i < peakcount; i++) { peakv[i].p_pit = sigmund_ftom(peakv[i].p_freq); peakv[i].p_db = sigmund_powtodb(peakv[i].p_amp); } *nfound = peakcount; } /*************** Routines for finding fundamental pitch *************/ #define PITCHNPEAK 12 #define HALFTONEINC 0.059 #define SUBHARMONICS 16 #define DBPERHALFTONE 0.0 static void sigmund_getpitch(int npeak, t_peak *peakv, float *freqp, float npts, float srate, float nharmonics, float amppower, int loud) { float fperbin = 0.5 * srate / npts; int npit = 48 * sigmund_ilog2(npts), i, j, k, nsalient; float bestbin, bestweight, sumamp, sumweight, sumfreq, freq; float *weights = (float *)alloca(sizeof(float) * npit); t_peak *bigpeaks[PITCHNPEAK]; if (npeak < 1) { freq = 0; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < npit; i++) weights[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < npeak; i++) { peakv[i].p_tmp = 0; peakv[i].p_salience = peakv[i].p_db - DBPERHALFTONE * peakv[i].p_pit; } for (nsalient = 0; nsalient < PITCHNPEAK; nsalient++) { t_peak *bestpeak = 0; float bestsalience = -1e20; for (j = 0; j < npeak; j++) if (peakv[j].p_tmp == 0 && peakv[j].p_salience > bestsalience) { bestsalience = peakv[j].p_salience; bestpeak = &peakv[j]; } if (!bestpeak) break; bigpeaks[nsalient] = bestpeak; bestpeak->p_tmp = 1; /* post("peak f=%f a=%f", bestpeak->p_freq, bestpeak->p_amp); */ } sumweight = 0; for (i = 0; i < nsalient; i++) { t_peak *thispeak = bigpeaks[i]; float weightindex = (48./LOG2) * log(thispeak->p_freq/(2.*fperbin)); float loudness = pow(thispeak->p_amp, amppower); /* post("index %f, uncertainty %f", weightindex, pitchuncertainty); */ for (j = 0; j < SUBHARMONICS; j++) { float subindex = weightindex - (48./LOG2) * log(j + 1.); int loindex = subindex - 0.5; int hiindex = loindex+2; if (hiindex < 0) break; if (hiindex >= npit) continue; if (loindex < 0) loindex = 0; for (k = loindex; k <= hiindex; k++) weights[k] += loudness * nharmonics / (nharmonics + j); } sumweight += loudness; } bestbin = -1; bestweight = -1e20; for (i = 0; i < npit; i++) if (weights[i] > bestweight) bestweight = weights[i], bestbin = i; if (bestweight < sumweight * 0.4) bestbin = -1; if (bestbin < 0) { freq = 0; goto done; } if (bestbin > 0 && bestbin < npit-1) { int ibest = bestbin; bestbin += (weights[ibest+1] - weights[ibest-1]) / (weights[ibest+1] + weights[ibest] + weights[ibest-1]); } freq = 2*fperbin * exp((LOG2/48.)*bestbin); for (sumamp = sumweight = sumfreq = 0, i = 0; i < nsalient; i++) { t_peak *thispeak = bigpeaks[i]; float thisloudness = thispeak->p_amp; float thisfreq = thispeak->p_freq; float harmonic = thisfreq/freq; float intpart = (int)(0.5 + harmonic); float inharm = harmonic - intpart; #if 0 if (loud) post("freq %f intpart %f inharm %f", freq, intpart, inharm); #endif if (intpart >= 1 && intpart <= 16 && inharm < 0.015 * intpart && inharm > - (0.015 * intpart)) { float weight = thisloudness * intpart; sumweight += weight; sumfreq += weight*thisfreq/intpart; #if 0 if (loud) post("weight %f freq %f", weight, thisfreq); #endif } } if (sumweight > 0) freq = sumfreq / sumweight; done: if (!(freq >= 0 || freq <= 0)) { /* post("freq nan cancelled"); */ freq = 0; } *freqp = freq; } /*************** gather peak lists into sinusoidal tracks *************/ static void sigmund_peaktrack(int ninpeak, t_peak *inpeakv, int noutpeak, t_peak *outpeakv, int loud) { int incnt, outcnt; for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++) outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp = -1; /* first pass. Match each "in" peak with the closest previous "out" peak, but no two to the same one. */ for (incnt = 0; incnt < ninpeak; incnt++) { float besterror = 1e20; int bestcnt = -1; inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = -1; for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++) { float thiserror = inpeakv[incnt].p_freq - outpeakv[outcnt].p_freq; if (thiserror < 0) thiserror = -thiserror; if (thiserror < besterror) { besterror = thiserror; bestcnt = outcnt; } } if (outpeakv[bestcnt].p_tmp < 0) { outpeakv[bestcnt] = inpeakv[incnt]; inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = 0; outpeakv[bestcnt].p_tmp = 0; } } /* second pass. Unmatched "in" peaks assigned to free "out" peaks */ for (incnt = 0; incnt < ninpeak; incnt++) if (inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp < 0) { for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++) if (outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp < 0) { outpeakv[outcnt] = inpeakv[incnt]; inpeakv[incnt].p_tmp = 0; outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp = 1; break; } } for (outcnt = 0; outcnt < noutpeak; outcnt++) if (outpeakv[outcnt].p_tmp == -1) outpeakv[outcnt].p_amp = 0; } /**************** parse continuous pitch into note starts ***************/ #define NHISTPOINT 100 typedef struct _histpoint { float h_freq; float h_power; } t_histpoint; typedef struct _notefinder { float n_age; float n_hifreq; float n_lofreq; int n_peaked; t_histpoint n_hist[NHISTPOINT]; int n_histphase; } t_notefinder; static void notefinder_init(t_notefinder *x) { int i; x->n_peaked = x->n_age = 0; x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0; x->n_histphase = 0; for (i = 0; i < NHISTPOINT; i++) x->n_hist[i].h_freq =x->n_hist[i].h_power = 0; } static void notefinder_doit(t_notefinder *x, float freq, float power, float *note, float vibrato, int stableperiod, float powerthresh, float growththresh, int loud) { /* calculate frequency ratio between allowable vibrato extremes (equal to twice the vibrato deviation from center) */ float vibmultiple = exp((2*LOG2/12) * vibrato); int oldhistphase, i, k; if (stableperiod > NHISTPOINT - 1) stableperiod = NHISTPOINT - 1; else if (stableperiod < 1) stableperiod = 1; if (++x->n_histphase == NHISTPOINT) x->n_histphase = 0; x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_freq = freq; x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_power = power; x->n_age++; *note = 0; #if 0 if (loud) { post("stable %d, age %d, vibmultiple %f, powerthresh %f, hifreq %f", stableperiod, (int)x->n_age ,vibmultiple, powerthresh, x->n_hifreq); post("histfreq %f %f %f %f", x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_freq, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-1)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-2)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-3)%NHISTPOINT].h_freq); post("power %f %f %f %f", x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_power, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-1)%NHISTPOINT].h_power, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-2)%NHISTPOINT].h_power, x->n_hist[(x->n_histphase+NHISTPOINT-3)%NHISTPOINT].h_power); for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod; i++) { post("pit %5.1f pow %f", sigmund_ftom(x->n_hist[k].h_freq), x->n_hist[k].h_power); if (--k < 0) k = NHISTPOINT - 1; } } #endif /* look for shorter notes than "stableperiod" in length. The amplitude must rise and then fall while the pitch holds steady. */ if (x->n_hifreq <= 0 && x->n_age > stableperiod) { float maxpow = 0, freqatmaxpow = 0, localhifreq = -1e20, locallofreq = 1e20; int startphase = x->n_histphase - stableperiod + 1; if (startphase < 0) startphase += NHISTPOINT; for (i = 0, k = startphase; i < stableperiod; i++) { if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq <= 0) break; if (x->n_hist[k].h_power > maxpow) maxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_power, freqatmaxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq > localhifreq) localhifreq = x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq < locallofreq) locallofreq = x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (localhifreq > locallofreq * vibmultiple) break; if (maxpow > power * growththresh && maxpow > x->n_hist[startphase].h_power * growththresh && localhifreq < vibmultiple * locallofreq && freqatmaxpow > 0 && maxpow > powerthresh) { x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = *note = freqatmaxpow; x->n_age = 0; x->n_peaked = 0; /* post("got short note"); */ return; } if (++k >= NHISTPOINT) k = 0; } } if (x->n_hifreq > 0) { /* test if we're within "vibrato" range, and if so update range */ if (freq * vibmultiple >= x->n_hifreq && x->n_lofreq * vibmultiple >= freq) { if (freq > x->n_hifreq) x->n_hifreq = freq; if (freq < x->n_lofreq) x->n_lofreq = freq; } else if (x->n_hifreq > 0 && x->n_age > stableperiod) { /* if we've been out of range at least 1/2 the last "stableperiod+1" analyses, clear the note */ int nbad = 0; for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod + 1; i++) { if (--k < 0) k = NHISTPOINT - 1; if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq * vibmultiple <= x->n_hifreq || x->n_lofreq * vibmultiple <= x->n_hist[k].h_freq) nbad++; } if (2 * nbad >= stableperiod + 1) { x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0; x->n_age = 0; } } } oldhistphase = x->n_histphase - stableperiod; if (oldhistphase < 0) oldhistphase += NHISTPOINT; /* look for envelope attacks */ if (x->n_hifreq > 0 && x->n_peaked) { if (freq > 0 && power > powerthresh && power > x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power * exp((LOG10*0.1)*growththresh)) { /* clear it and fall through for new stable-note test */ x->n_peaked = 0; x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = 0; x->n_age = 0; } } else if (!x->n_peaked) { if (x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power > powerthresh && x->n_hist[oldhistphase].h_power > power) x->n_peaked = 1; } /* test for a new note using a stability criterion. */ if (freq >= 0 && (x->n_hifreq <= 0 || freq > x->n_hifreq || freq < x->n_lofreq)) { float testfhi = freq, testflo = freq, maxpow = x->n_hist[x->n_histphase].h_freq; for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod-1; i++) { if (--k < 0) k = NHISTPOINT - 1; if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq > testfhi) testfhi = x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (x->n_hist[k].h_freq < testflo) testflo = x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (x->n_hist[k].h_power > maxpow) maxpow = x->n_hist[k].h_power; } #if 0 if (loud) post("freq %.2g testfhi %.2g testflo %.2g maxpow %.2g", freq, testfhi, testflo, maxpow); #endif if (testflo > 0 && testfhi <= vibmultiple * testflo && maxpow > powerthresh) { /* report new note */ float sumf = 0, sumw = 0, thisw; for (i = 0, k = x->n_histphase; i < stableperiod; i++) { thisw = x->n_hist[k].h_power; sumw += thisw; sumf += thisw*x->n_hist[k].h_freq; if (--k < 0) k = NHISTPOINT - 1; } x->n_hifreq = x->n_lofreq = *note = (sumw > 0 ? sumf/sumw : 0); #if 0 /* debugging printout */ for (i = 0; i < stableperiod; i++) { int k3 = x->n_histphase - i; if (k3 < 0) k3 += NHISTPOINT; startpost("%5.1f ", sigmund_ftom(x->n_hist[k3].h_freq)); } post(""); #endif x->n_age = 0; x->n_peaked = 0; return; } } *note = 0; return; } /**************** object structure for Pd and Max. *********************/ /* From here onward, the code is specific to eithr Pd, Max, or both. If neither "PD 'nor "MSP" is defined, none of this is compiled, so that the whole file can be included in other, non-PD and non-Max projects. */ #ifdef PD #include "m_pd.h" #endif #ifdef MSP #include "ext.h" #include "z_dsp.h" #include "ext_support.h" #include "ext_proto.h" #include "ext_obex.h" typedef float t_floatarg; #define t_resizebytes(a, b, c) t_resizebytes((char *)(a), (b), (c)) #endif #if (defined(PD) || defined (MSP)) #define NHIST 100 #define MODE_STREAM 1 #define MODE_BLOCK 2 /* unimplemented */ #define MODE_TABLE 3 #define NPOINTS_DEF 1024 #define NPOINTS_MIN 128 #define HOP_DEF 512 #define NPEAK_DEF 20 #define VIBRATO_DEF 1 #define STABLETIME_DEF 50 #define MINPOWER_DEF 50 #define GROWTH_DEF 7 #define OUT_PITCH 0 #define OUT_ENV 1 #define OUT_NOTE 2 #define OUT_PEAKS 3 #define OUT_TRACKS 4 #define OUT_SMSPITCH 5 #define OUT_SMSNONPITCH 6 typedef struct _varout { #ifdef PD t_outlet *v_outlet; #endif /* PD */ #ifdef MSP void *v_outlet; #endif /* MSP */ int v_what; } t_varout; typedef struct _sigmund { #ifdef PD t_object x_obj; t_clock *x_clock; float x_f; /* for main signal inlet */ #endif /* PD */ #ifdef MSP t_pxobject x_obj; void *obex; void *x_clock; t_sample *x_inbuf2; /* extra input buffer to eat clock/DSP jitter */ #endif /* MSP */ t_varout *x_varoutv; int x_nvarout; float x_sr; /* sample rate */ int x_mode; /* MODE_STREAM, etc. */ int x_npts; /* number of points in analysis window */ int x_npeak; /* number of peaks to find */ int x_loud; /* debug level */ t_sample *x_inbuf; /* input buffer */ int x_infill; /* number of points filled */ int x_countdown; /* countdown to start filling buffer */ int x_hop; /* samples between analyses */ float x_maxfreq; /* highest-frequency peak to report */ float x_vibrato; /* vibrato depth in half tones */ float x_stabletime; /* period of stability needed for note */ float x_growth; /* growth to set off a new note */ float x_minpower; /* minimum power, in DB, for a note */ float x_param1; /* three parameters for temporary use */ float x_param2; float x_param3; t_notefinder x_notefinder; /* note parsing state */ t_peak *x_trackv; /* peak tracking state */ int x_ntrack; /* number of peaks tracked */ unsigned int x_dopitch:1; /* which things to calculate */ unsigned int x_donote:1; unsigned int x_dotracks:1; } t_sigmund; static void sigmund_preinit(t_sigmund *x) { x->x_npts = NPOINTS_DEF; x->x_param1 = 6; x->x_param2 = 0.5; x->x_param3 = 0; x->x_hop = HOP_DEF; x->x_mode = MODE_STREAM; x->x_npeak = NPEAK_DEF; x->x_vibrato = VIBRATO_DEF; x->x_stabletime = STABLETIME_DEF; x->x_growth = GROWTH_DEF; x->x_minpower = MINPOWER_DEF; x->x_maxfreq = 1000000; x->x_loud = 0; x->x_sr = 1; x->x_nvarout = 0; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)getbytes(0); x->x_trackv = 0; x->x_ntrack = 0; x->x_dopitch = x->x_donote = x->x_dotracks = 0; x->x_inbuf = 0; #ifdef MSP x->x_inbuf2 = 0; #endif } static void sigmund_npts(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { int nwas = x->x_npts, npts = f; /* check parameter ranges */ if (npts < NPOINTS_MIN) post("sigmund~: minimum points %d", NPOINTS_MIN), npts = NPOINTS_MIN; if (npts != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(npts))) post("sigmund~: adjusting analysis size to %d points", (npts = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(npts)))); if (npts != nwas) x->x_countdown = x->x_infill = 0; if (x->x_mode == MODE_STREAM) { if (x->x_inbuf) { x->x_inbuf = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf) * nwas, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf) * npts); #ifdef MSP x->x_inbuf2 = (t_sample *)t_resizebytes(x->x_inbuf2, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf2) * nwas, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf2) * npts); #endif } else { x->x_inbuf = (t_sample *)getbytes(sizeof(*x->x_inbuf) * npts); memset((char *)(x->x_inbuf), 0, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf) * npts); #ifdef MSP x->x_inbuf2 = (t_sample *)getbytes(sizeof(*x->x_inbuf2) * npts); memset((char *)(x->x_inbuf2), 0, sizeof(*x->x_inbuf2) * npts); #endif } } else x->x_inbuf = 0; x->x_npts = npts; } static void sigmund_hop(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_hop = f; /* check parameter ranges */ if (x->x_hop != (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop))) post("sigmund~: adjusting analysis size to %d points", (x->x_hop = (1 << sigmund_ilog2(x->x_hop)))); } static void sigmund_npeak(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 1) f = 1; x->x_npeak = f; } static void sigmund_maxfreq(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_maxfreq = f; } static void sigmund_vibrato(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_vibrato = f; } static void sigmund_stabletime(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_stabletime = f; } static void sigmund_growth(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_growth = f; } static void sigmund_minpower(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { if (f < 0) f = 0; x->x_minpower = f; } static void sigmund_doit(t_sigmund *x, int npts, float *arraypoints, int loud, float srate) { t_peak *peakv = (t_peak *)alloca(sizeof(t_peak) * x->x_npeak); int nfound, i, cnt; float freq = 0, power, note = 0; sigmund_getrawpeaks(npts, arraypoints, x->x_npeak, peakv, &nfound, &power, srate, loud, x->x_maxfreq); if (x->x_dopitch) sigmund_getpitch(nfound, peakv, &freq, npts, srate, x->x_param1, x->x_param2, loud); if (x->x_donote) notefinder_doit(&x->x_notefinder, freq, power, ¬e, x->x_vibrato, 1 + x->x_stabletime * 0.001f * x->x_sr / (float)x->x_hop, exp(LOG10*0.1*(x->x_minpower - 100)), x->x_growth, loud); if (x->x_dotracks) sigmund_peaktrack(nfound, peakv, x->x_ntrack, x->x_trackv, loud); for (cnt = x->x_nvarout; cnt--;) { t_varout *v = &x->x_varoutv[cnt]; switch (v->v_what) { case OUT_PITCH: outlet_float(v->v_outlet, sigmund_ftom(freq)); break; case OUT_ENV: outlet_float(v->v_outlet, sigmund_powtodb(power)); break; case OUT_NOTE: if (note > 0) outlet_float(v->v_outlet, sigmund_ftom(note)); break; case OUT_PEAKS: for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++) { t_atom at[5]; SETFLOAT(at, (float)i); SETFLOAT(at+1, peakv[i].p_freq); SETFLOAT(at+2, 2*peakv[i].p_amp); SETFLOAT(at+3, 2*peakv[i].p_ampreal); SETFLOAT(at+4, 2*peakv[i].p_ampimag); outlet_list(v->v_outlet, 0, 5, at); } break; case OUT_TRACKS: for (i = 0; i < x->x_ntrack; i++) { t_atom at[4]; SETFLOAT(at, (float)i); SETFLOAT(at+1, x->x_trackv[i].p_freq); SETFLOAT(at+2, 2*x->x_trackv[i].p_amp); SETFLOAT(at+3, x->x_trackv[i].p_tmp); outlet_list(v->v_outlet, 0, 4, at); } break; } } } static t_int *sigmund_perform(t_int *w); static void sigmund_dsp(t_sigmund *x, t_signal **sp) { if (x->x_mode == MODE_STREAM) { if (x->x_hop % sp[0]->s_n) post("sigmund: adjusting hop size to %d", (x->x_hop = sp[0]->s_n * (x->x_hop / sp[0]->s_n))); x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr; dsp_add(sigmund_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n); } } static void sigmund_print(t_sigmund *x) { post("sigmund~ settings:"); post("npts %d", (int)x->x_npts); post("hop %d", (int)x->x_hop); post("npeak %d", (int)x->x_npeak); post("maxfreq %g", x->x_maxfreq); post("vibrato %g", x->x_vibrato); post("stabletime %g", x->x_stabletime); post("growth %g", x->x_growth); post("minpower %g", x->x_minpower); x->x_loud = 1; } static void sigmund_free(t_sigmund *x) { if (x->x_inbuf) { freebytes(x->x_inbuf, x->x_npts * sizeof(*x->x_inbuf)); #ifdef MSP freebytes(x->x_inbuf2, x->x_npts * sizeof(*x->x_inbuf2)); #endif } if (x->x_trackv) freebytes(x->x_trackv, x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv)); clock_free(x->x_clock); } #endif /* PD or MSP */ /*************************** Glue for Pd ************************/ #ifdef PD static t_class *sigmund_class; static void sigmund_tick(t_sigmund *x); static void sigmund_clear(t_sigmund *x); static void sigmund_npts(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_hop(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_npeak(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_maxfreq(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_vibrato(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_stabletime(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_growth(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_minpower(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f); static void sigmund_tick(t_sigmund *x) { if (x->x_infill == x->x_npts) { sigmund_doit(x, x->x_npts, x->x_inbuf, x->x_loud, x->x_sr); if (x->x_hop >= x->x_npts) { x->x_infill = 0; x->x_countdown = x->x_hop - x->x_npts; } else { memmove(x->x_inbuf, x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop, (x->x_infill = x->x_npts - x->x_hop) * sizeof(*x->x_inbuf)); x->x_countdown = 0; } if (x->x_loud) x->x_loud--; } } static t_int *sigmund_perform(t_int *w) { t_sigmund *x = (t_sigmund *)(w[1]); t_sample *in = (float *)(w[2]); int n = (int)(w[3]); if (x->x_hop % n) return (w+4); if (x->x_countdown > 0) x->x_countdown -= n; else if (x->x_infill != x->x_npts) { int j; float *fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_infill; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) *fp++ = *in++; x->x_infill += n; if (x->x_infill == x->x_npts) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0); } return (w+4); } static void *sigmund_new(t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_sigmund *x = (t_sigmund *)pd_new(sigmund_class); sigmund_preinit(x); while (argc > 0) { t_symbol *firstarg = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-t")) { x->x_mode = MODE_TABLE; argc--, argv++; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-s")) { x->x_mode = MODE_STREAM; argc--, argv++; } #if 0 else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-b")) { x->x_mode = MODE_BLOCK; argc--, argv++; } #endif else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-npts") && argc > 1) { x->x_npts = atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-hop") && argc > 1) { sigmund_hop(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-npeak") && argc > 1) { sigmund_npeak(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-maxfreq") && argc > 1) { sigmund_maxfreq(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-vibrato") && argc > 1) { sigmund_vibrato(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-stabletime") && argc > 1) { sigmund_stabletime(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-growth") && argc > 1) { sigmund_growth(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "-minpower") && argc > 1) { sigmund_minpower(x, atom_getfloatarg(1, argc, argv)); argc -= 2; argv += 2; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "pitch")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PITCH; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dopitch = 1; argc--, argv++; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "env")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_ENV; x->x_nvarout = n2; argc--, argv++; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "note") || !strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "notes")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_NOTE; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dopitch = x->x_donote = 1; argc--, argv++; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "peaks")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PEAKS; x->x_nvarout = n2; argc--, argv++; } else if (!strcmp(firstarg->s_name, "tracks")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_TRACKS; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dotracks = 1; argc--, argv++; } else { pd_error(x, "sigmund: %s: unknown flag or argument missing", firstarg->s_name); argc--, argv++; } } if (!x->x_nvarout) { x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, 0, 2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[0].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_varoutv[0].v_what = OUT_PITCH; x->x_varoutv[1].v_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_float); x->x_varoutv[1].v_what = OUT_ENV; x->x_nvarout = 2; x->x_dopitch = 1; } if (x->x_dotracks) { x->x_ntrack = x->x_npeak; x->x_trackv = (t_peak *)getbytes(x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv)); } x->x_clock = clock_new(&x->x_obj.ob_pd, (t_method)sigmund_tick); x->x_infill = 0; x->x_countdown = 0; sigmund_npts(x, x->x_npts); notefinder_init(&x->x_notefinder); sigmund_clear(x); return (x); } static void sigmund_list(t_sigmund *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { t_symbol *syminput = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv); int npts = atom_getintarg(1, argc, argv); int onset = atom_getintarg(2, argc, argv); float srate = atom_getfloatarg(3, argc, argv); int loud = atom_getfloatarg(4, argc, argv); int arraysize, totstorage, nfound, i; t_garray *a; float *arraypoints, pit; t_word *wordarray = 0; if (argc < 5) { post( "sigmund: array-name, npts, array-onset, samplerate, loud"); return; } if (npts < 64 || npts != (1 << ilog2(npts))) { error("sigmund: bad npoints"); return; } if (onset < 0) { error("sigmund: negative onset"); return; } arraypoints = alloca(sizeof(float)*npts); if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(syminput, garray_class)) || !garray_getfloatwords(a, &arraysize, &wordarray) || arraysize < onset + npts) { error("%s: array missing or too small", syminput->s_name); return; } if (arraysize < npts) { error("sigmund~: too few points in array"); return; } for (i = 0; i < npts; i++) arraypoints[i] = wordarray[i+onset].w_float; sigmund_doit(x, npts, arraypoints, loud, srate); } static void sigmund_clear(t_sigmund *x) { if (x->x_trackv) memset(x->x_trackv, 0, x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv)); x->x_infill = x->x_countdown = 0; } /* these are for testing; their meanings vary... */ static void sigmund_param1(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_param1 = f; } static void sigmund_param2(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_param2 = f; } static void sigmund_param3(t_sigmund *x, t_floatarg f) { x->x_param3 = f; } static void sigmund_printnext(t_sigmund *x, t_float f) { x->x_loud = f; } void sigmund_tilde_setup(void) { sigmund_class = class_new(gensym("sigmund~"), (t_newmethod)sigmund_new, (t_method)sigmund_free, sizeof(t_sigmund), 0, A_GIMME, 0); class_addlist(sigmund_class, sigmund_list); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(sigmund_class, t_sigmund, x_f); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param1, gensym("param1"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param2, gensym("param2"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_param3, gensym("param3"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_npts, gensym("npts"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_hop, gensym("hop"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_maxfreq, gensym("maxfreq"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_npeak, gensym("npeak"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_vibrato, gensym("vibrato"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_stabletime, gensym("stabletime"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_growth, gensym("growth"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_minpower, gensym("minpower"), A_FLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_print, gensym("print"), 0); class_addmethod(sigmund_class, (t_method)sigmund_printnext, gensym("printnext"), A_FLOAT, 0); post("sigmund~ version 0.07"); } #endif /* PD */ /************************ Max/MSP glue **********************************/ /* -------------------------- MSP glue ------------------------- */ #ifdef MSP static void *sigmund_class; /* Max/MSP has laxer sync between DSP and "tick"s - so in the perf routine we keep a circular buffer that is rectified into inbuf only when the tick comes. */ static void sigmund_tick(t_sigmund *x) { int i, j, npts = x->x_npts; if (!x->x_inbuf) return; for (i = x->x_infill, j = 0; i < npts; i++, j++) x->x_inbuf[j] = x->x_inbuf2[i]; for (i = 0; j < npts; i++, j++) x->x_inbuf[j] = x->x_inbuf2[i]; sigmund_doit(x, x->x_npts, x->x_inbuf, x->x_loud, x->x_sr); x->x_loud = 0; } static t_int *sigmund_perform(t_int *w) { t_sigmund *x = (t_sigmund *)(w[1]); float *in = (float *)(w[2]); int n = (int)(w[3]), j; int infill = x->x_infill; float *fp = x->x_inbuf2 + infill; if (x->x_obj.z_disabled) /* return if in muted MSP subpatch -Rd */ return (w+4); if (infill < 0 || infill >= x->x_npts) infill = 0; /* for some reason this sometimes happens: */ if (!x->x_inbuf2) return (w+4); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { *fp++ = *in++; if (++infill == x->x_npts) infill = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf2; } x->x_infill = infill; if (x->x_countdown <= 0) { x->x_countdown = x->x_hop; clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0); } x->x_countdown -= n; return (w+4); } static void *sigmund_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av) { t_sigmund *x; t_varout *g; int i, j; if (!(x = (t_sigmund *)object_alloc(sigmund_class))) return (0); sigmund_preinit(x); attr_args_process(x, ac, av); dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 1); object_obex_store(x, gensym("dumpout"), outlet_new(x, NULL)); for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) if (av[i].a_type == A_SYM) { char *s = av[i].a_w.w_sym->s_name; if (!strcmp(s, "pitch")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PITCH; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dopitch = 1; } else if (!strcmp(s, "env")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_ENV; x->x_nvarout = n2; } else if (!strcmp(s, "note") || !strcmp(s, "notes")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_NOTE; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dopitch = x->x_donote = 1; } else if (!strcmp(s, "peaks")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_PEAKS; x->x_nvarout = n2; } else if (!strcmp(s, "tracks")) { int n2 = x->x_nvarout+1; x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, x->x_nvarout*sizeof(t_varout), n2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[x->x_nvarout].v_what = OUT_TRACKS; x->x_nvarout = n2; x->x_dotracks = 1; } else if (s[0] != '@') post("sigmund: ignoring unknown argument '%s'" ,s); } if (!x->x_nvarout) { x->x_varoutv = (t_varout *)t_resizebytes(x->x_varoutv, 0, 2*sizeof(t_varout)); x->x_varoutv[0].v_what = OUT_PITCH; x->x_varoutv[1].v_what = OUT_ENV; x->x_nvarout = 2; x->x_dopitch = 1; } for (j = 0, g = x->x_varoutv + x->x_nvarout-1; j < x->x_nvarout; j++, g--) g->v_outlet = ((g->v_what == OUT_PITCH || g->v_what == OUT_ENV || g->v_what == OUT_NOTE) ? floatout((t_object *)x) : listout((t_object *)x)); if (x->x_dotracks) { x->x_ntrack = x->x_npeak; x->x_trackv = (t_peak *)getbytes(x->x_ntrack * sizeof(*x->x_trackv)); } x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)sigmund_tick); x->x_infill = 0; x->x_countdown = 0; sigmund_npts(x, x->x_npts); notefinder_init(&x->x_notefinder); return (x); } /* Attribute setters. */ void sigmund_npts_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_npts(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_hop_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_hop(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_npeak_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_npeak(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_maxfreq_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_maxfreq(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_vibrato_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_vibrato(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_stabletime_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_stabletime(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_growth_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_growth(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } void sigmund_minpower_set(t_sigmund *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av) { if (ac && av) sigmund_minpower(x, atom_getfloat(av)); } /* end attr setters */ void sigmund_assist(t_sigmund *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s) { } int main() { t_class *c; long attrflags = 0; t_symbol *sym_long = gensym("long"), *sym_float32 = gensym("float32"); c = class_new("sigmund~", (method)sigmund_new, (method)sigmund_free, sizeof(t_sigmund), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0); class_obexoffset_set(c, calcoffset(t_sigmund, obex)); class_addattr(c, attr_offset_new("npts", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_npts_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_npts))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("hop", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_hop_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_hop))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("maxfreq", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_maxfreq_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_maxfreq))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("npeak", sym_long, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_npeak_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_npeak))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("vibrato", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_vibrato_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_vibrato))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("stabletime", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_stabletime_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_stabletime))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("growth", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_growth_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_growth))); class_addattr(c ,attr_offset_new("minpower", sym_float32, attrflags, (method)0L, (method)sigmund_minpower_set, calcoffset(t_sigmund, x_minpower))); class_addmethod(c, (method)sigmund_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)sigmund_print, "print", 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)sigmund_print, "printnext", A_DEFFLOAT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)sigmund_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_dumpout, "dumpout", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(c, (method)object_obex_quickref, "quickref", A_CANT, 0); class_dspinit(c); class_register(CLASS_BOX, c); sigmund_class = c; post("sigmund~ version 0.07"); return (0); } #endif /* MSP */