/* $Id: bitpacking.c,v 1.2 2006-03-15 04:37:06 matju Exp $ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001,2002,2003,2004 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "grid.h.fcs" #include #include #include //#define CONVERT0(z) (((in[z] << hb[z]) >> 7) & mask[z]) #define CONVERT0(z) ((in[z] >> chop[z]) << slide[z]) #define CONVERT1 t = \ CONVERT0(0) | CONVERT0(1) | CONVERT0(2) #define CONVERT2 \ for (t=0,i=0; isize; i++) t |= CONVERT0(i); #define CONVERT3 \ for (t=0,i=0; isize; i++) \ t |= (((unsigned)in[i]>>(7-hb[i]))|(in[i]<<(hb[i]-7))) & mask[i]; #define WRITE_LE \ for (int bytes = self->bytes; bytes; bytes--, t>>=8) *out++ = t; #define WRITE_BE { int bytes; \ bytes = self->bytes; \ while (bytes--) { out[bytes] = t; t>>=8; }\ out += self->bytes; } /* this macro would be faster if the _increment_ was done only once every loop. or maybe gcc does it, i dunno */ #define NTIMES(_x_) \ for (; n>=4; n-=4) { _x_ _x_ _x_ _x_ } \ for (; n; n--) { _x_ } /* this could be faster (use asm) */ void swap32 (int n, Pt data) { NTIMES({ uint32 x = *data; x = (x<<16) | (x>>16); x = ((x&0xff00ff)<<8) | ((x>>8)&0xff00ff); *data++ = x; }) } /* this could be faster (use asm or do it in int32 chunks) */ void swap16 (int n, Pt data) { NTIMES({ uint16 x = *data; *data++ = (x<<8) | (x>>8); }) } /* **************************************************************** */ template static void default_pack(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { uint32 t; int i; int sameorder = self->endian==2 || self->endian==::is_le(); int size = self->size; uint32 mask[4]; memcpy(mask,self->mask,size*sizeof(uint32)); uint32 hb[4]; for (i=0; ibytes) { case 2: NTIMES(CONVERT1; *((int16 *)out)=t; out+=2; in+=3;) return; case 4: NTIMES(CONVERT1; *((int32 *)out)=t; out+=4; in+=3;) return; } } if (self->is_le()) { switch (size) { case 3: for (; n--; in+=3) {CONVERT1; WRITE_LE;} break; case 4: for (; n--; in+=4) {CONVERT1; WRITE_LE;} break; default:for (; n--; in+=size) {CONVERT2; WRITE_LE;}} } else { switch (size) { case 3: for (; n--; in+=3) {CONVERT1; WRITE_BE;} break; case 4: for (; n--; in+=4) {CONVERT1; WRITE_BE;} break; default:for (; n--; in+=size) {CONVERT2; WRITE_BE;}} } } #define LOOP_UNPACK(_reader_) \ for (; n; n--) { \ int bytes=0; uint32 temp=0; _reader_; \ for (int i=0; isize; i++, out++) { \ uint32 t=temp&self->mask[i]; \ *out = (t<<(7-hb[i]))|(t>>(hb[i]-7)); \ } \ } // *out++ = ((temp & self->mask[i]) << 7) >> hb[i]; template static void default_unpack(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { int hb[4]; for (int i=0; isize; i++) hb[i] = highest_bit(self->mask[i]); if (is_le()) { // smallest byte first LOOP_UNPACK( for(; self->bytes>bytes; bytes++, in++) temp |= *in<<(8*bytes); ) } else { // biggest byte first LOOP_UNPACK( bytes=self->bytes; for (; bytes; bytes--, in++) temp=(temp<<8)|*in; ) } } /* **************************************************************** */ template static void pack2_565(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { const int hb[3] = {15,10,4}; const uint32 mask[3] = {0x0000f800,0x000007e0,0x0000001f}; uint32 span[3] = {4,5,4}; uint32 chop[3] = {3,2,3}; uint32 slide[3] = {11,5,0}; uint32 t; NTIMES(CONVERT1; *((short *)out)=t; out+=2; in+=3;) } template static void pack3_888(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { Pt o32 = (Pt)out; while (n>=4) { o32[0] = (in[5]<<24) | (in[ 0]<<16) | (in[ 1]<<8) | in[2]; o32[1] = (in[7]<<24) | (in[ 8]<<16) | (in[ 3]<<8) | in[4]; o32[2] = (in[9]<<24) | (in[10]<<16) | (in[11]<<8) | in[6]; o32+=3; in+=12; n-=4; } out = (Pt)o32; NTIMES( out[2]=in[0]; out[1]=in[1]; out[0]=in[2]; out+=3; in+=3; ) } /* template <> static void pack3_888(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { Pt o32 = Pt((uint32 *)out.p,n*3/4); Pt i32 = Pt((uint32 *)in.p,n*3/4); while (n>=4) { #define Z(w,i) ((word##w>>(i*8))&255) uint32 word0 = i32[0]; uint32 word1 = i32[1]; uint32 word2 = i32[2]; o32[0] = (Z(1,1)<<24) | (Z(0,0)<<16) | (Z(0,1)<<8) | Z(0,2); o32[1] = (Z(1,3)<<24) | (Z(2,0)<<16) | (Z(0,3)<<8) | Z(1,0); o32[2] = (Z(2,1)<<24) | (Z(2,2)<<16) | (Z(2,3)<<8) | Z(1,2); o32+=3; i32+=3; n-=4; } #undef Z out = (Pt)o32; in = (Pt)i32; NTIMES( out[2]=in[0]; out[1]=in[1]; out[0]=in[2]; out+=3; in+=3; ) } */ template static void pack3_888b(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { Pt o32 = (Pt)out; while (n>=4) { o32[0] = (in[0]<<16) | (in[1]<<8) | in[2]; o32[1] = (in[3]<<16) | (in[4]<<8) | in[5]; o32[2] = (in[6]<<16) | (in[7]<<8) | in[8]; o32[3] = (in[9]<<16) | (in[10]<<8) | in[11]; o32+=4; in+=12; n-=4; } NTIMES( o32[0] = (in[0]<<16) | (in[1]<<8) | in[2]; o32++; in+=3; ) } // (R,G,B,?) -> B:8,G:8,R:8,0:8 // fishy template static void pack3_bgrn8888(BitPacking *self, int n, Pt in, Pt out) { /* NTIMES( out[2]=in[0]; out[1]=in[1]; out[0]=in[2]; out+=4; in+=4; ) */ Pt i32 = (Pt)in; Pt o32 = (Pt)out; while (n>=4) { o32[0] = ((i32[0]&0xff)<<16) | (i32[0]&0xff00) | ((i32[0]>>16)&0xff); o32[1] = ((i32[1]&0xff)<<16) | (i32[1]&0xff00) | ((i32[1]>>16)&0xff); o32[2] = ((i32[2]&0xff)<<16) | (i32[2]&0xff00) | ((i32[2]>>16)&0xff); o32[3] = ((i32[3]&0xff)<<16) | (i32[3]&0xff00) | ((i32[3]>>16)&0xff); o32+=4; i32+=4; n-=4; } NTIMES( o32[0] = ((i32[0]&0xff)<<16) | (i32[0]&0xff00) | ((i32[0]>>16)&0xff); o32++; i32++; ) } static uint32 bp_masks[][4] = { {0x0000f800,0x000007e0,0x0000001f,0}, {0x00ff0000,0x0000ff00,0x000000ff,0}, }; static Packer bp_packers[] = { {default_pack, default_pack, default_pack}, {pack2_565, pack2_565, pack2_565}, {pack3_888, pack3_888, pack3_888}, {pack3_888b, default_pack, default_pack}, {pack3_bgrn8888, default_pack, default_pack}, }; static Unpacker bp_unpackers[] = { {default_unpack, default_unpack, default_unpack}, }; static BitPacking builtin_bitpackers[] = { BitPacking(2, 2, 3, bp_masks[0], &bp_packers[1], &bp_unpackers[0]), BitPacking(1, 3, 3, bp_masks[1], &bp_packers[2], &bp_unpackers[0]), BitPacking(1, 4, 3, bp_masks[1], &bp_packers[3], &bp_unpackers[0]), BitPacking(1, 4, 4, bp_masks[1], &bp_packers[4], &bp_unpackers[0]), }; /* **************************************************************** */ bool BitPacking::eq(BitPacking *o) { if (!(bytes == o->bytes)) return false; if (!(size == o->size)) return false; for (int i=0; imask[i])) return false; } if (endian==o->endian) return true; /* same==little on a little-endian; same==big on a big-endian */ return (endian ^ o->endian ^ ::is_le()) == 2; } BitPacking::BitPacking(int endian, int bytes, int size, uint32 *mask, Packer *packer, Unpacker *unpacker) { this->endian = endian; this->bytes = bytes; this->size = size; for (int i=0; imask[i] = mask[i]; if (packer) { this->packer = packer; this->unpacker = unpacker; return; } int packeri=-1; this->packer = &bp_packers[0]; this->unpacker = &bp_unpackers[0]; for (int i=0; i<(int)(sizeof(builtin_bitpackers)/sizeof(BitPacking)); i++) { BitPacking *bp = &builtin_bitpackers[i]; if (this->eq(bp)) { this->packer = bp->packer; this->unpacker = bp->unpacker; packeri=i; goto end; } } end:; /* ::gfpost("Bitpacking: endian=%d bytes=%d size=%d packeri=%d", endian, bytes, size, packeri); ::gfpost(" packer=0x%08x unpacker=0x%08x",this->packer,this->unpacker); ::gfpost(" mask=[0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x,0x%08x]",mask[0],mask[1],mask[2],mask[3]); */ } bool BitPacking::is_le() { return endian==1 || (endian ^ ::is_le())==3; } template void BitPacking::pack(int n, Pt in, Pt out) { switch (NumberTypeE_type_of(*in)) { case uint8_e: packer->as_uint8(this,n,(Pt)in,out); break; case int16_e: packer->as_int16(this,n,(Pt)in,out); break; case int32_e: packer->as_int32(this,n,(Pt)in,out); break; default: RAISE("argh"); } } template void BitPacking::unpack(int n, Pt in, Pt out) { switch (NumberTypeE_type_of(*out)) { case uint8_e: unpacker->as_uint8(this,n,in,(Pt)out); break; case int16_e: unpacker->as_int16(this,n,in,(Pt)out); break; case int32_e: unpacker->as_int32(this,n,in,(Pt)out); break; default: RAISE("argh"); } } // i'm sorry... see the end of grid.c for an explanation... //static void make_hocus_pocus () { // exit(1); #define FOO(S) \ ((BitPacking*)0)->pack(0,Pt(),Pt()); \ ((BitPacking*)0)->unpack(0,Pt(),Pt()); EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO }