# $Id: test.rb,v 1.2 2006-03-15 04:37:28 matju Exp $ $:.delete_if {|x| x=='.' } require "gridflow" include GridFlow GridFlow.verbose=true $imdir = "./images" $animdir = "./images/movies" srand Time.new.to_i $port = 4200+rand(100) def pressakey; puts "press return to continue."; readline; end FO = FObject # shortcut class Expect < FO def praise(*a) #raise(*a) puts a end def expect(*v) @count=0 @v=v @expecting=true yield @expecting=false praise "wrong number of messages (#{@count}), expecting #{@v.inspect}" if @count!=@v.length end def _0_list(*l) return if not @expecting praise "wrong number of messages (#{@count})" if @count==@v.length praise "got #{l.inspect} expecting #{@v.inspect}" if @v[@count]!=l @count+=1 end def method_missing(s,*a) praise "stray message: #{s}: #{a.inspect}" end install "expect", 1, 0 end def cast value, type case type when :b, :u8,:uint8; value & 0xff when :s,:i16,:int16; (value & 0x7fff) - (value & 0x8000) when :i,:i32,:int32; value when :l,:i64,:int64; value when :f,:f32,:float32; value.to_f when :d,:f64,:float64; value.to_f when :r,:ruby; value else raise "hell" end end def test_bitpacking #!@#$ WRITE ME end def test_numops #!@#$ WRITE ME end #def tnt() for nt in [:b,:s,:i,:l,:f,:d,:r] do yield end end def _(o,s,i,d) o.connect(s,i,d) end def chain(*a) (a.length-1).times {|i| a[i].connect 0,a[i+1],a } a[-1] end def test_math for nt in [:b,:s,:i,:l,:f,:d,:r] do hm = "#".intern #GridFlow.verbose = false (e=FO["#export_list"]) (x=Expect.new) _ e,0,x,0 x.expect([1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23]) { e.send_in 0, 3,3,nt,hm,1,2,3,11,12,13,21,22,23 } (a=FO["fork"]) (b=FO["@ +"]) _ a,0,b,0 _ a,1,b,1 _ b,0,e,0 x.expect([4]) { a.send_in 0, 2 } x.expect([2,3,5,7]) { e.send_in 0,:list,nt,2,3,5,7 } a = FO["#fold + , seed {#{nt} # 0}"] _ a,0,e,0 x.expect([cast(420000,nt)]) { a.send_in 0,"10000 #{nt} # 42" } a = FO["# + {#{nt} 0 10}"] _ a,0,e,0 x.expect([1,12,4,18,16,42,64]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 } a = FO["# + {#{nt} 2 3 5}"] b = FO["#fold + , seed {#{nt} # 0}"] _ a,0,b,0 _ b,0,e,0 x.expect([cast(45332,nt)]) { a.send_in 0, 1000,nt,hm,42 } a = FO["@ + {#{nt} # 42}"] _ a,0,e,0 x.expect((43..169).to_a) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, *(1..127).to_a } x.expect([3,5,9,15]) { a.send_in 1,:list,4,nt,hm, 2,3,5,7 a.send_in 0,:list,4,nt,hm, 1,2,4,8 } x.expect([11,12,14,18]) { a.send_in 1, "list #{nt} # 10" a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,2,4,8 } if nt!=:b and nt!=:f and nt!=:d a=FO["# / {#{nt} # 3}" ]; _ a,0,e,0; x.expect([-2,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,2]) { a.send_in(0,:list,nt, *(-6..6).to_a) } a=FO["# div {#{nt} # 3}"]; _ a,0,e,0; x.expect([-2,-2,-2,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1,2]) { a.send_in(0, :list, nt, *(-6..6).to_a) } end (a = FO["# ignore {#{nt} # 42}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect((42..52).to_a) { a.send_in(0, :list, nt, *(42..52).to_a) } (a = FO["# put {#{nt} # 42}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([42]*13) { a.send_in(0, :list, nt, *(-6..6).to_a) } if nt!=:b (a = FO["# abs-"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([2,3,5,7]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, -2,3,-5,7 } end (a = FO["#fold *, seed {#{nt} # 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([210]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 2,3,5,7 } x.expect([128]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,2 } (a = FO["#fold +, seed {#{nt} 0 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([18,23]) { a.send_in 0, 3,2,nt,hm,2,3,5,7,11,13 } (a = FO["#scan +, seed {#{nt} 0 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([2,3,7,10,18,23]) { a.send_in 0, 3,2,nt,hm,2,3,5,7,11,13 } (a = FO["#scan *, seed {#{nt} # 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([2,6,30,210]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 2,3,5,7 } x.expect([1,1,2,2,4,8,16,16,16,32,32,64,128]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,2 } (a = FO["#scan +, seed {#{nt} 0 0 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([1,2,3,5,7,9,12,15,18]) { a.send_in 0,:list,3,3,nt,hm,*(1..9).to_a } (a = FO["#scan +, seed {#{nt} # 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([1,3,6, 4,9,15, 7,15,24]) { a.send_in 0,:list,3,3,nt,hm,*(1..9).to_a } (a = FO["#outer +"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([9,10,12,17,18,20,33,34,36]) { a.send_in 1,:list,nt, 1,2,4 a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 8,16,32 } x.expect((0...100).to_a) { a.send_in 1,(0...10).to_a a.send_in 0,(0...10).map{|i| 10*i }} if nt!=:b and nt!=:f and nt!=:d (a = FO["#outer",:%,[nt,3,-3]]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([0,0,1,-2,2,-1,0,0,1,-2,2,-1,0,0]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, -30,-20,-10,0,+10,+20,+30 } (a = FO["#outer","swap%".intern,[nt,3,-3]]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([-27,-3,-17,-3,-7,-3,0,0,3,7,3,17,3,27]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, -30,-20,-10,0,+10,+20,+30 } end (a = FO["#import {3}"]).connect 0,e,0; x.expect([2,3,5]) { [2,3,5].each {|v| a.send_in 0,:list,nt,hm,v }} (a = FO["#import {3}"]).connect 0,e,0; x.expect([2,3,5]) { [2,3,5].each {|v| a.send_in 0,:list,nt,v }} (a = FO["#redim {5}"]).connect 0,e,0; x.expect([2,3,5,2,3]) { a.send_in 0,:list,2,3,5 } (a = FO["#redim {5}"]).connect 0,e,0; x.expect([0,0,0,0,0]) { a.send_in 0,:list } (a = FO["#redim {0}"]).connect 0,e,0; x.expect([]) { a.send_in 0,:list,42,37,69 } (a = FO["#inner {2 2 #{nt} # 2 3 5 7}, seed {#{nt} # 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 (i0 = FO["@redim {2 2}"]).connect 0,a,0 x.expect([12,17,48,68]) { i0.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,2,4,8 } (a = FO["#outer * {3 2 #{nt} # 1 2 3}"]).connect 0,e,0 b = FO["#dim"] c = FO["#export_list"] a.connect 0,b,0 y = Expect.new b.connect 0,c,0 c.connect 0,y,0 y.expect([2,3,2]) { x.expect([1,2,3,1,2,3,10,20,30,10,20,30]) { a.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1, 10 }} #pr=GridPrint.new (b = FO["#redim {5 5}"]).connect 0,e,0 (a = FO["#convolve, seed {#{nt} # 0}"]).connect 0,b,0 (i0 = FO["#redim {5 5 1}"]).connect 0,a,0 (i1 = FO["#redim {3 1}"]).connect 0,a,1 i1.send_in 1, 3,3 x.expect([5,6,5,4,4,4,6,7,6,4,3,3,6,7,5,4,2,3,6,6,5,4,3,4,5]) { a.send_in 1,:list,3,3,nt,hm, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 i0.send_in 0,:list,nt, 1,1,1,0,0,0 } (a = FO["#convolve, seed {#{nt} # 0}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([1,3,6,4,0]) { a.send_in 1, 1,2,nt,hm, 1,1 a.send_in 0, 1,5,nt,hm, 0,1,2,4,0 } (a = FO["#import {4}"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([2,3,5,7]) { [2,3,5,7].each {|v| a.send_in 0,v }} x.expect([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]) { a.send_in 1, :list, 3 a.send_in 0, :list, *(1..9).to_a} for o in ["#store"] (a = FO[o]).connect 0,e,0 a.send_in 1, 5, 4, nt, hm, 1,2,3,4,5 x.expect([1,2,3,4,4,5,1,2,2,3,4,5]) { a.send_in 0, 3,1, hm, 0,2,4 } x.expect([1,2,3,4,5]*24) { a.send_in 0, 2,3,0,hm } x.expect([1,2,3,4,5]*4) { a.send_in 0, 0,hm } x.expect([1,2,3,4,5]*4) { a.send_in 0 } x.expect([1,2,3,4]) { a.send_in 0,[0] } a.send_in 1,:put_at,[0,0] a.send_in 1,2,2,nt,hm,6,7,8,9 x.expect([6,7,3,4, 8,9,2,3, 4,5,1,2, 3,4,5,1, 2,3,4,5]) { a.send_in 0 } x.expect([6,7,3,4]) { a.send_in 0,[0] } x.expect([8,9,2,3]) { a.send_in 0,[1] } a.send_in 1,:put_at,[1,1] a.send_in 1,2,2,nt,hm,11,13,17,19 x.expect([6,7,3,4, 8,11,13,3, 4,17,19,2, 3,4,5,1, 2,3,4,5]) { a.send_in 0 } end b = FO["#dim"] c = FO["#export_list"] a.connect 0,b,0 y = Expect.new b.connect 0,c,0 c.connect 0,y,0 if nt!=:b and nt!=:f and nt!=:d and nt!=:l (a = FO["#for {#{nt} # 0} {#{nt} # 10} {#{nt} # 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([10]) { x.expect((0...10).to_a) { a.send_in 0 } } (a = FO["#for {#{nt} # 0} {#{nt} # -10} {#{nt} # 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([0]) { x.expect([]) { a.send_in 0 } } (a = FO["#for {#{nt} # 0} {#{nt} # -10} {#{nt} # -1}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([10]) { x.expect([0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9]) { a.send_in 0 } } (a = FO["#for {#{nt} 0} {#{nt} 10} {#{nt} 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([10,1]) { x.expect((0...10).to_a) { a.send_in 0 } } (a = FO["#for {#{nt} 2 3} {#{nt} 5 7} {#{nt} 1 1}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([3,4,2]) { x.expect([2,3,2,4,2,5,2,6,3,3,3,4,3,5,3,6,4,3,4,4,4,5,4,6]) { a.send_in 0 } } end (a = FO["@complex_sq"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([8,0]) { a.send_in 0, 2, 2 } x.expect([0,9]) { a.send_in 0, 0, 3 } (a = FO["#rotate 3000 {1 2 5}"]).connect 0,e,0 a.send_in 0, "5 5 # 1000 0 0 0 0 0" #if nt==:f or nt==:d # (a = FO["@matrix_solve"]).connect 0,e,0 # x.expect([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]) { a.send_in 0, 3, 3, nt, hm, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1 } #end GridFlow.gfpost "ending test for #{nt}" end # for nt (a = FO["#pack 2"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([42,0]) { a.send_in 0,42 } x.expect([42,28]) { a.send_in 1,28 } x.expect([1313,28]) { a.send_in 0,1313 } (a = FO["#pack 3"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([42,0,0]) { a.send_in 0,42 } x.expect([42,28,0]) { a.send_in 1,28 } x.expect([42,28,-1]) { a.send_in 2,-1 } (a = FO["#pack 4"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([42,0,0,0]) { a.send_in 0,42 } x.expect([42,0,0,-42]) { a.send_in 3,-42 } (a = FO["#pack 5"]).connect 0,e,0 x.expect([3.5,0,0,0]) { a.send_in 0,3.5 } x.expect([3.5,0,0,-3.5]) { a.send_in 3,-3.5 } e = FO["#export_list"] e.connect 0,x,0 a = FO["#import per_message"] a.connect 0,e,0 x.expect([1,2,3]) { a.send_in 0,1,2,3 } x.expect([102,111,111]) { a.send_in 0,:symbol,:foo } x.expect([ 70, 79, 79]) { a.send_in 0,:symbol,:FOO } a = FO["@join 1"] a.connect 0,e,0 a.send_in 1,2,2,nt,hm,11,13,17,19 x.expect([2,3,11,13,5,7,17,19]) { a.send_in 0,2,2,nt,hm,2,3,5,7 } if nt!=:d a.send_in 1, 5,1,nt,hm,42 y.expect([5,4]) { x.expect([2,3,5,42,7,11,13,42,17,19,23,42,29,31,37,42,41,43,47,42]) { a.send_in 0, 5,3,nt,hm,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47 }} end a = FO["@join 0"] a.connect 0,e,0 a.send_in 1,2,2,nt,hm,11,13,17,19 x.expect([2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19]) { a.send_in 0,2,2,nt,hm,2,3,5,7 } a = FO["@join 0 {2 2 2 #{nt} # 1 2 3}"] a.connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 y.expect([2,2,2]) { x.expect([1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2]) { a.send_in 0,0,2,2,nt,hm }} a = FO["#ravel"] b = FO["#dim"] be = FO["#export_list"] bx = Expect.new a.connect 0,e,0 a.connect 0,b,0 b.connect 0,be,0 be.connect 0,bx,0 bx.expect([9]) { x.expect([1,2,3,2,4,6,3,6,9]) { o = FO["#outer *"] o.connect 0,a,0 o.send_in 1,1,2,3 o.send_in 0,1,2,3 } } a = FO["#grade"] a.connect 0,e,0 x.expect([0,2,4,6,8,9,7,5,3,1]) { a.send_in 0, 0,9,1,8,2,7,3,6,4,5 } x.expect([0,9,1,8,2,7,3,6,4,5]) { a.send_in 0, 0,2,4,6,8,9,7,5,3,1 } x.expect([7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]) { a.send_in 0, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 } a = FO["#grade"] b = FO["#fold +"] a.connect 0,b,0 b.connect 0,e,0 x.expect([100*99/2]) { a.send_in 0, (0...100).map { (rand*0x10000).to_i }} x.expect([100*99/2]) { a.send_in 0, (0...100).map { (rand*0x10).to_i }} x.expect([100*99/2]) { a.send_in 0, (0...100).map { 0 }} a = FO["#perspective"] a.connect 0,e,0 c = [] 8.times {|v| 3.times {|i| c << (v[i] * 1000 - 500) + (if i==2 then 2000 else 0 end) } } x.expect([ -85,-85,85,-85,-85,85,85,85, -51,-51,51,-51,-51,51,51,51]) { a.send_in 0, 8,3,hm,*c } # regressiontests for past bugs a = FO["#inner"] # that's it. end def test_rtmetro rt = FO["rtmetro 1000"] pr = FO["rubyprint"] rt.connect 0,pr,0 GridFlow.post "trying to start the rtmetro" rt.send_in 0,1 $mainloop.timers.after(10.0) { GridFlow.post "trying to stop the rtmetro (after 10 sec delay)" rt.send_in 0,0 } $mainloop.loop end def test_print i = FO["#redim {3}"] pr = FO["#print"] # pr = GridFlow::RubyPrint.new i.connect 0,pr,0 i.send_in 0, 85, 170, 255 i.send_in 1, 3, 3 i.send_in 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 i.send_in 1, 2, 2, 2 i.send_in 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 end class Barf < GridObject def _0_rgrid_begin raise "barf" end install_rgrid 0 install "barf", 1, 0 end def test_nonsense # (a = FO["@! abs"]).connect 0,e,0 # x.expect_error { # a.send_in 1, 42,42 } a = FO["#import {3}"] b = Barf.new a.connect 0,b,0 begin a.send_in 0, 1, 2, 3 rescue StandardError nil else raise "Expected StandardError" end p b.inlet_dim(0) end def test_store a = FO["#in file #{$imdir}/teapot.png"] b = FO["#store"] c = FO["#out x11"] a.connect 0,b,1 a.send_in 0,"cast uint8" a.send_in 0 b.connect 0,c,0 d = FO["#for {0 0} {256 256} {1 1}"] e = FO["# ^ 85"] d.connect 0,e,0 e.connect 0,b,0 f = FO["fps detailed"] c.connect 0,f,0 pr = FO["rubyprint"] f.connect 0,pr,0 GridFlow.verbose = false 256.times {|t| e.send_in 1,t d.send_in 0 } end # generates recursive checkerboard pattern (munchies) in bluish colours. class Munchies < FPatcher @FOs = ["fork","fork","#for 0 64 1","#for 0 64 1","#for 2 5 1", "#outer ^","#outer *"] @wires = [-1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 1,1,4,0, 4,0,6,1, 1,0,3,0, 3,0,5,1, 0,0,2,0, 2,0,5,0, 5,0,6,0, 6,0,-1,0 ] def initialize() super end install "munchies",1,1 end def test_munchies m=Munchies.new gout = FO["#out window"] m.connect 0,gout,0 m.send_in 0 $mainloop.loop end def test_image command gin = FO["#in"] gout = FO["#out window"] gin.connect 0,gout,0 # 31.times { 3.times { gin.send_in 0,"open #{command}" gout.send_in 0,"timelog 1" gin.send_in 0 } FO["#global"].send_in 0, "profiler_dump" $mainloop.loop end def test_ppm2 gin = FO["#in"] store = FO["#store"] pa = FO["#convolve << + 0"] pb = FO["# / 9"] ra = FO["#redim {3 3}"] gout = FO["#out window"] gin.connect 0,store,1 store.connect 0,pa,0 pa.connect 0,pb,0 pb.connect 0,gout,0 ra.connect 0,pa,1 ra.send_in 0,"0 0" gout.send_in 0,"timelog 1" gin.send_in 0,"open file #{$imdir}/teapot.png" # gin.send_in 0,"open file #{$imdir}/g001.jpg" gin.send_in 0 # 40.times { store.send_in 0 } loop { store.send_in 0 } v4j = FO["#global"] v4j.send_in 0,"profiler_dump" # $mainloop.loop end def test_foo foo = FO["#for {0 0} {64 64} {1 1}"] che = FO["#checkers"] sca = FO["#scale_by {5 3}"] out = FO["#out window"] foo.connect 0,che,0 che.connect 0,sca,0 sca.connect 0,out,0 foo.send_in 0 $mainloop.loop end def test_anim(*msgs) GridFlow.verbose = false gin = FO["#in"] gout1 = FO["#out window"] #gout1 = FO["@out quicktime file test.mov"] #gout1.send_in 0, :codec, :jpeg fps = FO["fps detailed"] rpr = FO["rubyprint"] gout1.connect 0,fps,0 #fps.connect 0,rpr,0 =begin gout1 = FO["#downscale_by {3 2}"] gout2 = FO["#rgb_to_greyscale"] gout3 = FO["#out aalib X11 -height 60 -width 132"] gout1.connect 0,gout2,0 gout2.connect 0,gout3,0 =end rpr = FO["rubyprint"] # gin.connect 1,rpr,0 gin.connect 0,gout1,0 =begin layer=FO["@layer"] gin.connect 0,layer,0 layer.connect 0,gout1,0 check=FO["@checkers"] phor=FO["@for {0 0} {256 256} {1 1}"] phor.connect 0,check,0 check.connect 0,layer,1 phor.send_in 0 =end # scale = FO["@scale_by 3"] # gin.connect 0,scale,0 # scale.connect 0,gout1,0 # pr = FO["rubyprint time"]; gout.connect 0,pr,0 msgs.each {|m| gin.send_in 0,m } gin.send_in 0, "cast uint8" # gout.send_in 0,"timelog 1" d=Time.new frames=2000 frames.times {|n| #GridFlow.post "%d", n gin.send_in 0 #gin.send_in 0, rand(1000) } # loop { gin.send_in 0 } # metro = FO["rtmetro 80"] # metro.connect 0,gin,0 # metro.send_in 0,1 # $mainloop.loop d=Time.new-d printf "%d frames in %.6f seconds (avg %.6f ms, %.6f fps)\n", frames, d, 1000*d/frames, frames/d # global.send_in 0,"dfgdfgdkfjgl" gout1.send_in 0, :close global = FO["@global"] global.send_in 0,"profiler_dump" end class TestTCP < FO attr_accessor :idle def initialize @idle = true end def _0_bang # GridFlow.gfpost "tick" # avoid recursion $mainloop.timers.after(0) { ($in_client.send_in 0; @idle=false) if @idle } end install "tcptest",1,1 end def test_tcp if fork # client (is receiving) GridFlow.post_header = "[client] " $in_client = in1 = FO["@in"] out = FO["@out x11"] in1.connect 0,out,0 out.send_in 0,"timelog 1" out.send_in 0,"autodraw 2" GridFlow.post "test: waiting 1 second" sleep 1 p "HI" #in1.send_in 0,"open grid tcp localhost #{$port}" in1.send_in 0,"open grid tcp #{$port}" p "HI" test_tcp = TestTCP.new out.connect 0,test_tcp,0 test_tcp.connect 0,in1,0 GridFlow.post "entering mainloop..." $mainloop.loop else # server (is sending) GridFlow.post_header = "[server] " $in1_server = in1 = FO["@in"] $in2_server = in2 = FO["@in"] $out = out = FO["@out"] toggle = 0 in1.connect 0,out,0 in2.connect 0,out,0 in1.send_in 0,"open #{$imdir}/r001.jpg" in2.send_in 0,"open #{$imdir}/b001.jpg" out.send_in 0,"open grid tcpserver #{$port}" out.send_in 0,"type uint8" test_tcp = GridFlow::FO.new def test_tcp._0_bang # GridFlow.post "tick" @toggle ||= 0 # avoid recursion $mainloop.timers.after(0.01) { if $out.format.stream if @toggle==0; $in1_server else $in2_server end.send_in 0 @toggle ^= 1 end _0_bang } end out.connect 0,test_tcp,0 test_tcp.send_in 0 GridFlow.post "entering mainloop..." $mainloop.loop end end def test_layer gin = FO["@in png file ShaunaKennedy/atmosphere-bleu.png"] # gin1 = FO["@in file #{$imdir}/r001.jpg"] # gin = FO["@join 2 {240 320 1 # 128}"] # gin1.connect 0,gin,0 # gfor = FO["@for {0 0} {120 160} {1 1}"] # gfor = FO["@for {0 0} {240 320} {1 1}"] gfor = FO["@for {0 0} {480 640} {1 1}"] gche = FO["@checkers"] gove = FO["@layer"] # gove = FO["@fold + {0 0 0 0}"] # gout = FO["@print"] # gove = FO["@inner2 * + 0 {3 4 # 1 0 0 0 0}"] # gout = FO["@out sdl"] gout = FO["@out x11"] gin.connect 0,gove,0 gfor.connect 0,gche,0 gche.connect 0,gove,1 gove.connect 0,gout,0 gfor.send_in 0 fps = FO["fps detailed"] pr = FO["rubyprint"] gout.connect 0,fps,0 fps.connect 0,pr,0 loop{gin.send_in 0} # gin.send_in 0 # gin1.send_in 0 $mainloop.loop end Images = [ "png file opensource.png", "#{$imdir}/ruby0216.jpg", "#{$imdir}/g001.jpg", # "#{$imdir}/teapot.tga", "grid gzfile #{$imdir}/foo.grid.gz", "grid gzfile #{$imdir}/foo2.grid.gz", # "videodev /dev/video0", ] def test_formats_speed gin = FO["@in"] gout = FO["@out x11"] gin.connect 0,gout,0 GridFlow.verbose=false t1=[] Images.each {|command| gin.send_in 0,"open #{command}" t0 = Time.new 10.times {gin.send_in 0} t1 << (Time.new - t0) sleep 1 } p t1 end def test_formats gin = FO["@in"] gout = FO["@out window"] gs = FO["@ + {int16 # 0}"] gin.connect 0,gs,0 gs.connect 0,gout,0 # GridFlow.verbose=false t1=[] Images.each {|command| GridFlow.post "SENDING open %s", command gin.send_in 0,"open #{command}" gin.send_in 0,"cast int16" # test for load, rewind, load 5.times {|x| gs.send_in 1, [:int16, '#'.intern, x*128]; gin.send_in 0} # test for filehandle leak #1000.times { gin.send_in 0,"open #{command}" } sleep 1 } p t1 end def test_rewind gin = FO["@in videodev /dev/video1 noinit"] gin.send_in 0, "transfer read" gout = FO["@out ppm file /tmp/foo.ppm"] # gout = FO["@out x11"] gin.connect 0,gout,0 loop { gin.send_in 0 gout.send_in 0, "rewind" } end def test_formats_write # read files, store and save them, reload, compare, expect identical a = FO["@in"] b = FO["@out"]; a.connect 0,b,0 c = FO["@ -"]; a.connect 0,c,1 d = FO["@in"]; d.connect 0,c,0 e = FO["@fold +"]; c.connect 0,e,0 f = FO["@fold +"]; e.connect 0,f,0 g = FO["@fold +"]; f.connect 0,g,0 h = FO["@ / 15000"]; g.connect 0,h,0 i = FO["@export_list"]; h.connect 0,i,0 x = Expect.new; i.connect 0,x,0 [ ["ppm file", "#{$imdir}/g001.jpg"], ["targa file", "#{$imdir}/teapot.tga"], ["targa file", "#{$imdir}/tux.tga"], ["jpeg file", "#{$imdir}/ruby0216.jpg"], ["grid gzfile", "#{$imdir}/foo.grid.gz", "endian little"], ["grid gzfile", "#{$imdir}/foo.grid.gz", "endian big"], ].each {|type,file,*rest| a.send_in 0, "open #{type} #{file}" b.send_in 0, "open #{type} /tmp/patate" rest.each {|r| b.send_in 0,r } a.send_in 0 b.send_in 0, "close" raise "written file does not exist" if not File.exist? "/tmp/patate" d.send_in 0, "open #{type} /tmp/patate" x.expect([0]) { d.send_in 0 } # d.send_in 0 } end def test_mpeg_write a = FO["@in ppm file /opt/mex/r.ppm.cat"] b = FO["@out x11"] a.connect 0,b,0 loop{a.send_in 0} end def test_headerless gout = FO["@out"] gout.send_in 0, "open grid file #{$imdir}/hello.txt" gout.send_in 0, "headerless" gout.send_in 0, "type uint8" gout.send_in 0, "104 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100 33 10" gout.send_in 0, "close" gin = FO["@in"] pr = FO["@print"] gin.connect 0,pr,0 gin.send_in 0, "open grid file #{$imdir}/hello.txt" gin.send_in 0, "headerless 13" gin.send_in 0, "type uint8" gin.send_in 0 end def test_sound # o2 = FO["@ * 359"] # @ 439.775 Hz # o1 = FO["@for 0 44100 1"] # 1 sec @ 1.225 Hz ? o1 = FO["@for 0 4500 1"] o2 = FO["@ * 1600"] # @ 439.775 Hz o3 = FO["@ sin* 255"] o4 = FO["@ gamma 400"] o5 = FO["@ << 7"] out = FO["@out"] o1.connect 0,o2,0 o2.connect 0,o3,0 o3.connect 0,o4,0 o4.connect 0,o5,0 o5.connect 0,out,0 # out.send_in 0,"open raw file /dev/dsp" out.send_in 0,"open grid file /dev/dsp" out.send_in 0,"type int16" x=0 loop { o4.send_in 1, x o1.send_in 0 x+=10 } end include Math def test_polygon o1 = FO["@for 0 5 1"] o2 = FO["@ * 14400"] o3 = FO["@outer + {0 9000}"] o4 = FO["@ +"] o5 = FO["@ cos* 112"] o6 = FO["@ + {120 160}"] poly = FO["@draw_polygon + {3 uint8 # 255}"] if false out1 = FO["@cast int32"] out2 = FO["@solarize"] # out1 = FO["@downscale_by 2 smoothly"] out3 = FO["@out x11"] out1.connect 0,out2,0 out2.connect 0,out3,0 else out1 = FO["@out x11"] fps = FO["fps detailed cpu"] out1.connect 0,fps,0 pr = FO["rubyprint"] fps.connect 0,pr,0 end store = FO["@store"]; store.send_in 1, "240 320 3 uint8 # 0" # store2 = FO["@store"] store.connect 0,poly,0 poly.connect 0,store,1 # store2.connect 0,store,1 o1.connect 0,o2,0 o2.connect 0,o3,0 o3.connect 0,o4,0 o4.connect 0,o5,0 o5.connect 0,o6,0 o6.connect 0,poly,2 # cast = FO["@cast int32"] # poly.connect 0,cast,0 # cast.connect 0,out1,0 poly.connect 0,out1,0 x=0 GridFlow.verbose=false task=proc { o4.send_in 1, 5000*x o5.send_in 1, 200+200*sin(x) poly.send_in 1,:list,:uint8, *(0..2).map{|i| 4+4*cos(0.2*x+i*PI*2/3) } o1.send_in 0 store.send_in 0 # store2.send_in 0 x+=1 if x<1000 then $mainloop.timers.after(0.0) {task[]} else GridGlobal.new.send_in 0,"profiler_dump"; exit end } task[] $mainloop.loop end class FRoute2 < FO def initialize(selector) @selector = selector.to_s end def method_missing(sym,*a) sym=sym.to_s if sym =~ /^_0_(.*)/ send_out((if $1==@selector then 0 else 1 end), $1.intern, *a) else super end end install "route2", 1, 2 end def test_aalib # gin = FO["@in ppm file #{$imdir}/r001.jpg"] gin = FO["@in ppm file #{$animdir}/b.jpg.cat"] grey = FO["@rgb_to_greyscale"] cont = FO["@ << 1"] clip = FO["@ min 255"] gout = FO["@out aalib X11"] sto = FO["@store"] op = FO["aa_fill_with_text {localhost 4242}"] filt = FO["route2 grid"] gin.connect 0,grey,0 grey.connect 0,cont,0 cont.connect 0,clip,0 clip.connect 0,gout,0 gout.connect 0,filt,0 filt.connect 0,sto,1 sto.connect 0,op,0 op.connect 0,gout,0 gout.send_in 0, :autodraw, 0 GridFlow.verbose = false task=proc{ gin.send_in 0 gout.send_in 0, :dump sto.send_in 0 gout.send_in 0, :draw $mainloop.timers.after(0.1,&task) } task[] $mainloop.loop end def test_store2 o = [ FO["@for {0 0} {240 320} {1 1}"], FO["@ / 2"], FO["@ + 0"], FO["@ + 0"], FO["@store"], FO["@out x11"]] (0..4).each {|x| o[x].connect 0,o[x+1],0 } q = FO["@in ppm file images/r001.jpg"] q.connect 0,o[4],1 q.send_in 0 o[0].send_in 0 $mainloop.loop end def test_remap rem = FO["@remap_image"] rot = FO["@rotate 4000"] rem.connect 1,rot,0 rot.connect 0,rem,1 gin = FO["@in ppm file #{$imdir}/teapot.png"] gout = FO["@out x11"] gin.connect 0,rem,0 rem.connect 0,gout,0 gin.send_in 0 $mainloop.loop end def test_asm GridFlow.verbose=false a = FO["@in ppm file images/r001.jpg"] aa = FO["@cast uint8"] b = FO["@store"] d = FO["@store"] a.connect 0,aa,0 aa.connect 0,b,1 aa.connect 0,d,1 a.send_in 0 c = FO["@ + {uint8 # 0}"] t0 = Time.new; 1000.times {b.send_in 0}; t1 = Time.new-t0 t1 *= 1 b.connect 0,c,0 stuff=proc{ 3.times{ t0 = Time.new; 1000.times {b.send_in 0}; t2 = Time.new-t0 t2 *= 1 GridFlow.post " %f %f %f", t1, t2, t2-t1 } } puts "map:" stuff[] d.connect 0,c,1 # for zip d.send_in 0 puts "zip:" stuff[] end def test_metro o1 = RtMetro.new(1000,:geiger) o2 = RubyPrint.new(:time) o1.connect 0,o2,0 o1.send_in 0,1 $mainloop.loop end def test_outer o = FO["@outer + {0}"] o.send_in 0, 25, 240, 320, 3, "#".intern, 42 g = FO["@global"] g.send_in 0, :profiler_dump end def test_jmax_to_pd filename require "gridflow/extra/jmax_format.rb" require "gridflow/extra/puredata_format.rb" jfr = JMaxFileReader.new(File.open(filename),FO) FO.broken_ok = true my_patcher = jfr.parse # my_patcher.subobjects.each {|x,| x.trigger if LoadBang===x } # $mainloop.loop # $p=my_patcher; ARGV.clear; load "/home/matju/bin/iruby" filename = File.basename filename filename[File.extname(filename)]=".pd" filename[0,0]="pd_examples/" pfw = PureDataFileWriter.new(filename) pfw.write_patcher my_patcher pfw.close end def test_error x = FO["@store"] x.send_in 0 end if ARGV[0] then name = ARGV.shift send "test_#{name}", *ARGV # ARGV.each {|a| send "test_#{a}" } exit 0 end #test_polygon #test_math #test_munchies #test_image "grid file #{$imdir}/foo.grid" #test_image "grid gzfile #{$imdir}/foo.grid.gz" #test_print #test_nonsense #test_ppm2 #test_anim "open file #{$imdir}/g001.jpg"#,"loop 0" #test_anim "open ppm file #{$animdir}/b.ppm.cat" #test_anim "open jpeg file #{$imdir}/rgb.jpeg.cat" #test_anim "open quicktime file BLAH" #test_anim "open quicktime file #{$imdir}/rgb_uncompressed.mov" #test_anim "open quicktime file #{$imdir}/test_mjpega.mov" #test_anim "open ppm gzfile motion_tracking.ppm.cat.gz" #test_anim "open videodev /dev/video","channel 1","size 480 640" #test_anim "open videodev /dev/video1 noinit","transfer read" #test_anim "open videodev /dev/video","channel 1","size 120 160" #test_anim "open mpeg file /home/matju/net/Animations/washington_zoom_in.mpeg" #test_anim "open quicktime file /home/matju/Shauna/part_1.mov" #test_anim "open quicktime file #{$imdir}/gt.mov" #test_anim "open quicktime file /home/matju/pics/domopers_hi.mov" #test_anim "open quicktime file /home/matju/net/c.mov" #test_formats #test_tcp #test_sound #test_metro #$mainloop.loop =begin a = FO["@print"] a.send_in 0, "3 3 #{nt} # 1 0 0 0" a.send_in 0, "3 3 3 #{nt} # 1 2 3 4" a.send_in 0, "base 16" a.send_in 0, "3 3 3 #{nt} # 255 0 0 0" =end