#N canvas 721 295 503 549 10;
#X obj 1 0 cnv 15 500 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X obj 0 428 cnv 15 500 17 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X obj 0 323 cnv 15 500 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X obj 0 346 cnv 15 60 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X text 214 430 Outlets (1);
#X obj 0 526 cnv 15 500 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X obj 0 449 cnv 15 60 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -228992 -66577
#X text 1 347 Inlet 0;
#X text 1 450 Outlet 0;
#X text 214 323 Inlets (1);
#X obj 11 233 cnv 15 63 17 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -241291 -66577
#X text 5 374 GRID;
#X obj 46 164 display;
#X text 209 525 Arguments (0);
#X obj 174 292 display;
#X text 3 477 LIST;
#X symbolatom 353 294 12 0 0 0 - - -;
#X text 59 374 Accepts a grid that will be transformed into a symbol.
#X text 57 477 The grid is transformed into a single message containing
a symbol.;
#X text 11 32 Produces a symbol from grid data in its input. The values
are expected to be valid ASCII codes \, but no check will be performed
for that \, and additionally \, no check will be made that the generated
symbol only contains characters that can be put in a symbol.;
#X msg 11 111 72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33;
#X obj 11 138 #import (3 2 2);
#X text 324 111 <-- create the grid here;
#X text 397 0 GridFlow 0.9.0;
#X obj 2 0 #to_symbol;
#X obj 11 233 #to_symbol;
#X obj 11 292 print converted_grid;
#X connect 20 0 21 0;
#X connect 21 0 12 0;
#X connect 21 0 25 0;
#X connect 25 0 14 0;
#X connect 25 0 16 0;
#X connect 25 0 26 0;