#N canvas 451 192 632 304 10;
#X obj 0 0 doc_h;
#X obj 0 275 doc_f;
#X obj 103 51 doc_editmode;
#X obj 3 113 doc_c 0;
#X obj 3 153 doc_i 2;
#X obj 3 235 doc_o 0;
#X obj 14 183 doc_ii 0;
#X obj 14 203 doc_ii 1;
#X obj 97 183 doc_m i0 float;
#X obj 97 203 doc_m i1 float;
#X text 200 182 x position of the button to manage;
#X text 232 203 1: also manage the rectangle;
#X text 226 50 used for handling the changes that happen when switching
from and to edit mode in GridFlow's documentation.;
#X connect 9 1 11 0;