/* $Id: dc1394.c,v 1.2 2006-03-15 04:37:46 matju Exp $ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001,2002,2003,2004 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <libraw1394/raw1394.h> #include <libdc1394/dc1394_control.h> #include "../base/grid.h.fcs" typedef raw1394handle_t RH; typedef nodeid_t NID; static const int ruby_lineno = __LINE__; static const char *ruby_code = \ruby def choice(*)end class CStruct def initialize(*) end end choice :name,:Speed,:start,0,:values,%w(SPEED_100 SPEED_200 SPEED_400) choice :name,:Framerate,:start,32,:values, %w(FRAMERATE_1_875 FRAMERATE_3_75 FRAMERATE_7_5 FRAMERATE_15 FRAMERATE_30 FRAMERATE_60) choice :name,:Format0Mode,:start,64,:values,%w( MODE_160x120_YUV444 MODE_320x240_YUV422 MODE_640x480_YUV411 MODE_640x480_YUV422 MODE_640x480_RGB MODE_640x480_MONO MODE_640x480_MONO16) choice :name,:Format1Mode,:start,96,:values,%w( MODE_800x600_YUV422 MODE_800x600_RGB MODE_800x600_MONO MODE_1024x768_YUV422 MODE_1024x768_RGB MODE_1024x768_MONO MODE_800x600_MONO16 MODE_1024x768_MONO16) choice :name,:Format2Mode,:start,128,:values,%w( MODE_1280x960_YUV422 MODE_1280x960_RGB MODE_1280x960_MONO MODE_1600x1200_YUV422 MODE_1600x1200_RGB MODE_1600x1200_MONO MODE_1280x960_MONO16 MODE_1600x1200_MONO16) choice :name,:Format6Mode,:start,256,:values,%w(MODE_EXIF) choice :name,:Format7Mode,:start,288,:values,%w( MODE_FORMAT7_0 MODE_FORMAT7_1 MODE_FORMAT7_2 MODE_FORMAT7_3 MODE_FORMAT7_4 MODE_FORMAT7_5 MODE_FORMAT7_6 MODE_FORMAT7_7) choice :name,:Format7ColorMode,:start,320,:values,%w( COLOR_FORMAT7_MONO8 COLOR_FORMAT7_YUV411 COLOR_FORMAT7_YUV422 COLOR_FORMAT7_YUV444 COLOR_FORMAT7_RGB8 COLOR_FORMAT7_MONO16 COLOR_FORMAT7_RGB16) choice :name,:TriggerMode,:start,352,:values,%w( TRIGGER_MODE_0 TRIGGER_MODE_1 TRIGGER_MODE_2 TRIGGER_MODE_3) choice :name,:CameraImageFormat,:start,384,:values,%w( FORMAT_VGA_NONCOMPRESSED FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_1 FORMAT_SVGA_NONCOMPRESSED_2 skip 3 FORMAT_STILL_IMAGE FORMAT_SCALABLE_IMAGE_SIZE) choice :name,:CameraFeatures,:start,416,:values,%w( FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS FEATURE_EXPOSURE FEATURE_SHARPNESS FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE FEATURE_HUE FEATURE_SATURATION FEATURE_GAMMA FEATURE_SHUTTER FEATURE_GAIN FEATURE_IRIS FEATURE_FOCUS FEATURE_TEMPERATURE FEATURE_TRIGGER skip 19 FEATURE_ZOOM FEATURE_PAN FEATURE_TILT FEATURE_OPTICAL_FILTER skip 12 FEATURE_CAPTURE_SIZE FEATURE_CAPTURE_QUALITY skip 14) choice :name,:DCBool,:start,0,:values,%w(False True) #define MAX_CHARS 32 #define SUCCESS 1 #define FAILURE -1 #define NO_CAMERA 0xffff # Parameter flags for setup_format7_capture() #define QUERY_FROM_CAMERA -1 #define USE_MAX_AVAIL -2 #define USE_RECOMMENDED -3 # all dc1394_ prefixes removed # raw1394handle_t = RH # nodeid_t = NID # RH+NID = RN CameraInfo = CStruct.new %{ RH rh; NID id; octlet_t ccr_offset; u_int64_t euid_64; char vendor[MAX_CHARS + 1]; char model[MAX_CHARS + 1]; } CameraCapture = CStruct.new %{ NID node; int channel, frame_rate, frame_width, frame_height; int * capture_buffer; int quadlets_per_frame, quadlets_per_packet; const unsigned char * dma_ring_buffer; int dma_buffer_size, dma_frame_size, num_dma_buffers, dma_last_buffer; const char * dma_device_file; int dma_fd, port; struct timeval filltime; int dma_extra_count; unsigned char * dma_extra_buffer; int drop_frames; } MiscInfo = CStruct.new %{ int format, mode, framerate; bool is_iso_on; int iso_channel, iso_speed, mem_channel_number; int save_channel, load_channel; } FeatureInfo = CStruct.new %{ uint feature_id; bool available, one_push, readout_capable, on_off_capable; bool auto_capable, manual_capable, polarity_capable, one_push_active; bool is_on, auto_active; char trigger_mode_capable_mask; int trigger_mode; bool trigger_polarity; int min, max, value, BU_value, RV_value, target_value; } FeatureSet = CStruct.new %{ FeatureInfo feature[NUM_FEATURES]; } #void print_feature_set(FeatureSet *features); #extern const char *feature_desc[NUM_FEATURES]; #void print_feature(FeatureInfo *feature); #RawFire create_handle(int port); #destroy_handle(RH rh); #void print_camera_info(camerainfo *info); class RH; %{ # those two: # Return -1 in numCameras and NULL from the call if there is a problem # otherwise the number of cameras and the NID array from the call NID* get_camera_nodes(int *numCameras, int showCameras); NID* get_sorted_camera_nodes(int numids, int *ids, int *numCameras, int showCameras); release_camera(CameraCapture *camera); single_capture(CameraCapture *camera); # this one returns FAILURE or SUCCESS multi_capture(CameraCapture *cams, int num); }end class RN; %{ init_camera(); is_camera(bool *value); get_camera_feature_set(FeatureSetFeatureInfo *features); get_camera_feature(FeatureInfo *feature); get_camera_misc_info(miscinfo *info); get_sw_version(quadlet_t *value); get_camera_info(camerainfo *info); query_supported_formats(quadlet_t *value); query_supported_modes(uint format, quadlet_t *value); query_supported_framerates(uint format, uint mode, quadlet_t *value); query_revision(int mode, quadlet_t *value); query_basic_functionality(quadlet_t *value); query_advanced_feature_offset(quadlet_t *value); attr set_video_framerate(uint framerate); attr video_mode(uint mode); attr video_format(uint format); double_attr iso_channel_and_speed(uint channel, uint speed); camera_on(); camera_off(); start_iso_transmission(); stop_iso_transmission(); get_iso_status(bool *is_on); set_one_shot(); unset_one_shot(); set_multi_shot(uint numFrames); unset_multi_shot(); # attributes : # those are get_/set_ methods where the get has an input parameter # and the set has an output parameter attr uint brightness attr uint exposure attr uint sharpness double_attr set_white_balance(uint u_b_value, uint v_r_value); attr uint hue attr uint saturation(uint saturation); attr uint gamma(uint gamma); attr shutter(uint shutter); attr uint gain attr uint iris attr uint focus attr uint trigger_mode attr uint zoom attr uint pan attr uint tilt attr uint optical_filter attr uint capture_size attr uint capture_quality int get_temperature(uint *target_temperature, uint *temperature); int set_temperature(uint target_temperature); get_memory_load_ch(uint *channel); get_memory_save_ch(uint *channel); is_memory_save_in_operation(bool *value); set_memory_save_ch(uint channel); memory_save(); memory_load(uint channel); attr bool trigger_polarity trigger_has_polarity(bool *polarity); attr bool set_trigger_on_off # this one returns SUCCESS on success, FAILURE otherwise setup_capture( int channel, int format, int mode, int speed, int frame_rate, CameraCapture *camera); dma_setup_capture( int channel, int format, int mode, int speed, int frame_rate, int num_dma_buffers, int drop_frames, const char *dma_device_file, CameraCapture *camera); setup_format7_capture( int channel, int mode, int speed, int bytes_per_packet, uint left, uint top, uint width, uint height, CameraCapture *camera); dma_setup_format7_capture( int channel, int mode, int speed, int bytes_per_packet, uint left, uint top, uint width, uint height, int num_dma_buffers, CameraCapture *camera); }end #RNF = RN+uint feature class RNF; %{ query_feature_control(uint *availability); query_feature_characteristics(quadlet_t *value); attr uint feature_value is_feature_present(bool *value); has_one_push_auto(bool *value); is_one_push_in_operation(bool *value); start_one_push_operation(); can_read_out(bool *value); can_turn_on_off(bool *value); is_feature_on(bool *value); feature_on_off(uint value); has_auto_mode(bool *value); has_manual_mode(bool *value); is_feature_auto(bool *value); auto_on_off(uint value); get_min_value(uint *value); get_max_value(uint *value); }end # DMA Capture Functions #dma_release_camera(RH rh, CameraCapture *camera); #dma_unlisten(RH rh, CameraCapture *camera); #dma_single_capture(CameraCapture *camera); #dma_multi_capture(CameraCapture *cams,int num); #dma_done_with_buffer(CameraCapture * camera); # default return type is int, prolly means SUCCESS/FAILURE #RNM = RN+uint mode class RNM; %{ query_format7_max_image_size(uint *horizontal_size, uint *vertical_size); query_format7_unit_size(uint *horizontal_unit, uint *vertical_unit); query_format7_color_coding(quadlet_t *value); query_format7_pixel_number(uint *pixnum); query_format7_total_bytes(uint *total_bytes); query_format7_packet_para(uint *min_bytes, uint *max_bytes); query_format7_recommended_byte_per_packet(uint *bpp); query_format7_packet_per_frame(uint *ppf); query_format7_unit_position(uint *horizontal_pos, uint *vertical_pos); # those were query/set pairs. double_qattr format7_image_position(uint left, uint top); double_qattr format7_image_size(uint width, uint height); qattr uint format7_color_coding_id qattr uint format7_byte_per_packet query_format7_value_setting(uint *present, uint *setting1, uint *err_flag1, uint *err_flag2); set_format7_value_setting(); //huh? }end \end ruby ; \class FormatDC1394 < Format struct FormatDC1394 : Format { \decl void initialize (Symbol mode); \decl void frame (); }; \def void initialize(Symbol mode) { gfpost("DC1394: hello world"); RH rh = raw1394_new_handle(); int numPorts = raw1394_get_port_info(rh,0,0); raw1394_destroy_handle(rh); gfpost("there are %d Feuerweuer ports",numPorts); if (mode!=SYM(in)) RAISE("sorry, read-only"); for(int port=0; port<numPorts; port++) { gfpost("trying port #%d...",port); RH rh = dc1394_create_handle(port); int numCameras=0xDEADBEEF; NID *nodes = dc1394_get_camera_nodes(rh,&numCameras,0); gfpost("port #%d has %d cameras",port,numCameras); for (int i=0; i<numCameras; i++) gfpost("camera at node #%d",nodes[i]); // I'm stuck here, can't find that iSight camera. -- matju } dc1394_destroy_handle(rh); } \def void frame () { gfpost("i'd like to get a frame from the cam, but how?"); } \classinfo { IEVAL(rself,"install '#io:dc1394',1,1;@flags=4;@comment='Video4linux 1.x'"); //IEVAL(rself,ruby_code); rb_funcall(rself,SI(instance_eval),3,rb_str_new2(ruby_code), rb_str_new2(__FILE__),INT2NUM(ruby_lineno+3)); } \end class FormatDC1394 void startup_dc1394 () { \startall }