/* $Id$ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001-2008 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "../gridflow.h.fcs" #include #include #include #define L _L_ /* API (version 0.9.3) mode is :in or :out def initialize(mode,*args) : open a file handler (do it via .new of class) attr_reader :description : a _literal_ (constant) string describing the format handler def self.info() optional : return a string describing the format handler differently than self.description(). in particular, it can list compile-time options and similar things. for example, quicktime returns a list of codecs. def 0 bang() : read one frame, send through outlet 0 return values : Integer >= 0 : frame number of frame read. false : no frame was read : end of sequence. nil : a frame was read, but can't say its number. note that trying to read a nonexistent frame should no longer rewind automatically (@in handles that part), nor re-read the last frame (mpeg/quicktime used to do this) def 0 seek(Integer i) : select one frame to be read next (by number) def 0 grid() : frame to write def 0 get (optional Symbol s) : get one attribute value or all of them def 0 ...() : options outlet 0 grid() frame just read outlet 0 ...() everything else destructor : close a handler */ std::map suffix_table; void suffixes_are (const char *name, const char *suffixes) { std::string name2 = name; char *suff2 = strdup(suffixes); char *suff3 = suff2+strlen(suff2); for (char *s=suff2; ss_name); char *t = strrchr(s,'.'); if (!t) outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[2],gensym(s)); else { *t = 0; outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[1],gensym(t+1)); std::map::iterator u = suffix_table.find(std::string(t+1)); if (u==suffix_table.end()) outlet_bang(bself->outlets[0]); else outlet_symbol(bself->outlets[0],gensym((char *)u->second.data())); } free(s); } \end class SuffixLookup {install("gf.suffix_lookup",1,3);} \class Format : FObject Format::Format (BFObject *bself, MESSAGE) : FObject(bself,MESSAGE2) { mode=0; fd=-1; f=0; cast=int32_e; frame=0; if (argv[0]==gensym("out")) this->mode=2; else if (argv[0]==gensym("in")) this->mode=4; else RAISE("unknown mode"); // case mode // when :in; flags[2]==1 // when :out; flags[1]==1 // else raise "Format opening mode is incorrect" //end or raise "Format '#{self.class.instance_eval{@symbol_name}}' does not support mode '#{mode}'" } \def 0 open(t_symbol *mode, string filename) { const char *fmode; if (mode==gensym("in")) fmode="r"; else if (mode==gensym("out")) fmode="w"; else RAISE("bad mode"); if (f) _0_close(0,0); if (mode==gensym("in")) {filename = gf_find_file(filename);} f = fopen(filename.data(),fmode); if (!f) RAISE("can't open file '%s': %s",filename.data(),strerror(errno)); fd = fileno(f); // case gzfile: // if (mode==SYM(in)) {filename = GridFlow.find_file(filename);} // if (mode==:in) {raw_open_gzip_in filename; else raw_open_gzip_out filename;} // def self.rewind() raw_open(*@raw_open_args); @frame = 0 end unless @rewind_redefined // @rewind_redefined = true } \def 0 close() {if (f) {fclose(f); f=0; fd=-1;}} \def 0 cast(NumberTypeE nt) {cast = nt;} \def 0 seek(int frame) { if (!frame) {_0_rewind(0,0); return;} RAISE("don't know how to seek for frame other than # 0"); } // this is what you should use to rewind // different file-sources may redefine this as something else // (eg: gzip) \def 0 rewind () { if (!f) RAISE("Nothing to rewind about..."); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); frame = 0; } Format::~Format () {if (f) fclose(f); /*if (fd>=0) close(fd);*/} \end class Format {} /* This is the Grid format I defined: */ struct GridHeader { char magic[5]; // = "\7fgrid" on little endian, "\x7fGRID" on big endian uint8 type; // number of bits. // the original doc said: "plus one of: 1:unsigned 2:float" but i don't recall what this means. uint8 reserved; // set this to 0 all of the time. uint8 dimn; // number of dimensions supported: at least 0..4) // int32 dimv[dimn]; // number of elements in each dimension. (in the file's endianness!) // raw data goes after that }; \class FormatGrid : Format { GridHeader head; int endian; NumberTypeE nt; P headerless_dim; // if null: headerful; if Dim: it is the assumed dimensions of received grids \grin 0 \constructor (t_symbol *mode, string filename) { strncpy(head.magic,is_le()?"\7fgrid":"\7fGRID",5); head.type = 32; _0_open(0,0,mode,filename); } \decl 0 bang (); \decl 0 headerless (...); \decl 0 headerful (); \decl 0 type (NumberTypeE nt); ~FormatGrid() { //@stream.close if @stream //GridFlow.hunt_zombies } // \decl void raw_open_gzip_in(string filename); // \decl void raw_open_gzip_out(string filename); }; \def 0 bang () { P dim; if (feof(f)) {outlet_bang(bself->te_outlet); return;} if (headerless_dim) { dim = headerless_dim; } else { fread(&head,1,8,f); uint8 *m = (uint8 *)head.magic; if (strncmp((char *)m,"\7fgrid",5)==0) endian=1; else if (strncmp((char *)m,"\7fGRID",5)==0) endian=1; else RAISE("unknown header, can't read grid from file: " "%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x", m[0],m[1],m[2],m[3],m[4],m[5],m[6],m[7]); if (head.type!=32) RAISE("unsupported grid type %d in file",head.type); // apparently, head.type 8 and 16 worked too. if (head.reserved!=0) RAISE("unsupported grid reserved field %d in file",head.reserved); if (head.dimn>16) RAISE("unsupported grid number of dimensions %d in file",head.dimn); int32 dimv[head.dimn]; fread(dimv,head.dimn,4,f); if (endian != is_le()) swap32(head.dimn,(uint32 *)dimv); dim = new Dim(head.dimn,dimv); } GridOutlet out(this,0,dim,nt); long nn = dim->prod(); #define FOO(T) {T data[nn]; fread(data,nn,sizeof(T),f); out.send(nn,(T *)data);} TYPESWITCH(nt,FOO,) #undef FOO SUPER; } GRID_INLET(FormatGrid,0) { if (!headerless_dim) { fwrite(&head,1,8,f); fwrite(in->dim->v,in->dim->n,4,f); // forgot the endian here } } GRID_FLOW { #define FOO(T) {T data2[n]; for(int i=0; i=0 && argv[0].a_type==A_LIST) { t_binbuf *b = (t_binbuf *)argv[0]; argc = binbuf_getnatom(b); argv = (t_atom2 *)binbuf_getvec(b);} int v[argc]; for (int i=0; int = nt; } //\def void raw_open_gzip_in(string filename) { //r,w = IO.pipe //if (pid=fork) {GridFlow.subprocesses[pid]=true; w.close; @stream = r;} //else {r.close; STDOUT.reopen w; STDIN.reopen filename, "r"; exec "gzip", "-dc";} //\def void raw_open_gzip_out(string filename) { //r,w = IO.pipe //if (pid=fork) {GridFlow.subprocesses[pid]=true; r.close; @stream = w;} //else {w.close; STDIN.reopen r; STDOUT.reopen filename, "w"; exec "gzip", "-c";} \end class FormatGrid {install_format("#io.grid",6,"grid");} void startup_format () { \startall }