/* $Id: x11.c 3982 2008-07-04 20:49:12Z matju $ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001-2008 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Note: some of the code was adapted from PDP's (the XVideo stuff). */ #include "../gridflow.h.fcs" #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string> #include <sys/time.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/StringDefs.h> #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO #include <X11/extensions/Xv.h> #include <X11/extensions/Xvlib.h> #endif /* X11 Error Handler type */ typedef int (*XEH)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); struct FormatX11; void FormatX11_call(FormatX11 *p); \class FormatX11 : Format { /* at the Display/Screen level */ Display *display; /* connection to xserver */ Visual *visual; /* screen properties */ Window root_window; Colormap colormap;/* for 256-color mode */ short depth; bool use_stripes; /* use alternate conversion in 256-color mode */ bool shared_memory; bool xvideo; /* at the Window level */ Window window; /* X11 window number */ Window parent; /* X11 window number of the parent */ GC imagegc; /* X11 graphics context (like java.awt.Graphics) */ XImage *ximage; /* X11 image descriptor */ uint8 *image; /* the real data (that XImage binds to) */ bool is_owner; int32 pos[2]; P<BitPacking> bit_packing; P<Dim> dim; bool lock_size; bool override_redirect; t_clock *clock; std::string title; #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY XShmSegmentInfo *shm_info; /* to share memory with X11/Unix */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO int xv_format; int xv_port; XvImage *xvi; /* ils sont fous ces romains */ unsigned char *data; int last_encoding; #endif ~FormatX11 () { clock_unset(clock); if (is_owner) XDestroyWindow(display,window); XSync(display,0); dealloc_image(); if (imagegc) XFreeGC(display,imagegc); XCloseDisplay(display); } template <class T> void frame_by_type (T bogus); void show_section(int x, int y, int sx, int sy); void set_wm_hints (); void dealloc_image (); bool alloc_image (int sx, int sy); void resize_window (int sx, int sy); void open_display(const char *disp_string); void report_pointer(int y, int x, int state); void prepare_colormap(); Window search_window_tree (Window xid, Atom key, const char *value, int level=0); \constructor (...) { shared_memory=false; xvideo=false; use_stripes=false; window=0; ximage=0; image=0; is_owner=true; dim=0; lock_size=false; override_redirect=false; clock=0; imagegc=0; #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY shm_info=0; #endif int sy=240, sx=320; // defaults argv++, argc--; t_symbol *domain = argc<1 ? gensym("here") : argv[0]; int i; char host[256]; if (domain==gensym("here")) { open_display(0); i=1; } else if (domain==gensym("local")) { if (argc<2) RAISE("open x11 local: not enough args"); sprintf(host,":%ld",long(argv[1])); open_display(host); i=2; } else if (domain==gensym("remote")) { if (argc<3) RAISE("open x11 remote: not enough args"); sprintf(host,"%s:%ld",string(argv[1]).data(),long(argv[2])); open_display(host); i=3; } else if (domain==gensym("display")) { if (argc<2) RAISE("open x11 display: not enough args"); strcpy(host,string(argv[1]).data()); for (int k=0; host[k]; k++) if (host[k]=='%') host[k]==':'; post("mode `display', DISPLAY=`%s'",host); open_display(host); i=2; } else RAISE("x11 destination syntax error"); for(;i<argc;i++) { if (argv[i]==gensym("override_redirect")) override_redirect = true; else if (argv[i]==gensym("use_stripes")) use_stripes = true; else RAISE("argument '%s' not recognized",string(argv[i]).data()); } pos[1]=pos[0]=0; parent = root_window; if (i>=argc) { } else { const t_atom2 &winspec = argv[i]; if (winspec==gensym("root")) { window = root_window; is_owner = false; } else if (winspec==gensym("embed")) { string title = argv[i+1]; sy = sx = pos[0] = pos[1] = 0; parent = search_window_tree(root_window,XInternAtom(display,"WM_NAME",0),title.data()); if (parent == 0xDeadBeef) RAISE("Window not found."); } else if (winspec==gensym("embed_by_id")) { const char *winspec2 = string(argv[i+1]).data(); if (strncmp(winspec2,"0x",2)==0) { parent = strtol(winspec2+2,0,16); } else { parent = atoi(winspec2); } } else { if (winspec.a_type==A_SYMBOL) { const char *winspec2 = string(winspec).data(); if (strncmp(winspec2,"0x",2)==0) { window = strtol(winspec2+2,0,16); } else { window = atoi(winspec2); // huh? } } else { window = INT(winspec); } is_owner = false; sy = sx = pos[0] = pos[1] = 0; } } resize_window(sx,sy); // "resize" also takes care of creation if (is_owner) { Atom wmDeleteAtom = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); XSetWMProtocols(display,window,&wmDeleteAtom,1); } Visual *v = visual; int disp_is_le = !ImageByteOrder(display); int bpp = ximage->bits_per_pixel; switch(visual->c_class) { case TrueColor: case DirectColor: { uint32 masks[3] = { v->red_mask, v->green_mask, v->blue_mask }; bit_packing = new BitPacking(disp_is_le, bpp/8, 3, masks); } break; case PseudoColor: { uint32 masks[3] = { 0x07, 0x38, 0xC0 }; bit_packing = new BitPacking(disp_is_le, bpp/8, 3, masks); } break; default: RAISE("huh?"); } clock = clock_new(this,(t_method)FormatX11_call); clock_delay(clock,0); show_section(0,0,sx,sy); } \decl 0 bang (); void call (); \decl 0 out_size (int sy, int sx); \decl 0 setcursor (int shape); \decl 0 hidecursor (); \decl 0 set_geometry (int y, int x, int sy, int sx); \decl 0 move (int y, int x); \decl 0 shared_memory (bool toggle); \decl 0 xvideo (bool toggle); \decl 0 title (string title=""); \decl 0 warp (int y, int x); \grin 0 int }; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void FormatX11::show_section(int x, int y, int sx, int sy) { int zy=dim->get(0), zx=dim->get(1); if (y>zy||x>zx) return; if (y+sy>zy) sy=zy-y; if (x+sx>zx) sx=zx-x; #ifndef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO if (xvideo) RAISE("xvideo not available (recompile)"); #endif #ifndef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY if (shared_memory) RAISE("xshm not available (recompile)"); #endif if (xvideo) { #ifdef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO if (shared_memory) { #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY #endif // shm } else { XvPutImage(display,port,window,imagegc,ximage, xvi, 0, 0, image_width, image_height, drwX - (vo_panscan_x >> 1), drwY - (vo_panscan_y >> 1), vo_dwidth + vo_panscan_x, vo_dheight + vo_panscan_y); } #endif // xvideo } else { if (shared_memory) { #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY XSync(display,False); XShmPutImage(display,window,imagegc,ximage,x,y,x,y,sx,sy,False); XFlush(display); //XPutImage( display,window,imagegc,ximage,x,y,x,y,sx,sy); // should completion events be waited for? looks like a bug #endif // xshm } else { XPutImage(display,window,imagegc,ximage,x,y,x,y,sx,sy); XFlush(display); } } } /* window manager hints, defines the window as non-resizable */ void FormatX11::set_wm_hints () { if (!is_owner) return; XWMHints wmh; char buf[256],*bufp=buf; if (title=="") { sprintf(buf,"GridFlow (%d,%d,%d)",dim->get(0),dim->get(1),dim->get(2)); } else { sprintf(buf,"%.255s",title.data()); } XTextProperty wtitle; XStringListToTextProperty((char **)&bufp, 1, &wtitle); XSizeHints sh; sh.flags=PSize|PMaxSize|PMinSize; sh.min_width = sh.max_width = sh.width = dim->get(1); sh.min_height = sh.max_height = sh.height = dim->get(0); wmh.input = True; wmh.flags = InputHint; XSetWMProperties(display,window,&wtitle,&wtitle,0,0,&sh,&wmh,0); } void FormatX11::report_pointer(int y, int x, int state) { t_atom a[3]; SETFLOAT(a+0,y); SETFLOAT(a+1,x); SETFLOAT(a+2,state); outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],gensym("position"),COUNT(a),a); } void FormatX11::call() { XEvent e; for (;;) { int xpending = XEventsQueued(display, QueuedAfterFlush); if (!xpending) break; XNextEvent(display,&e); switch (e.type) { case Expose:{ XExposeEvent *ex = (XExposeEvent *)&e; if (mode==2) show_section(ex->x,ex->y,ex->width,ex->height); }break; case ButtonPress:{ XButtonEvent *eb = (XButtonEvent *)&e; eb->state |= 128<<eb->button; report_pointer(eb->y,eb->x,eb->state); }break; case ButtonRelease:{ XButtonEvent *eb = (XButtonEvent *)&e; eb->state &= ~(128<<eb->button); report_pointer(eb->y,eb->x,eb->state); }break; case KeyPress: case KeyRelease:{ XKeyEvent *ek = (XKeyEvent *)&e; //XLookupString(ek, buf, 63, 0, 0); char *kss = XKeysymToString(XLookupKeysym(ek, 0)); char buf[64]; if (!kss) return; /* unknown keys ignored */ if (isdigit(*kss)) sprintf(buf,"D%s",kss); else strcpy(buf,kss); t_atom at[4]; t_symbol *sel = gensym(const_cast<char *>(e.type==KeyPress ? "keypress" : "keyrelease")); SETFLOAT(at+0,ek->y); SETFLOAT(at+1,ek->x); SETFLOAT(at+2,ek->state); SETSYMBOL(at+3,gensym(buf)); outlet_anything(bself->outlets[0],sel,4,at); //XFree(kss); }break; case MotionNotify:{ XMotionEvent *em = (XMotionEvent *)&e; report_pointer(em->y,em->x,em->state); }break; case DestroyNotify:{ post("This window is being closed, so this handler will close too!"); delete this; /* really! what else could i do here anyway? */ return; }break; case ConfigureNotify:break; // as if we cared } } clock_delay(clock,20); } void FormatX11_call(FormatX11 *p) {p->call();} \def 0 bang () { XGetSubImage(display, window, 0, 0, dim->get(1), dim->get(0), (unsigned)-1, ZPixmap, ximage, 0, 0); GridOutlet out(this,0,dim,cast); int sy=dim->get(0), sx=dim->get(1), bs=dim->prod(1); uint8 b2[bs]; for(int y=0; y<sy; y++) { uint8 *b1 = image + ximage->bytes_per_line * y; bit_packing->unpack(sx,b1,b2); out.send(bs,b2); } } /* loathe Xlib's error handlers */ static FormatX11 *current_x11; static int FormatX11_error_handler (Display *d, XErrorEvent *xee) { post("XErrorEvent: type=0x%08x display=0x%08x xid=0x%08x", xee->type, xee->display, xee->resourceid); post("... serial=0x%08x error=0x%08x request=0x%08lx minor=0x%08x", xee->serial, xee->error_code, xee->request_code, xee->minor_code); if (current_x11->shared_memory==1) { post("(note: turning shm off)"); current_x11->shared_memory = 0; } return 42; /* it seems that the return value is ignored. */ } bool FormatX11::alloc_image (int sx, int sy) { dim = new Dim(sy,sx,3); dealloc_image(); if (sx==0 || sy==0) return false; current_x11 = this; if (!shared_memory) { ximage = XCreateImage(display,visual,depth,ZPixmap,0,0,sx,sy,8,0); int size = ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height; if (!ximage) RAISE("can't create image"); image = new uint8[size]; ximage->data = (int8 *)image; } else { #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY shm_info = new XShmSegmentInfo; ximage = XShmCreateImage(display,visual,depth,ZPixmap,0,shm_info,sx,sy); if (!ximage) {post("x11: will retry without shared memory"); shared_memory=false;} XSync(display,0); if (!shared_memory) return alloc_image(sx,sy); int size = ximage->bytes_per_line*ximage->height; shm_info->shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,size,IPC_CREAT|0777); if(shm_info->shmid < 0) RAISE("shmget() failed: %s",strerror(errno)); ximage->data = shm_info->shmaddr = (char *)shmat(shm_info->shmid,0,0); if ((long)(shm_info->shmaddr) == -1) RAISE("shmat() failed: %s",strerror(errno)); image = (uint8 *)ximage->data; shm_info->readOnly = False; if (!XShmAttach(display, shm_info)) RAISE("ERROR: XShmAttach: big problem"); XSync(display,0); // make sure the server picks it up // yes, this can be done now. should cause auto-cleanup. shmctl(shm_info->shmid,IPC_RMID,0); if (!shared_memory) return alloc_image(sx,sy); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO if (xvideo) { unsigned int ver, rel, req, ev, err, i, j, adaptors, formats; XvAdaptorInfo *ai; if (Success != XvQueryExtension(display,&ver,&rel,&req,&ev,&err)) RAISE("XvQueryExtension problem"); /* find + lock port */ if (Success != XvQueryAdaptors(display,DefaultRootWindow(display),&adaptors,&ai)) RAISE("XvQueryAdaptors problem"); for (i = 0; i < adaptors; i++) { if (ai[i].type&XvInputMask && ai[i].type&XvImageMask) { for (j=0; j<ai[i].num_ports; j++) { if (Success != XvGrabPort(display,ai[i].base_id+j,CurrentTime)) RAISE("XvGrabPort problem"); xv_port = ai[i].base_id + j; goto breakout; } } } breakout: XFree(ai); if (!xv_port) RAISE("no xv_port"); /* unsigned int encn; XvEncodingInfo *enc; XvQueryEncodings(display,xv_port,&encn,&enc); for (i=0; i<encn; i++) post("XvEncodingInfo: name='%s' encoding_id=0x%08x",enc[i].name,enc[i].encoding_id); post("pdp_xvideo: grabbed port %d on adaptor %d",xv_port,i); size_t size = sx*sy*4; data = new uint8[size]; for (i=0; i<size; i++) data[i]=0; xvi = XvCreateImage(display,xv_port,0x51525762,(char *)data,sx,sy); last_encoding=-1; if (!xvi) RAISE("XvCreateImage problem"); */ } #endif int status = XInitImage(ximage); if (status!=1) post("XInitImage returned: %d", status); return true; retry: post("couldn't allocate image buffer for output... retrying..."); return alloc_image(sx,sy); } void FormatX11::dealloc_image () { if (!ximage) return; if (!shared_memory) { XFree(ximage); ximage=0; image=0; } else { #ifdef HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY shmdt(ximage->data); XShmDetach(display,shm_info); if (shm_info) {delete shm_info; shm_info=0;} XFree(ximage); ximage = 0; image = 0; #endif } if (xvideo) { #ifdef HAVE_X11_XVIDEO //if (data) delete[] data; if (xvi) XFree(xvi); xvi=0; //data=0; #endif } } void FormatX11::resize_window (int sx, int sy) { if (sy<16) sy=16; if (sy>4096) RAISE("height too big"); if (sx<16) sx=16; if (sx>4096) RAISE("width too big"); alloc_image(sx,sy); if (window) { if (is_owner && !lock_size) { set_wm_hints(); XResizeWindow(display,window,sx,sy); } } else { XSetWindowAttributes xswa; xswa.do_not_propagate_mask = 0; //? xswa.override_redirect = override_redirect; //#!@#$ window = XCreateWindow(display, parent, pos[1], pos[0], sx, sy, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWOverrideRedirect|CWDontPropagate, &xswa); if(!window) RAISE("can't create window"); set_wm_hints(); XSelectInput(display, window, ExposureMask|StructureNotifyMask|PointerMotionMask| ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|ButtonMotionMask| KeyPressMask|KeyReleaseMask); if (is_owner) XMapRaised(display, window); imagegc = XCreateGC(display, window, 0, NULL); if (visual->c_class == PseudoColor) prepare_colormap(); } XSync(display,0); } GRID_INLET(FormatX11,0) { if (in->dim->n != 3) RAISE("expecting 3 dimensions: rows,columns,channels"); if (in->dim->get(2)!=3 && in->dim->get(2)!=4) RAISE("expecting 3 or 4 channels: red,green,blue,ignored (got %d)",in->dim->get(2)); int sx = in->dim->get(1), osx = dim->get(1); int sy = in->dim->get(0), osy = dim->get(0); in->set_chunk(1); if (sx!=osx || sy!=osy) resize_window(sx,sy); if (in->dim->get(2)!=bit_packing->size) { bit_packing->mask[3]=0; bit_packing = new BitPacking(bit_packing->endian, bit_packing->bytes, in->dim->get(2), bit_packing->mask); } } GRID_FLOW { int bypl = ximage->bytes_per_line; int sxc = in->dim->prod(1); int sx = in->dim->get(1); int y = in->dex/sxc; for (; n>0; y++, data+=sxc, n-=sxc) { // convert line if (use_stripes) { int o=y*bypl; for (int x=0, i=0, k=y%3; x<sx; x++, i+=3, k=(k+1)%3) { image[o+x] = (k<<6) | data[i+k]>>2; } } else { bit_packing->pack(sx, data, image+y*bypl); } } } GRID_FINISH { show_section(0,0,in->dim->get(1),in->dim->get(0)); } GRID_END \def 0 out_size (int sy, int sx) { resize_window(sx,sy); } \def 0 setcursor (int shape) { shape = 2*(shape&63); Cursor c = XCreateFontCursor(display,shape); XDefineCursor(display,window,c); XFlush(display); } \def 0 hidecursor () { Font font = XLoadFont(display,"fixed"); XColor color; /* bogus */ Cursor c = XCreateGlyphCursor(display,font,font,' ',' ',&color,&color); XDefineCursor(display,window,c); XFlush(display); } void FormatX11::prepare_colormap() { Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(display,window,visual,AllocAll); XColor colors[256]; if (use_stripes) { for (int i=0; i<192; i++) { int k=(i&63)*0xffff/63; colors[i].pixel = i; colors[i].red = (i>>6)==0 ? k : 0; colors[i].green = (i>>6)==1 ? k : 0; colors[i].blue = (i>>6)==2 ? k : 0; colors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; } XStoreColors(display,colormap,colors,192); } else { for (int i=0; i<256; i++) { colors[i].pixel = i; colors[i].red = ((i>>0)&7)*0xffff/7; colors[i].green = ((i>>3)&7)*0xffff/7; colors[i].blue = ((i>>6)&3)*0xffff/3; colors[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; } XStoreColors(display,colormap,colors,256); } XSetWindowColormap(display,window,colormap); } void FormatX11::open_display(const char *disp_string) { display = XOpenDisplay(disp_string); if(!display) RAISE("ERROR: opening X11 display: %s",strerror(errno)); // btw don't expect too much from Xlib error handling. // Xlib, you are so free of the ravages of intelligence... XSetErrorHandler(FormatX11_error_handler); Screen *screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display); int screen_num = DefaultScreen(display); visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen_num); root_window = DefaultRootWindow(display); depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(screen); colormap = 0; switch(visual->c_class) { // without colormap case TrueColor: case DirectColor: break; // with colormap case PseudoColor: if (depth!=8) RAISE("ERROR: with colormap, only supported depth is 8 (got %d)", depth); break; default: RAISE("ERROR: visual type not supported (got %d)", visual->c_class); } #if defined(HAVE_X11_XVIDEO) xvideo = true; #elif defined(HAVE_X11_SHARED_MEMORY) shared_memory = !! XShmQueryExtension(display); #else shared_memory = false; #endif } Window FormatX11::search_window_tree (Window xid, Atom key, const char *value, int level) { if (level>2) return 0xDeadBeef; Window root_r, parent_r; Window *children_r; unsigned int nchildren_r; XQueryTree(display,xid,&root_r,&parent_r,&children_r,&nchildren_r); Window target = 0xDeadBeef; for (int i=0; i<(int)nchildren_r; i++) { Atom actual_type_r; int actual_format_r; unsigned long nitems_r, bytes_after_r; unsigned char *prop_r; XGetWindowProperty(display,children_r[i],key,0,666,0,AnyPropertyType, &actual_type_r,&actual_format_r,&nitems_r,&bytes_after_r,&prop_r); uint32 value_l = strlen(value); bool match = prop_r && nitems_r>=value_l && strncmp((char *)prop_r+nitems_r-value_l,value,value_l)==0; XFree(prop_r); if (match) {target=children_r[i]; break;} target = search_window_tree(children_r[i],key,value,level+1); if (target != 0xDeadBeef) break; } if (children_r) XFree(children_r); return target; } \def 0 move (int y, int x) { pos[0]=y; pos[1]=x; XMoveWindow(display,window,x,y); XFlush(display); } \def 0 set_geometry (int y, int x, int sy, int sx) { pos[0]=y; pos[1]=x; XMoveWindow(display,window,x,y); resize_window(sx,sy); XFlush(display); } \def 0 shared_memory (bool toggle) {shared_memory = toggle;} \def 0 xvideo (bool toggle) {xvideo = toggle;} \def 0 warp (int y, int x) { XWarpPointer(display,None,None,0,0,0,0,x,y); XFlush(display); } \def 0 title (string title="") {this->title = title; set_wm_hints();} \end class FormatX11 {install_format("#io.x11",6,"");} void startup_x11 () { \startall }