/* $Id$ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001-2007 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef __GRIDFLOW_H #define __GRIDFLOW_H #define GF_VERSION "0.9.5" #include "m_pd.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ static inline void *memalign (size_t a, size_t n) {return malloc(n);} #else #include #endif typedef std::string string; #ifndef a_float #define a_float a_w.w_float #define a_symbol a_w.w_symbol #define a_gpointer a_w.w_gpointer #endif #define gensym(s) gensym(const_cast(s)) #define sys_vgui(FMT,ARGS...) sys_vgui(const_cast(FMT),ARGS) #define sys_gui(s) sys_gui(const_cast(s)) #ifndef DESIREDATA #define A_LIST t_atomtype(13) /* (t_binbuf *) */ #endif #define A_GRID t_atomtype(14) /* (Grid *) */ #define A_GRIDOUT t_atomtype(15) /* (GridOut *) */ // the use of w_gpointer here is fake, just because there's no suitable member in the union struct Grid; struct GridOutlet; static inline void SETLIST( t_atom *a, t_binbuf *b) {a->a_type = A_LIST; a->a_gpointer = (t_gpointer *)b;} static inline void SETGRID( t_atom *a, Grid *g) {a->a_type = A_GRID; a->a_gpointer = (t_gpointer *)g;} static inline void SETGRIDOUT(t_atom *a, GridOutlet *g) {a->a_type = A_GRIDOUT; a->a_gpointer = (t_gpointer *)g;} static inline void SETNULL( t_atom *a) {a->a_type = A_NULL; a->a_gpointer = 0;} typedef t_binbuf t_list; t_list *list_new (int argc, t_atom *argv); void list_free (t_list *self); typedef char int8; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef short int16; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef int int32; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef long long int64; typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef float float32; typedef double float64; // three-way comparison (T is assumed Comparable) template static inline T cmp(T a, T b) {return ab;} // a remainder function such that div2(a,b)*b+mod(a,b) = a and for which mod(a,b) is in [0;b) or (b;0]. // in contrast to C-language builtin a%b, this one has uniform behaviour around zero, // that is, the same as around any other whole number. static inline int mod(int a, int b) {int c=a%b; c+=b&-(c&&(a<0)^(b<0)); return c;} // counterpart of mod(a,b), just like a/b and a%b are counterparts static inline int div2(int a, int b) {return (a/b)-((a<0)&&!!(a%b));} static inline int32 gf_abs( int32 a) {return a>0?a:-a;} static inline int64 gf_abs( int64 a) {return a>0?a:-a;} static inline float32 gf_abs(float32 a) {return fabs(a);} static inline float64 gf_abs(float64 a) {return fabs(a);} // integer powers in log(b) time. T is assumed Integer template static inline T ipow(T a, T b) {T r=1; for(;;) {if (b&1) r*=a; b>>=1; if (!b) return r; a*=a;}} static inline float32 ipow(float32 a, float32 b) {return pow(a,b);} static inline float64 ipow(float64 a, float64 b) {return pow(a,b);} #undef min #undef max // minimum/maximum functions; T is assumed to be Comparable template static inline T min(T a, T b) {return a static inline T max(T a, T b) {return a>b?a:b;} template static inline T clip(T a, T lower, T upper) {return aupper?upper:a;} //template inline T min(T a, T b) { T c = (a-b)>>31; return (a&c)|(b&~c); } // greatest common divisor, by euclid's algorithm // this runs in log(a+b) number operations template static T gcd (T a, T b) { while (b) {T c=mod(a,b); a=b; b=c;} return a; } // greatest common divisor, the binary algorithm. haven't tried yet. template static T gcd2 (T a, T b) { int s=0; while (((a|b)&1)==0) { a>>=1; b>>=1; s++; } while (a) { if ((a&1)==0) a>>=1; else if ((b&1)==0) b>>=1; else {T t=abs(a-b); if (a static inline T lcm (T a, T b) {return a*b/gcd(a,b);} // returns the position (0..63) of highest bit set in a word, or 0 if none. #define Z(N) if ((x>>N)&(((typeof(x))1<>=N; i+=N; } static int highest_bit(uint8 x) {int i=0; Z(4)Z(2)Z(1)return i;} static int highest_bit(uint16 x) {int i=0; Z(8)Z(4)Z(2)Z(1)return i;} static int highest_bit(uint32 x) {int i=0; Z(16)Z(8)Z(4)Z(2)Z(1)return i;} static int highest_bit(uint64 x) {int i=0;Z(32)Z(16)Z(8)Z(4)Z(2)Z(1)return i;} #undef Z // returns the position (0..63) of lowest bit set in a word, or 0 if none. template static int lowest_bit(T n) { return highest_bit((~n+1)&n); } static double drand() { return 1.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0); } // is little-endian static inline bool is_le() {int x=1; return ((char *)&x)[0];} static inline uint64 rdtsc() #if defined(HAVE_PENTIUM) {uint64 x; __asm__ volatile (".byte 0x0f, 0x31":"=A"(x)); return x;} #else {return 0;} #endif #ifdef HAVE_LITE #define EACH_INT_TYPE(MACRO) MACRO(uint8) MACRO(int16) MACRO(int32) #define EACH_FLOAT_TYPE(MACRO) MACRO(float32) #else #define EACH_INT_TYPE(MACRO) MACRO(uint8) MACRO(int16) MACRO(int32) MACRO(int64) #define EACH_FLOAT_TYPE(MACRO) MACRO(float32) MACRO(float64) #endif #define EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(MACRO) EACH_INT_TYPE(MACRO) EACH_FLOAT_TYPE(MACRO) // note: loop unrolling macros assume N!=0 // btw this may cause alignment problems when 8 does not divide N #define UNROLL_8(MACRO,N,PTR,ARGS...) \ int n__=(-N)&7; PTR-=n__; N+=n__; \ switch (n__) { start: \ case 0:MACRO(0); case 1:MACRO(1); case 2:MACRO(2); case 3:MACRO(3); \ case 4:MACRO(4); case 5:MACRO(5); case 6:MACRO(6); case 7:MACRO(7); \ PTR+=8; N-=8; ARGS; if (N) goto start; } #define UNROLL_4(MACRO,N,PTR,ARGS...) \ int n__=(-N)&3; PTR-=n__; N+=n__; \ switch (n__) { start: \ case 0:MACRO(0); case 1:MACRO(1); case 2:MACRO(2); case 3:MACRO(3); \ PTR+=4; N-=4; ARGS; if (N) goto start; } struct BFObject; struct Barf { string text; Barf(const char *s, ...); Barf(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *s, ...); void error(BFObject *bself); ~Barf() {} }; #define NEWBUF(T,N) (new T[N]) #define DELBUF(A) (delete[] A) #ifdef __WIN32__ #define INT winINT #define random rand #undef send #undef close #define sigjmp_buf jmp_buf #define siglongjmp longjmp #endif //#define _L_ post("%s:%d in %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #define _L_ fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d in %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #define RAISE(args...) throw Barf(__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,args) #define VA int argc, t_atom2 *argv // returns the size of a statically defined array #define COUNT(_array_) ((int)(sizeof(_array_) / sizeof((_array_)[0]))) #define WATCH(n,ar) { \ char foo[16*1024], *p=foo; p += sprintf(p,"%s: ",#ar); \ for (int q=0; qa_type==A_SYMBOL && this->a_symbol==b;} bool operator != (t_symbol *b) {return !(*this==b);} operator float32 () const { if (a_type!=A_FLOAT) RAISE("expected float"); return a_float;} operator bool () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<0 || f>=2) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (bool)f;} operator uint8 () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<0 || f>=0x100) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (uint8)f;} operator int16 () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<-0x8000 || f>=0x8000) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (int16)f;} operator uint16 () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<0 || f>=0x10000) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (uint16)f;} operator int32 () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<-0x80000000LL || f>=0x80000000LL) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (int32)f;} operator uint32 () const {float f = round(float32(*this)); if (f<0 || f>=0x100000000LL) RAISE("value %f is out of range",f); return (uint32)f;} operator long () const { return sizeof(long)==sizeof(int32) ? (int32)*this : (int64)*this;} operator uint64 () const { if (a_type!=A_FLOAT) RAISE("expected float"); return (uint64)round(a_float);} operator int64 () const { if (a_type!=A_FLOAT) RAISE("expected float"); return (int64)round(a_float);} operator float64 () const { if (a_type!=A_FLOAT) RAISE("expected float"); return a_float;} operator t_symbol * () const { if (a_type!=A_SYMBOL) RAISE("expected symbol"); return a_symbol;} operator std::string () const { if (a_type!=A_SYMBOL) RAISE("expected symbol"); return std::string(a_symbol->s_name);} operator void * () const { if (a_type!=A_POINTER) RAISE("expected pointer"); return a_gpointer;} operator t_binbuf * () const { if (a_type!=A_LIST) RAISE("expected nested list"); return (t_binbuf *)a_gpointer;} operator Grid * () const { if (a_type!=A_GRID) RAISE("expected grid"); return (Grid *)a_gpointer;} operator GridOutlet * () const { if (a_type!=A_GRIDOUT) RAISE("expected grid outlet"); return (GridOutlet *)a_gpointer;} }; template T convert(const t_atom &x, T *foo) {const t_atom2 *xx = (const t_atom2 *)&x; return (T)*xx;} //**************************************************************** //template class P : T * {}; //a reference counting pointer class template class P { public: #define INCR if (p) p->refcount++; #define DECR if (p) {p->refcount--; if (!p->refcount) delete p;} T *p; P() {p=0;} P(T *_p) {p=_p ; INCR;} P(const P &_p) {p=_p.p; INCR;} P &operator = (T * _p) {DECR; p=_p; INCR; return *this;} P &operator = (P _p) {DECR; p=_p.p; INCR; return *this;} bool operator == (P _p) {return p==_p.p;} bool operator != (P _p) {return p!=_p.p;} ~P() {DECR;} bool operator !() {return !p;} operator bool() {return !!p;} T &operator *() {return *p;} T *operator ->() {return p;} operator T *() {return p;} //#undef INCR //#undef DECR }; void gfmemcopy(uint8 *out, const uint8 *in, long n); template inline void COPY(T *dest, T *src, long n) { gfmemcopy((uint8*)dest,(const uint8*)src,n*sizeof(T)); } template inline void CLEAR(T *dest, long n) { memset(dest,0,n*sizeof(T)); } template static void memswap (T *a, T *b, long n) { T c[n]; COPY(c,a,n); COPY(a,b,n); COPY(b,c,n); } //**************************************************************** struct CObject { int32 refcount; CObject() : refcount(0) {} virtual ~CObject() {} virtual void changed (t_symbol *s=0) {} }; // you shouldn't use MethodDecl directly (used by source_filter.rb) struct MethodDecl {const char *selector; FMethod method;}; #undef check //**************************************************************** // a Dim is a list of dimensions that describe the shape of a grid typedef int32 Card; /* should be switched to long int soon */ struct Dim : CObject { static const Card MAX_DIM=16; // maximum number of dimensions in a grid Card n; Card v[MAX_DIM]; // real stuff void check(); // test invariants Dim(Card n, Card *v){this->n=n; COPY(this->v,v,n); check();} Dim() {n=0; check();} Dim(Card a) {n=1;v[0]=a; check();} Dim(Card a,Card b) {n=2;v[0]=a;v[1]=b; check();} Dim(Card a,Card b,Card c){n=3;v[0]=a;v[1]=b;v[2]=c;check();} Dim(Dim *a, Dim *b, Dim *c=0) { n=a->n+b->n; if(c) n+=c->n; if (n>Dim::MAX_DIM) RAISE("too many dims"); COPY(v ,a->v,a->n); COPY(v+a->n,b->v,b->n); if(c) COPY(v+a->n+b->n,c->v,c->n); } Card count() {return n;} Card get(Card i) {return v[i];} /* Dim *range(Card i, Card j) {return new Dim(...);} */ Card prod(Card start=0, Card end=-1) { if (start<0) start+=n; if (end <0) end +=n; Card tot=1; for (Card i=start; i<=end; i++) tot *= v[i]; return tot; } char *to_s(); bool equal(P o) { if (n!=o->n) return false; for (Card i=0; iv[i]) return false; return true; } }; //**************************************************************** //NumberTypeE is a very small int identifying the type of the (smallest) elements of a grid #define NT_UNSIGNED (1<<0) #define NT_FLOAT (1<<1) #define NT_UNIMPL (1<<2) #define NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS(T,a,b,c) \ inline T nt_smallest(T *bogus) {return a;} \ inline T nt_greatest(T *bogus) {return b;} \ inline T nt_all_ones(T *bogus) {return c;} NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS( uint8,0,255,255) NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS( int16,-0x8000,0x7fff,-1) NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS( int32,-0x80000000,0x7fffffff,-1) NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS( int64,-0x8000000000000000LL,0x7fffffffffffffffLL,-1) NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS(float32,-HUGE_VAL,+HUGE_VAL,(RAISE("all_ones"),0)) NUMBER_TYPE_LIMITS(float64,-HUGE_VAL,+HUGE_VAL,(RAISE("all_ones"),0)) #ifdef HAVE_LITE #define NT_NOTLITE NT_UNIMPL #define NONLITE(x...) #else #define NT_NOTLITE 0 #define NONLITE(x...) x #endif #define NUMBER_TYPES(MACRO) \ MACRO(uint8, 8,NT_UNSIGNED, "u8,b") \ MACRO(int16,16,0, "i16,s") \ MACRO(int32,32,0, "i32,i") \ MACRO(int64,64,NT_NOTLITE, "i64,l") \ MACRO(float32,32,NT_FLOAT, "f32,f") \ MACRO(float64,64,NT_NOTLITE|NT_FLOAT, "f64,d") enum NumberTypeE { #define FOO(_sym_,args...) _sym_##_e, NUMBER_TYPES(FOO) #undef FOO number_type_table_end }; #define FOO(_type_) \ inline NumberTypeE NumberTypeE_type_of(_type_ *x) { \ return _type_##_e; } EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO struct NumberType : CObject { const char *name; int size; int flags; const char *aliases; NumberTypeE index; NumberType(const char *name_, int size_, int flags_, const char *aliases_) : name(name_), size(size_), flags(flags_), aliases(aliases_) {} }; NumberTypeE NumberTypeE_find (string sym); NumberTypeE NumberTypeE_find (const t_atom &sym); #define TYPESWITCH(T,C,E) switch (T) { \ case uint8_e: C(uint8) break; case int16_e: C(int16) break; \ case int32_e: C(int32) break; NONLITE(case int64_e: C(int64) break;) \ case float32_e: C(float32) break; NONLITE(case float64_e: C(float64) break;) \ default: E; RAISE("type '%s' not available here",number_type_table[T].name);} #define TYPESWITCH_JUSTINT(T,C,E) switch (T) { \ case uint8_e: C(uint8) break; case int16_e: C(int16) break; \ case int32_e: C(int32) break; NONLITE(case int64_e: C(int64) break;) \ default: E; RAISE("type '%s' not available here",number_type_table[T].name);} //**************************************************************** //BitPacking objects encapsulate optimised loops of bitfield conversion (mostly for I/O) struct BitPacking; // those are the types of the optimised loops of conversion; inputs are const struct Packer { #define FOO(S) void (*as_##S)(BitPacking *self, long n, S *in, uint8 *out); EACH_INT_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO }; struct Unpacker { #define FOO(S) void (*as_##S)(BitPacking *self, long n, uint8 *in, S *out); EACH_INT_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO }; struct BitPacking : CObject { Packer * packer; Unpacker *unpacker; unsigned int endian; // 0=big, 1=little, 2=same, 3=different int bytes; int size; uint32 mask[4]; BitPacking(){::abort();} // don't call, but don't remove. sorry. BitPacking(int endian, int bytes, int size, uint32 *mask, Packer *packer=0, Unpacker *unpacker=0); bool is_le(); bool eq(BitPacking *o); // main entrances to Packers/Unpackers template void pack(long n, T *in, uint8 *out); template void unpack(long n, uint8 *in, T *out); }; int high_bit(uint32 n); int low_bit(uint32 n); void swap16(long n, uint16 *data); void swap32(long n, uint32 *data); void swap64(long n, uint64 *data); inline void swap_endian(long n, uint8 *data) {} inline void swap_endian(long n, int16 *data) {swap16(n,(uint16 *)data);} inline void swap_endian(long n, int32 *data) {swap32(n,(uint32 *)data);} inline void swap_endian(long n, int64 *data) {swap64(n,(uint64 *)data);} inline void swap_endian(long n, float32 *data) {swap32(n,(uint32 *)data);} inline void swap_endian(long n, float64 *data) {swap64(n,(uint64 *)data);} //**************************************************************** // Numop objects encapsulate optimised loops of simple operations enum LeftRight { at_left, at_right }; template struct NumopOn { // Function Vectorisations typedef void (*Map )( long n, T *as, T b ); Map map; typedef void (*Zip )( long n, T *as, T *bs); Zip zip; typedef void (*Fold)(long an, long n, T *as, T *bs); Fold fold; typedef void (*Scan)(long an, long n, T *as, T *bs); Scan scan; // Algebraic Properties (those involving simply numeric types) typedef bool (*AlgebraicCheck)(T x, LeftRight side); // neutral: right: forall y {f(x,y)=x}; left: forall x {f(x,y)=y}; // absorbent: right: exists a forall y {f(x,y)=a}; ... void (*neutral)(T *,LeftRight); // default neutral: e.g. 0 for addition, 1 for multiplication AlgebraicCheck is_neutral, is_absorbent; NumopOn(Map m, Zip z, Fold f, Scan s, void (*neu)(T *,LeftRight), AlgebraicCheck n, AlgebraicCheck a) : map(m), zip(z), fold(f), scan(s), neutral(neu), is_neutral(n), is_absorbent(a) {} NumopOn() : map(0),zip(0),fold(0),scan(0),neutral(0),is_neutral(0),is_absorbent(0) {} NumopOn(const NumopOn &z) { map=z.map; zip=z.zip; fold=z.fold; scan=z.scan; is_neutral = z.is_neutral; neutral = z.neutral; is_absorbent = z.is_absorbent; } }; // semigroup property: associativity: f(a,f(b,c))=f(f(a,b),c) #define OP_ASSOC (1<<0) // abelian property: commutativity: f(a,b)=f(b,a) #define OP_COMM (1<<1) struct Numop { const char *name; t_symbol *sym; int flags; int size; // numop=1; vecop>1 #define FOO(T) NumopOn on_##T; \ NumopOn *on(T &foo) { \ if (!on_##T.map) RAISE("operator %s does not support type "#T,name); \ return &on_##T;} EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO template inline void map(long n, T *as, T b) { on(*as)->map(n,(T *)as,b);} template inline void zip(long n, T *as, T *bs) { on(*as)->zip(n,(T *)as,(T *)bs);} template inline void fold(long an, long n, T *as, T *bs) { typename NumopOn::Fold f = on(*as)->fold; if (!f) RAISE("operator %s does not support fold",name); f(an,n,(T *)as,(T *)bs);} template inline void scan(long an, long n, T *as, T *bs) { typename NumopOn::Scan f = on(*as)->scan; if (!f) RAISE("operator %s does not support scan",name); f(an,n,(T *)as,(T *)bs);} Numop(const char *name_, #define FOO(T) NumopOn op_##T, EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO int flags_, int size_) : name(name_), flags(flags_), size(size_) { #define FOO(T) on_##T = op_##T; EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO sym=gensym((char *)name); } }; extern NumberType number_type_table[]; extern std::map number_type_dict; extern std::map op_dict; extern std::map vop_dict; static inline NumberTypeE convert(const t_atom &x, NumberTypeE *bogus) { if (x.a_type!=A_SYMBOL) RAISE("expected number-type"); return NumberTypeE_find(string(x.a_symbol->s_name));} static Numop *convert(const t_atom &x, Numop **bogus) { if (x.a_type!=A_SYMBOL) RAISE("expected numop (as symbol)"); string k = string(x.a_symbol->s_name); if (op_dict.find(k)==op_dict.end()) { if (vop_dict.find(k)==vop_dict.end()) RAISE("expected two-input-operator, not '%s'", k.data()); return vop_dict[k]; } else return op_dict[k]; } // **************************************************************** struct Grid : CObject { P dim; NumberTypeE nt; void *data; int state; /* 0:borrowing 1:owning -1:expired(TODO) */ Grid(P dim, NumberTypeE nt, bool clear=false) { state=1; if (!dim) RAISE("hell"); init(dim,nt); if (clear) {long size = bytes(); CLEAR((char *)data,size);} } Grid(const t_atom &x) {state=1; init_from_atom(x);} Grid(int n, t_atom *a, NumberTypeE nt_=int32_e) {state=1; init_from_list(n,a,nt_);} template Grid(P dim, T *data) { state=0; this->dim=dim; this->nt=NumberTypeE_type_of((T *)0); this->data = data; } // parens are necessary to prevent overflow at 1/16th of the word size (256 megs) long bytes() { return dim->prod()*(number_type_table[nt].size/8); } P to_dim () { return new Dim(dim->prod(),(int32 *)*this); } #define FOO(T) operator T *() { return (T *)data; } EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO Grid *dup () { /* always produce an owning grid even if from a borrowing grid */ Grid *foo=new Grid(dim,nt); memcpy(foo->data,data,bytes()); return foo; } ~Grid() {if (state==1 && data) free(data);} private: void init(P dim, NumberTypeE nt) { this->dim = dim; this->nt = nt; data = 0; if (dim) { data = memalign(16,bytes()+16); if (!data) RAISE("out of memory (?) trying to get %ld bytes",bytes()); } //fprintf(stderr,"rdata=%p data=%p align=%d\n",rdata,data,align); } void init_from_atom(const t_atom &x); void init_from_list(int n, t_atom *a, NumberTypeE nt=int32_e); }; static inline Grid *convert (const t_atom &r, Grid **bogus) {return new Grid(r);} // DimConstraint interface: // return if d is acceptable // else RAISE with proper descriptive message typedef void (*DimConstraint)(P d); struct PtrGrid : public P { DimConstraint dc; void constrain(DimConstraint dc_) { dc=dc_; } P next; PtrGrid() : P(), dc(0), next(0) {} PtrGrid(const PtrGrid &_p) : P(), dc(0), next(0) {dc=_p.dc; p=_p.p; INCR;} // PtrGrid( P _p) : P(), dc(0), next(0) {dc=_p.dc; p=_p.p; INCR;} PtrGrid( Grid *_p) : P(), dc(0), next(0) { p=_p; INCR;} PtrGrid &operator =( Grid *_p) {if(dc&&_p)dc(_p->dim); DECR; p=_p; INCR; return *this;} PtrGrid &operator =(P _p) {if(dc&&_p)dc(_p->dim); DECR; p=_p.p; INCR; return *this;} PtrGrid &operator =(PtrGrid _p) {if(dc&&_p)dc(_p->dim); DECR; p=_p.p; INCR; return *this;} }; #undef INCR #undef DECR static inline P convert(const t_atom &x, P *foo) { Grid *d = convert(x,(Grid **)0); if (!d) RAISE("urgh"); if (d->dim->n!=1) RAISE("dimension list must have only one dimension itself"); return new Dim(d->dim->v[0],(int32 *)(d->data)); } static inline PtrGrid convert(const t_atom &x, PtrGrid *foo) {return PtrGrid(convert(x,(Grid **)0));} //**************************************************************** // GridInlet represents a grid-aware inlet #define GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T) GridInlet *in, long dex, long n, T *data // four-part macro for defining the behaviour of a gridinlet in a class // C:Class I:Inlet #define GRID_INLET(I) \ template void THISCLASS::grinw_##I (GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T)) {\ ((THISCLASS*)in->parent)->grin_##I(in,dex,n,data);}\ template void THISCLASS::grin_##I (GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T)) {if (n==-1) #define GRID_FLOW else if (n>=0) #define GRID_FINISH else if (n==-2) #define GRID_END } /* macro for defining a gridinlet's behaviour as just storage (no backstore) */ // V is a PtrGrid instance-var #define GRID_INPUT(I,V) \ GRID_INLET(I) {V=new Grid(in->dim,NumberTypeE_type_of(data));} GRID_FLOW {COPY((T *)*(V)+dex,data,n);} GRID_FINISH // macro for defining a gridinlet's behaviour as just storage (with backstore) // V is a PtrGrid instance-var #define GRID_INPUT2(I,V) GRID_INLET(I) {V.next = new Grid(in->dim,NumberTypeE_type_of(data));} \ GRID_FLOW {COPY(((T *)*(V.next?V.next.p:&*V.p))+dex,data,n);} GRID_FINISH typedef struct GridInlet GridInlet; typedef struct GridHandler { #define FOO(T) void (*flow_##T)(GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T)); \ void flow (GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T)) const {flow_##T(in,dex,n,data);} EACH_NUMBER_TYPE(FOO) #undef FOO } GridHandler; struct FObject; struct GridInlet : CObject { FObject *parent; const GridHandler *gh; GridOutlet *sender; P dim; NumberTypeE nt; // kill this long dex; int chunk; PtrGrid buf;// factor-chunk buffer long bufi; // buffer index: how much of buf is filled GridInlet(FObject *parent_, const GridHandler *gh_) : parent(parent_), gh(gh_), sender(0), dim(0), nt(int32_e), dex(0), chunk(-1), bufi(0) {} ~GridInlet() {} void set_chunk(long whichdim); int32 factor() {return buf?buf->dim->prod():1;} // which is usually not the same as this->dim->prod(chunk) void begin(GridOutlet *sender); void finish(); template void flow(long n, T *data); // n=-1 is begin, and n=-2 is finish. void from_list(VA, NumberTypeE nt=int32_e) {Grid t(argc,argv,nt); from_grid(&t);} void from_atom(VA) {Grid t(argv[0]); from_grid(&t);} void from_grid(Grid *g); bool supports_type(NumberTypeE nt); private: template void from_grid2(Grid *g, T foo); }; //**************************************************************** // for use by source_filter.rb ONLY (for \grin) #ifndef HAVE_LITE #define GRIN(TB,TS,TI,TL,TF,TD) {TB,TS,TI,TL,TF,TD} #else #define GRIN(TB,TS,TI,TL,TF,TD) {TB,TS,TI,TF} #endif // HAVE_LITE #define MESSAGE t_symbol *sel, int argc, t_atom2 *argv #define MESSAGE2 sel,argc,argv #define MESSAGE3 t_symbol *, int, t_atom2 * struct AttrDecl { string name; string type; AttrDecl(string name_, string type_) {name=name_; type=type_;} }; typedef FObject *(*t_allocator)(BFObject *,MESSAGE3); struct FClass { t_allocator allocator; // returns a new C++ object void (*startup)(FClass *); const char *cname; // C++ name (not PD name) int methodsn; MethodDecl *methods; FClass *super; int ninlets; int noutlets; t_class *bfclass; string name; size_t bytes; std::map attrs; }; void fclass_install(FClass *fc, FClass *super, size_t bytes); //**************************************************************** // GridOutlet represents a grid-aware outlet struct GridOutlet : CObject { // number of (minimum,maximum) BYTES to send at once // starting with version 0.8, this is amount of BYTES, not amount of NUMBERS. static const long MIN_PACKET_SIZE = 1<<8; static const long MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 1<<12; // those are set only once FObject *parent; // not a P<> because of circular refs P dim; // dimensions of the grid being sent NumberTypeE nt; std::vector inlets; // which inlets are we connected to // those are updated during transmission long dex; // how many numbers were already sent in this connection GridOutlet(FObject *parent_, int woutlet, P dim_, NumberTypeE nt_=int32_e); ~GridOutlet() {} void callback(GridInlet *in); // send/send_direct: data belongs to caller, may be stack-allocated, // receiver doesn't modify the data; in send(), there is buffering; // in send_direct(), there is not. When switching from buffered to // unbuffered mode, flush() must be called template void send(long n, T *data); void flush(); // goes with send(); PtrGrid buf; // temporary buffer long bufi; // number of bytes used in the buffer template void send_direct(long n, T *data); void finish(); void create_buf(); }; //**************************************************************** #define CHECK_GRIN(class,i) \ if (in.size()<=i) in.resize(i+1); \ if (!in[i]) in[i]=new GridInlet((FObject *)this,&class##_grid_##i##_hand); #define CHECK_ALIGN16(d,nt) \ {int bytes = 16; \ int align = ((unsigned long)(void*)d)%bytes; \ if (align) {_L_;post("%s(%s): Alignment Warning: %s=%p is not %d-aligned: %d", \ ARGS(this), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,#d,(void*)d,bytes,align);}} struct BFProxy; struct BFObject : t_object { void *gemself; // this absolutely needs to be the first field, to make GEM happy FObject *self; int ninlets,noutlets; // per object settings (not class) BFProxy **inlets; // direct access to inlets (not linked lists) t_outlet **outlets; // direct access to outlets (not linked lists) t_canvas *mom; void ninlets_set(int n, bool draw=true); void noutlets_set(int n, bool draw=true); string binbuf_string (); }; // represents objects that have inlets/outlets \class FObject : CObject { BFObject *bself; // point to PD peer std::vector > in; P out; FObject(BFObject *bself, MESSAGE) : bself(bself) {bself->self = this;} template void send_out(int outlet, int argc, T *argv) { t_atom foo[argc]; for (int i=0; ioutlets[outlet],&s_list,argc,foo); } \decl 0 get (t_symbol *s=0); \decl 0 help (); }; \end class uint64 gf_timeofday(); extern "C" void Init_gridflow (); extern Numop *op_add,*op_sub,*op_mul,*op_div,*op_mod,*op_shl,*op_and,*op_put; #define ARGS(OBJ) ((OBJ) ? (OBJ)->bself->binbuf_string().data() : "[null]") #define NOTEMPTY(_a_) if (!(_a_)) RAISE("'%s' is empty",#_a_); #define SAME_TYPE(_a_,_b_) if ((_a_)->nt != (_b_)->nt) RAISE("same type please (%s has %s; %s has %s)", \ #_a_, number_type_table[(_a_)->nt].name, \ #_b_, number_type_table[(_b_)->nt].name); static void SAME_DIM(int n, P a, int ai, P b, int bi) { if (ai+n > a->n) RAISE("left hand: not enough dimensions"); if (bi+n > b->n) RAISE("right hand: not enough dimensions"); for (int i=0; iv[ai+i] != b->v[bi+i]) { RAISE("mismatch: left dim #%d is %d, right dim #%d is %d", ai+i, a->v[ai+i], bi+i, b->v[bi+i]);}}} void suffixes_are (const char *name, const char *suffixes); #define install(name,inlets,outlets) install2(fclass,name,inlets,outlets) void install2(FClass *fclass, const char *name, int inlets, int outlets); #define add_creator(name) add_creator2(fclass,name) void add_creator2(FClass *fclass, const char *name); void add_creator3(FClass *fclass, const char *name); #define install_format(name,mode,suffixes) do {install(name,1,1); suffixes_are(name,suffixes);} while(0) void call_super(int argc, t_atom *argv); #define SUPER call_super(argc,argv); \class Format : FObject { int mode; int fd; FILE *f; NumberTypeE cast; long frame; Format(BFObject *, MESSAGE); \decl 0 open (t_symbol *mode, string filename); \decl 0 close (); \decl 0 cast (NumberTypeE nt); \decl 0 seek(int frame); \decl 0 rewind (); ~Format (); }; \end class extern std::vector gf_data_path; string gf_find_file (string x); void pd_oprintf (std::ostream &o, const char *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); void pd_oprint (std::ostream &o, int argc, t_atom *argv); void pd_post (const char *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, uint8 v) {SETFLOAT(a,(float)v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, int16 v) {SETFLOAT(a,(float)v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, int32 v) {SETFLOAT(a,(float)v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, uint32 v) {SETFLOAT(a,(float)v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, long v) {SETFLOAT(a,(float)v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, float32 v) {SETFLOAT(a,v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, float64 v) {SETFLOAT(a,v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, t_symbol *v) {SETSYMBOL(a,v);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, Numop *v) {SETSYMBOL(a,v->sym);} inline void set_atom (t_atom *a, t_binbuf *v) {SETLIST(a,v);} extern std::map fclasses; int handle_braces(int ac, t_atom *av); extern FClass ciFObject, ciFormat; /* both oprintf are copied from desiredata */ static inline int voprintf(std::ostream &buf, const char *s, va_list args) { char *b; int n = vasprintf(&b,s,args); buf << b; free(b); return n; } static inline int oprintf(std::ostream &buf, const char *s, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args,s); int n = voprintf(buf,s,args); va_end(args); return n; } std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &self, const t_atom &a); #endif // __GF_GRID_H