$Id: README 2501 2006-07-24 16:25:29Z matju $ Here's the file to list the authors of the pictures b001.jpg, r001.jpg: Eyewire Catalogue, 1999 or before. It should be checked whether there still exists a copyright on this, because the original provider has disappeared (bankruptcy??) several years ago. babbage.jpg : (check provenance) Charles Babbage (1791-1871) is widely regarded as the first computer pioneer and the great ancestral figure in the history of computing. Babbage excelled in a variety of scientific and philosophical subjects though his present-day reputation rests largely on the invention and design of his vast mechanical calculating engines. His Analytical Engine conceived in 1834 is one of the startling intellectual feats of the nineteenth century. The design of this machine possesses all the essential logical features of the modern general purpose computer. from -> http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/on-line/babbage/index.asp etch_a_sketch.jpg : by Stephanie Brodeur and Darsha Hewitt, 2006 g001.jpg: by Alexandre Castonguay, 1999 (?). bluemarble.jpg: NASA (?) lada.jpg: hungarian newspaper ad. lena.jpg: Lena Sj��blom Soderberg, centerfold of Playboy 1972.11. Researchers in infographics have extensively used that picture without necessarily asking for copyright, and apparently Playboy doesn't mind. lite_brite_code.jpg : by Stephanie Brodeur and Darsha Hewitt, 2006 lite_brite_1.jpg : by Stephanie Brodeur and Darsha Hewitt, 2006 litmus.jpg : by Alexandre Castonguay, 2006. lucida-typewriter-12.grid.gz: a grid(256,13,7) containing the Lucida Typewriter 12 medium font. opensource.png: modification of a World War Two poster. Both authors (original's and spoof's) are unknown to me. Should check. rose.jpg: unknown origin. ruby0216.jpg: photo from a conference about the Ruby programming language, held somewhere in Japan in 2003 or so. (?) scissors.jpg, sewing.jpg, working.jpg : original source (?) by Stephanie Brodeur and Darsha Hewitt, 2006 teapot.png: Researchers in infographics have also extensively used that picture (actually the wireframe model). This is (afaik) the original model, produced in the 1970's (?) by one such researcher, and then was rendered in the 1990's using the Povray raytracer, and then bundled as teapot.ppm in Tcl/Tk, and finally in 2001 I grabbed that picture test.mpeg: unknown origin. Too small to be copyrightable. tux.tga.gz: unknown origin.