#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin $Id: source_filter.rb 4452 2009-10-27 15:59:57Z matju $ GridFlow Copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Mathieu Bouchard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =end $stack = [] $classes = [] $exit = 0 ClassDecl = Struct.new(:name,:supername,:methods,:grins,:attrs,:info) MethodDecl = Struct.new(:rettype,:selector,:arglist,:minargs,:maxargs,:where) Arg = Struct.new(:type,:name,:default) Attr = Struct.new(:type,:name,:default,:virtual) class MethodDecl def ==(o) return false unless rettype==o.rettype && maxargs==o.maxargs arglist.each_index{|i| arglist[i] == o.arglist[i] or return false } return true end def ===(o) return false unless rettype==o.rettype && maxargs==o.maxargs arglist.each_index{|i| arglist[i].type == o.arglist[i].type and arglist[i].default == o.arglist[i].default or return false } return true end attr_accessor :done end class Arg def canon(type) type="Grid *" if type=="PtrGrid" type end def ==(o) canon(type)==canon(o.type) && name==o.name end end In = File.open ARGV[0], "r" Out = File.open ARGV[1], "w" def handle_class(line) raise "already in class #{where}" if $stack[-1] and ClassDecl===$stack[-1] /^(\w+)(?:\s*[:<]\s*(\w+))?\s*(\{.*)?/.match line or raise "syntax error #{where}" classname = $1 superclassname = $2 rest = $3 q=ClassDecl.new(classname,superclassname,{},{},{},false) $stack << q $classes << q Out.print "#define THISCLASS #{classname}\n\# #{$linenumber}\n" if rest and /^\{/ =~ rest then Out.print "struct #{classname} " Out.print ": #{superclassname}" if superclassname Out.print rest end end def parse_methoddecl(line,term) /^(\w+(?:\s*\*)?)\s+(\w+)\s*\(([^\)]*)\)\s*#{term}/.match line or raise "syntax error #{where} #{line}" rettype,selector,arglist = $1,$2,$3,$4 if /^\d+$/ =~ rettype then selector = "_"+rettype+"_"+selector rettype = "void" end arglist,minargs,maxargs = parse_arglist arglist MethodDecl.new(rettype,selector,arglist,minargs,maxargs,where) end def parse_arglist(arglist) arglist = arglist.split(/,/) maxargs = arglist.length args = arglist.map {|arg| if /^\s*\.\.\.\s*$/.match arg then maxargs=-1; next end /^\s*([\w\s\*<>]+)\s*\b(\w+)\s*(?:\=(.*))?/.match arg or raise "syntax error in \"#{arg}\" #{where}" type,name,default=$1,$2,$3 Arg.new(type.sub(/\s+$/,""),name,default) }.compact minargs = args.length minargs-=1 while minargs>0 and args[minargs-1].default [args,minargs,maxargs] end def unparse_arglist(arglist,with_default=true) arglist.map {|arg| x="#{arg.type} #{arg.name}" x << '=' << arg.default if with_default and arg.default x }.join(", ") end def where; "[#{ARGV[0]}:#{$linenumber}]" end def handle_attr(line) line.gsub!(/\/\/.*$/,"") # remove comment frame = $stack[-1] type = line.gsub(%r"//.*$","").gsub(%r"/\*.*\*/","").gsub(%r";?\s*$","") virtual = !!type.slice!(/\(\)$/) name = type.slice!(/\w+$/) raise "missing \\class #{where}" if not $stack[-1] or not ClassDecl===frame handle_decl "void ___get(t_symbol *s);" if frame.attrs.size==0 frame.attrs[name]=Attr.new(type,name,nil,virtual) if virtual then handle_decl "#{type} #{name}();" else Out.print line end type.gsub!(/\s+$/,"") type.gsub!(/^\s+/,"") if type=="bool" then handle_decl "0 #{name} (#{type} #{name}=true);" else handle_decl "0 #{name} (#{type} #{name});" end end def handle_decl(line) frame = $stack[-1] raise "missing \\class #{where}" if not frame or not ClassDecl===frame classname = frame.name m = parse_methoddecl(line,";\s*$") frame.methods[m.selector] = m Out.print "#{m.rettype} #{m.selector}(VA" Out.print ", #{unparse_arglist m.arglist}" if m.arglist.length>0 Out.print "); static void #{m.selector}_wrap(#{classname} *self, VA); " end def handle_def(line) m = parse_methoddecl(line,"\\{?.*$") term = line[/\{.*/] qlass = $stack[-1] raise "missing \\class #{where}" if not qlass or not ClassDecl===qlass classname = qlass.name n = m if qlass.methods[m.selector] m = qlass.methods[m.selector] if !m===n then STDERR.puts "ERROR: def does not match decl:" STDERR.puts "#{m.where}: \\decl #{m.inspect}" STDERR.puts "#{n.where}: \\def #{n.inspect}" $exit = 1 end else qlass.methods[m.selector] = m end Out.print "void #{classname}::#{m.selector}_wrap(#{classname} *self, VA) {" Out.print "static const char *methodspec = \"#{qlass.name}::#{m.selector}(#{unparse_arglist m.arglist,false})\";" Out.print "#{m.rettype} foo;" if m.rettype!="void" Out.print "if (argc<#{m.minargs}" Out.print "||argc>#{m.maxargs}" if m.maxargs!=-1 Out.print ") RAISE(\"got %d args instead of %d..%d in %s\",argc,#{m.minargs},#{m.maxargs},methodspec);" Out.print "foo = " if m.rettype!="void" Out.print " self->#{m.selector}(argc,argv" m.arglist.each_with_index{|arg,i| if arg.default then Out.print ",argc<#{i+1}?#{arg.default}:convert(argv[#{i}],(#{arg.type}*)0)" else Out.print ",convert(argv[#{i}],(#{arg.type}*)0)" end } Out.print ");} #{m.rettype} #{classname}::#{m.selector}(VA" #puts "m=#{m} n=#{n}" Out.print ","+unparse_arglist(n.arglist,false) if m.arglist.length>0 Out.print ")#{term} " qlass.methods[m.selector].done=true end def handle_constructor(line) frame = $stack[-1] raise "missing \\class #{where}" if not frame or not ClassDecl===frame m = parse_methoddecl("void constructor"+line,"(.*)$") Out.print "#{frame.name}(BFObject *bself, MESSAGE) : #{frame.supername}(bself,MESSAGE2) {" Out.print "static const char *methodspec = \"#{frame.name}::#{m.selector}(#{unparse_arglist m.arglist,false})\";" Out.print "if (argc<#{m.minargs}" Out.print "||argc>#{m.maxargs}" if m.maxargs!=-1 Out.print ") RAISE(\"got %d args instead of %d..%d in %s\",argc,#{m.minargs},#{m.maxargs},methodspec);" Out.print "#{m.selector}(sel,argc,argv" m.arglist.each_with_index{|arg,i| if arg.default then Out.print ",argc<#{i+1}?#{arg.default}:convert(argv[#{i}],(#{arg.type}*)0)" else Out.print ",convert(argv[#{i}],(#{arg.type}*)0)" end } Out.print ");}" Out.print "#{m.rettype} #{m.selector}(MESSAGE" Out.print ", #{unparse_arglist m.arglist}" if m.arglist.length>0 Out.print ") "+line[/\{.*/] end def handle_classinfo(line) frame = $stack[-1] cl = frame.name line="{}" if /^\s*$/ =~ line Out.print "static void #{cl}_startup (FClass *fclass);" Out.print "static FObject *#{cl}_allocator (BFObject *bself, MESSAGE) {return new #{cl}(bself,sel,argc,argv);}" Out.print "static MethodDecl #{cl}_methods[] = {" Out.print frame.methods.map {|foo,method| "{ \"#{method.selector}\",(FMethod)#{frame.name}::#{method.selector}_wrap }" }.join(",") Out.print "}; FClass ci#{cl} = {#{cl}_allocator,#{cl}_startup,#{cl.inspect},COUNT(#{cl}_methods),#{cl}_methods};" get="void ___get(t_symbol *s=0) {t_atom a[1];" frame.attrs.each {|name,attr| virtual = if attr.virtual then "(0,0)" else "" end get << "if (s==gensym(\"#{name}\")) set_atom(a,#{name}#{virtual}); else " if frame.methods["_0_"+name].done then #STDERR.puts "skipping already defined \\attr #{name}" next end type,name,default = attr.to_a handle_def "0 #{name} (#{type} #{name}) {this->#{name}=#{name}; changed(gensym(\"#{name}\"));}" } line.gsub!(/^\s*(\w+\s*)?\{/,"") get << "RAISE(\"unknown attr %s\",s->s_name); outlet_anything(bself->outlets[bself->noutlets-1],s,1,a);}" handle_def get if frame.attrs.size>0 Out.print "void #{frame.name}_startup (FClass *fclass) {" frame.attrs.each {|name,attr| Out.print "fclass->attrs[\"#{name}\"] = new AttrDecl(\"#{name}\",\"#{attr.type}\");" } Out.print line.chomp end def handle_grin(line) fields = line.split(/\s+/) i = fields[0].to_i c = $stack[-1].name frame = $stack[-1] Out.print "template void grin_#{i}(GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T));" Out.print "template static void grinw_#{i} (GRIDHANDLER_ARGS(T));" Out.print "static GridHandler grid_#{i}_hand;" handle_decl "#{i} grid(GridOutlet *foo);" handle_decl "#{i} list(...);" handle_decl "#{i} float(float f);" $stack[-1].grins[i] = fields.dup end def handle_end(line) frame = $stack.pop fields = line.split(/\s+/) n = fields.length if not ClassDecl===frame then raise "\\end: frame is not a \\class" end cl = frame.name if fields[0]!="class" or (n>1 and not /^\{/ =~ fields[1] and fields[1]!=cl) then raise "end not matching #{where}" end $stack.push frame frame.grins.each {|i,v| cli = "#{cl}::grinw_#{i}" k = case v[1] when nil ; [1,1,1,1,1,1] when 'int32'; [0,0,1,0,0,0] when 'int' ; [1,1,1,1,0,0] when 'float' ; [0,0,0,0,1,1] when 'float32'; [0,0,0,0,1,0] when 'float64'; [0,0,0,0,0,1] else raise 'BORK BORK BORK' end ks = k.map{|ke| if ke==0 then 0 else cli end}.join(",") Out.print "static GridHandler #{cl}_grid_#{i}_hand = GRIN(#{ks});" handle_def "#{i} grid(GridOutlet *foo) {CHECK_GRIN(#{cl},#{i});"+ "in[#{i}]->begin(foo);}" handle_def "#{i} list(...) {CHECK_GRIN(#{cl},#{i});"+ "in[#{i}]->from_list(argc,argv,int32_e);}" if not frame.methods["_#{i}_list"].done handle_def "#{i} float(float f) {CHECK_GRIN(#{cl},#{i});"+ "t_atom2 a[1]; SETFLOAT(a,f);"+ "in[#{i}]->from_atom(1,a);}" if not frame.methods["_#{i}_float"].done } if /^class\s*(\w+\s+)?\{(.*)/ =~ line then handle_classinfo("{"+$2) end $stack.pop Out.print "\n#undef THISCLASS\n\# #{$linenumber}\n" end def handle_startall(line) $classes.each {|q| Out.print "fclass_install(&ci#{q.name}," if q.supername then Out.print "&ci#{q.supername}" else Out.print "0" end Out.print ",sizeof(#{q.name}));" } end $linenumber=1 loop{ x = In.gets break if not x if /^\s*\\(\w+)\s*(.*)$/.match x then begin send("handle_#{$1}",$2) Out.puts "//FCS" rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts e.inspect, "at line #{$linenumber}", e.backtrace File.unlink ARGV[1] exit 1 end else Out.puts x end $linenumber+=1 } exit $exit