/* deljoin - join a list with delimiter Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include #if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 401) #error You need at least flext version 0.4.1 #endif #include #include #include #define I int #define L long #define F float #define D double #define V void #define C char #define BL bool #define VERSION "0.1.2" #ifdef __MWERKS__ #define STD std #else #define STD #endif class deljoin: public flext_base { FLEXT_HEADER_S(deljoin,flext_base,Setup) public: deljoin(I argc,const t_atom *argv); protected: V m_list(const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv); V m_del(const t_symbol *s); const t_symbol *delim; virtual void m_help(); private: static V Setup(t_class *c); FLEXT_CALLBACK_A(m_list) FLEXT_CALLBACK_S(m_del) }; FLEXT_NEW_V("deljoin",deljoin) V deljoin::Setup(t_class *c) { FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,0,m_list); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,1,m_del); } deljoin::deljoin(I argc,const t_atom *argv): delim(NULL) { AddInAnything("Anything in - triggers output"); AddInSymbol("Set the Delimiter"); AddOutSymbol("A symbol representing the joined list"); if(argc && IsSymbol(argv[0])) delim = GetSymbol(argv[0]); } V deljoin::m_help() { post("%s version " VERSION " (using flext " FLEXT_VERSTR "), (C) 2002 Thomas Grill",thisName()); } /** \brief convert incoming list to a concatenated string Handles symbols, integers and floats */ V deljoin::m_list(const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv) { if(delim) { C tmp[1024],*t = tmp; const C *sdel = GetString(delim); I ldel = strlen(sdel); if(s && s != sym_list && s != sym_float && s != sym_int) { strcpy(t,GetString(s)); t += strlen(t); } for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { if(t != tmp) { strcpy(t,sdel); t += ldel; } const t_atom &a = argv[i]; if(IsSymbol(a)) strcpy(t,GetString(a)); else if(IsInt(a)) { STD::sprintf(t,"%i",GetInt(a),10); } else if(IsFloat(a)) { STD::sprintf(t,"%f",GetFloat(a),10); } // else do nothing t += strlen(t); } ToOutString(0,tmp); } else post("%s - No delimiter defined",thisName()); } V deljoin::m_del(const t_symbol *s) { delim = s; }