/* dyn - dynamical object management Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "dyn_proto.h" #include <list> static const t_symbol *k_obj = gensym("obj"); static const t_symbol *k_msg = gensym("msg"); static const t_symbol *k_text = gensym("text"); static const t_symbol *sym_vis = gensym("vis"); static const t_symbol *sym_loadbang = gensym("loadbang"); static const t_symbol *sym_pd = gensym("pd"); static const t_symbol *sym_dsp = gensym("dsp"); static const t_symbol *sym_dyn = gensym("dyn"); static const t_symbol *sym_dot = gensym("."); static t_gobj *getlast(t_glist *gl) { t_gobj *go = gl->gl_list; if(go) while(go->g_next) go = go->g_next; return go; } void *NewPDObject(int type,t_glist *glist,const t_symbol *hdr,int _argc_,const t_atom *_argv_) { // sys_lock(); const t_symbol *kind; switch(type) { case DYN_TYPE_PATCHER: hdr = sym_pd; // fall through case DYN_TYPE_OBJECT: kind = k_obj; break; case DYN_TYPE_MESSAGE: kind = k_msg; ASSERT(hdr == NULL); break; case DYN_TYPE_TEXT: kind = k_text; ASSERT(hdr == NULL); break; } void *newest = NULL; t_gobj *last = NULL; if(type == DYN_TYPE_PATCHER && !glist) { /* For a dyn root canvas we can not simply put a [pd] into canvas_getcurrent because the [pd] would be visible in this canvas then. On the other hand, we can also not simply create a new canvas with canvas_getcurrent active because it would not be on the list of root dsp canvases then. Hence, we have to pop all current canvases to be at the root, create our canvas to be a real root canvas and then push back all the canvases. */ /* remember current directory - abstractions residing in the directory of the current canvas (which normally is the one hosting dyn) will be found */ t_symbol *dir; if(canvas_getcurrent()) dir = canvas_getcurrentdir(); else dir = const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dot); // pop current canvases std::list<t_glist *> glstack; for(;;) { t_glist *gl = canvas_getcurrent(); if(!gl) break; glstack.push_front(gl); canvas_unsetcurrent(gl); } // set canvas environment // this must be done manually if there is no owner glob_setfilename(NULL,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dyn),dir); t_atom arg[6]; SETFLOAT(arg+0,0); // xpos SETFLOAT(arg+1,0); // ypos SETFLOAT(arg+2,1000); // xwidth SETFLOAT(arg+3,1000); // xwidth SETSYMBOL(arg+4,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dyncanvas)); // canvas name SETFLOAT(arg+5,0); // invisible t_glist *canvas = canvas_new(NULL,NULL,6,arg); /* or, alternatively - but this needs some message processing pd_typedmess(&pd_canvasmaker,gensym("canvas"),6,arg); t_glist *canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); */ // must do that.... canvas_unsetcurrent(canvas); // push back all the canvases for(std::list<t_glist *>::iterator it = glstack.begin(); it != glstack.end(); ++it) canvas_setcurrent(*it); // clear environment glob_setfilename(NULL,&s_,&s_); newest = canvas; } else { ASSERT(glist); int argc = _argc_+(hdr?3:2); t_atom *argv = new t_atom[argc]; // position x/y = 0/0 t_atom *a = argv; SETFLOAT(a,0); a++; SETFLOAT(a,0); a++; if(hdr) { SETSYMBOL(a,const_cast<t_symbol *>(hdr)); a++; } memcpy(a,_argv_,_argc_*sizeof(t_atom)); last = getlast(glist); // set selected canvas as current pd_typedmess((t_pd *)glist,(t_symbol *)kind,argc,argv); // canvas_obj(glist,(t_symbol *)kind,argc,argv); newest = getlast(glist); delete[] argv; } if(kind == k_obj && glist) { // check for created objects and abstractions t_object *o = (t_object *)pd_newest(); if(!o) { // PD creates a text object when the intended object could not be created t_gobj *trash = getlast(glist); // Test for newly created object.... if(trash && last != trash) { // Delete it! glist_delete(glist,trash); } newest = NULL; } else newest = &o->te_g; } // look for latest created object if(newest) { // if(glist) canvas_setcurrent(glist); // send loadbang (if it is an abstraction) if(pd_class(&((t_gobj *)newest)->g_pd) == canvas_class) { // hide the sub-canvas pd_vmess((t_pd *)newest,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_vis),"i",0); // loadbang the abstraction pd_vmess((t_pd *)newest,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_loadbang),""); } // restart dsp - that's necessary because ToCanvas is called manually canvas_update_dsp(); // pop the current canvas // if(glist) canvas_unsetcurrent(glist); } // sys_unlock(); return newest; } dyn_patcher *root = NULL; dyn_ident *NewObject(int type,dyn_callback cb,dyn_ident *owner,const t_symbol *hdr,int argc,const t_atom *argv) { int err = DYN_ERROR_NONE; dyn_ident *ret = NULL; dyn_patcher *p; if(owner == DYN_ID_NONE) { if(!root) { void *newobj = NewPDObject(DYN_TYPE_PATCHER,NULL,NULL); dyn_ident *id = new dyn_ident(DYN_TYPE_PATCHER,NULL); root = new dyn_patcher(id,NULL,(t_glist *)newobj); } p = root; } else p = owner->Patcher(); if(p) { void *newobj = NewPDObject(type,p->glist(),hdr,argc,argv); if(newobj) { ret = new dyn_ident(type,cb); switch(type) { case DYN_TYPE_PATCHER: ret->Set(new dyn_patcher(ret,p,(t_glist *)newobj)); break; case DYN_TYPE_OBJECT: ret->Set(new dyn_object(ret,p,(t_gobj *)newobj)); break; case DYN_TYPE_MESSAGE: ret->Set(new dyn_message(ret,p,(t_gobj *)newobj)); break; case DYN_TYPE_TEXT: ret->Set(new dyn_text(ret,p,(t_gobj *)newobj)); break; } } else err = DYN_ERROR_NOTCREATED; } else err = DYN_ERROR_NOSUB; if(err != DYN_ERROR_NONE) { if(ret) delete ret; throw err; } else return ret; } void DelObject(dyn_ident *obj) { ASSERT(obj); if(obj->data) Destroy(obj->data); // delete database object delete obj; // delete ID }