/* dyn - dynamical object management Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "dyn_proto.h" t_class *pxin_class,*pxout_class; t_class *pxins_class,*pxouts_class; static t_object *pxin_new() { return (t_object *)pd_new(pxin_class); } static t_object *pxins_new() { return (t_object *)pd_new(pxins_class); } static t_object *pxout_new() { return (t_object *)pd_new(pxout_class); } static t_object *pxouts_new() { return (t_object *)pd_new(pxouts_class); } const t_symbol *sym_dyncanvas = gensym(" dyn canvas "); const t_symbol *sym_dynsxin = gensym(" dyn in~ "); const t_symbol *sym_dynsxout = gensym(" dyn out~ "); const t_symbol *sym_dynpxin = gensym(" dyn in "); const t_symbol *sym_dynpxout = gensym(" dyn out "); static const t_symbol *sym_dsp = gensym("dsp"); static bool dyn_init() { // set up proxy class for inbound messages pxin_class = class_new(const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dynpxin),(t_newmethod)pxin_new,(t_method)proxy::px_exit,sizeof(proxyin),0, A_NULL); class_addanything(pxin_class,proxyin::px_method); // set up proxy class for inbound signals pxins_class = class_new(const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dynsxin),(t_newmethod)pxins_new,(t_method)proxy::px_exit,sizeof(proxyin),0, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pxins_class,(t_method)proxyin::dsp,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dsp),A_NULL); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(pxins_class,proxyin,defsig); // set up proxy class for outbound messages pxout_class = class_new(const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dynpxout),(t_newmethod)pxout_new,(t_method)proxy::px_exit,sizeof(proxyout),0, A_NULL); class_addanything(pxout_class,proxyout::px_method); // set up proxy class for outbound signals pxouts_class = class_new(const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dynsxout),(t_newmethod)pxouts_new,(t_method)proxy::px_exit,sizeof(proxyout),0, A_NULL); class_addmethod(pxouts_class,(t_method)proxyout::dsp,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym_dsp),A_NULL); CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(pxouts_class,proxyout,defsig); return true; } // static variables are hopefully initialized in order of appearance // dyn_init depends on the symbols above static bool init = dyn_init(); DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Version() { return DYN_VERSION; } // \todo Implement DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Lock() { return DYN_ERROR_GENERAL; } // \todo Implement DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Unlock() { return DYN_ERROR_GENERAL; } // \todo Implement DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Pending() { return 0; } // \todo Implement DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Finish() { return DYN_ERROR_GENERAL; }