dyn~ - dynamic object management for PD Copyright (c)Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will need the flext C++ layer for PD and Max/MSP externals to compile this. see http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/ext ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The package should at least compile (and is tested) with the following compilers/platforms: pd - Windows: ------------- o Microsoft Visual C++: edit "config-pd-msvc.txt" & run "build-pd-msvc.bat" pd - linux: ----------- o GCC: edit "config-pd-linux.txt" & run "sh build-pd-linux.sh" pd - MacOSX: ----------- o GCC: edit "config-pd-darwin.txt" & run "sh build-pd-darwin.sh" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS: ----- - deletion of subcanvases and objects therein is crashy CHANGES: -------- 0.1.0: - first release: PD 0.37 supports all necessary functionality - cleaner message-based object creation - also messages and comments can be created now - handle sub-canvases 0.0.2: - give the dyn~ subcanvas a name (hard to access - for the wild scripters out there), so that it is different from the canvas where dyn~ is in - corrected names of message in- and out-proxies. - manually retrigger DSP after loading an abstraction 0.0.1: - send loadbangs for loaded abstractions - now use "dsp" message to enable dsp in sub-canvas (no need of canvas_addtolist, canvas_takefromlist any more) 0.0.0 - initial cvs version TODO: -------- - Hash table for object tags - add mute attribute