dyn~ - dynamic object management for PD

Copyright (c)Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.  


Attention: dyn~ is bound to the PD version it is compiled for.
This means that you cannot use a version compiled for PD 0.38 with PD 0.39.


You will need the flext C++ layer for PD and Max/MSP externals to compile this.
see http://grrrr.org/ext

Please see build.txt in the flext package on how to compile dyn~.



- deletion of subcanvases and objects therein may be crashy


- using aligned memory
- cached several symbols
- strip .pd extension from abstraction filenames (if stripext attribute is set)
- debug patcher opens on shift-click
- made vis an attribute (visibility can now be queried)
- fixed connecting objects in subpatchers
- use TablePtrMap type to store named objects
- allow reuse of names (can be disabled with "symreuse" attribute)
- guard against messages to canvases ("canvasmsg" attribute)
- more stable
- make connections visible
- fixed send method: any messages do work now not only lists...

- first release: PD 0.37 supports all necessary functionality
- cleaner message-based object creation
- also messages and comments can be created now
- handle sub-canvases

- give the dyn~ subcanvas a name (hard to access - for the wild scripters out there),
	so that it is different from the canvas where dyn~ is in
- corrected names of message in- and out-proxies.
- manually retrigger DSP after loading an abstraction

- send loadbangs for loaded abstractions
- now use "dsp" message to enable dsp in sub-canvas (no need of canvas_addtolist, canvas_takefromlist any more)

0.0.0 - initial cvs version

- add mute attribute