/* FFTease - A set of Live Spectral Processors Originally written by Eric Lyon and Christopher Penrose for the Max/MSP platform Copyright (c)Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "main.h" #include class drown: public flext_dsp { FLEXT_HEADER_S(drown,flext_dsp,setup) public: drown(I argc,const t_atom *argv); ~drown(); protected: virtual V m_dsp(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out); virtual V m_signal(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out); I blsz; F smprt; F *_input1,*_input2; F *_buffer1,*_buffer2; F *_channel1,*_channel2; F *_output; // F *_trigland; // I *_bitshuffle; F *_Wanal,*_Wsyn,*_Hwin; I _inCount,_nmult; // ----------------------------- private: V Clear(); V Delete(); static V setup(t_classid c); }; FLEXT_LIB_DSP_V("fftease, drown~",drown) V drown::setup(t_classid c) { } drown::drown(I argc,const t_atom *argv): blsz(0),smprt(0),_nmult(4) { Clear(); AddInSignal("Messages and input signal"); AddInSignal("Threshold generator signal"); AddInSignal("Multiplier signal for weak bins"); AddOutSignal("Transformed signal"); } drown::~drown() { Delete(); } V drown::Clear() { _input1 = _input2 = NULL; _buffer1 = _buffer2 = NULL; _channel1 = _channel2 = NULL; _output = NULL; /* _bitshuffle = NULL; _trigland = NULL; */ _Hwin = NULL; _Wanal = _Wsyn = NULL; // ----------------------------- } V drown::Delete() { if(_input1) delete[] _input1; if(_buffer1) delete[] _buffer1; if(_channel1) delete[] _channel1; /* if(_input2) delete[] _input2; if(_buffer2) delete[] _buffer2; if(_channel2) delete[] _channel2; */ if(_output) delete[] _output; /* if(_bitshuffle) delete[] _bitshuffle; if(_trigland) delete[] _trigland; */ if(_Wanal) delete[] _Wanal; if(_Wsyn) delete[] _Wsyn; if(_Hwin) delete[] _Hwin; // ----------------------------- } V drown::m_dsp(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { const I _D = Blocksize(); const F _R = Samplerate(); if(_D != blsz || _R != smprt) { blsz = _D; smprt = _R; Delete(); // --------------------------------------------- const int _N = _D*_nmult,_Nw = _N,_Nw2 = _Nw>>1,_N2 = _N>>1; _inCount = -_Nw; _input1 = new F[_Nw]; _buffer1 = new F[_N]; _channel1 = new F[_N+2]; /* _input2 = new F[_Nw]; _buffer2 = new F[_N]; _channel2 = new F[_N+2]; */ _output = new F[_Nw]; /* _bitshuffle = new I[_N*2]; _trigland = new F[_N*2]; init_rdft( _N, _bitshuffle, _trigland); */ _Wanal = new F[_Nw]; _Wsyn = new F[_Nw]; _Hwin = new F[_Nw]; makewindows( _Hwin, _Wanal, _Wsyn, _Nw, _N, _D, 0); } } /* helper function */ static void nudist( float *_S, float *_C, float threshold, float fmult, int N2 ) { int real, imag, amp, phase; int i; float maxamp = 1.; for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { imag = phase = ( real = amp = i<<1 ) + 1; F a = ( i == N2 ? _S[1] : _S[real] ); F b = ( i == 0 || i == N2 ? 0. : _S[imag] ); _C[amp] = hypot( a, b ); if( _C[amp] < threshold) _C[amp] *= fmult; _C[phase] = -atan2( b, a ); } for ( i = 0; i <= N2; i++ ) { imag = phase = ( real = amp = i<<1 ) + 1; _S[real] = _C[amp] * cos( _C[phase] ); if ( i != N2 ) _S[imag] = -_C[amp] * sin( _C[phase] ); } } V drown::m_signal(I n,S *const *in,S *const *out) { /* declare working variables */ I i, j; const I _D = blsz,_N = _D*_nmult,_Nw = _N,_N2 = _N/2,_Nw2 = _Nw/2; _inCount += _D; for ( j = 0 ; j < _N-_D ; j++ ) _input1[j] = _input1[j+_D]; for (i = 0; j < _N; j++,i++ ) _input1[j] = in[0][i]; fold( _input1, _Wanal, _Nw, _buffer1, _N, _inCount ); // rdft( _N, 1, _buffer1, _bitshuffle, _trigland ); rfft( _buffer1, _N2, 1); // ---- BEGIN -------------------------------- { // only first value of the signal vectors const F thresh = in[1][0],mult = in[2][0]; nudist( _buffer1, _channel1, thresh, mult, _N2 ); } // ---- END -------------------------------- rfft( _buffer1, _N2, 0); // rdft( _N, -1, _buffer1, _bitshuffle, _trigland ); overlapadd( _buffer1, _N, _Wsyn, _output, _Nw, _inCount); const F mult = 1./_N; for ( j = 0; j < _D; j++ ) out[0][j] = _output[j] * mult; for ( j = 0; j < _N-_D; j++ ) _output[j] = _output[j+_D]; for (; j < _N; j++ ) _output[j] = 0.; }