flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document consists of the following parts: 0) Important stuff at the beginning 1) Using the flext build system 1.1) Building and installing flext 1.2) Building externals 1.3) Tested configurations 2) Using autoconf 3) Other ways to compile flext and flext-based externals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0) Important stuff at the beginning =================================== Please be aware that the build system might have difficulties handling paths with spaces. Under unix you might get along with escaping your\ path or quoting "your path". Under Windows escaping doesn't work at all and quoting might not work either - therefore it's best not to use spaced paths at all. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Using the flext build system =============================== flext provides a universal build system which supports - various operating systems Windows (win) Linux (lnx) MacOSX (mac) - various real-time systems Pure Data (pd) Max/MSP (max) - various make programs GNU make (gnumake) Microsoft nmake (nmake) Borland make (bmake) - various compilers Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 or .NET 2002/2003 (msvc) GNU gcc 2.95 and above (gcc,cygwin,mingw) Borland bcc32 (bcc) Useful combinations of the above are under Windows: pd msvc, using nmake pd cygwin, using GNU make pd mingw, using GNU make (from the CMD prompt, not msys!) max msvc, using nmake max cygwin, using GNU make max mingw, using GNU make (from the CMD prompt, not msys!) pd bcc, using Borland make under Linux or MacOSX: pd gcc, using GNU make under MacOSX: max gcc, using GNU make - Mach-O externals only (Max 4.5 upwards) There are two central scripts in the flext folder which invoke the building process: - build.sh for bash shells (Linux, MacOSX, cygwin) - build.bat for the Windows command prompt A project needs to provide some information in order to be built properly. By default, this resides in a file called package.txt Please note, that the build system is shell-oriented, which means, that you'll have to launch a command prompt (cmd.exe under Windows) and probably also set some environment variables for your development system (e.g. run vcvars32.bat included with Microsoft Visual Studio) By invoking one of the build scripts (e.g. with "bash build.sh" under unix, or just "build" unter Windows) you'll get some lines of help. Operating System, real-time system and compiler need to be provided as arguments. See buildsys/readme.txt for developer-centered information. 1.1) Prerequisites ================== Linux: - A gnu g/g++ compiler should be present on any system. The command "g++ --version" should show version 2.95 at least. Compiler version >= 3.3 is recommended. OSX: - The developer package must be installed which contains all necessary parts. Windows: - Microsoft Visual Studio 6, .NET 2002, .NET 2003 or .NET 2005 be sure to use the VCVARS32.BAT command on the prompt to set up the environment variables or - cygwin with binutils, gcc and make packages 1.2) Building and installing flext ================================== Flext can build itself using the build system. From the flext main directory, run the build script e.g. under Windows build pd msvc or under unix with bash build.sh pd gcc When you run it for the first time, one or more configuration files will be created from templates - you will get a message on the console. You should edit the files to adapt it to your system. Depending on your platform these will have name like buildsys/config-win-pd-msvc.txt or buildsys/config-lnx-pd-gcc.txt or buildsys/config-mac-max-gcc.txt After successfully building everything, you can install flext with (under Windows) build pd msvc install or (under unix) bash build.sh pd gcc install You will probably have to have superuser rights in order to install things into the default location. (try "sudo" or "su -c" prefixes, or log in as root) 1.3) Building externals ======================= The flext build system can be used to compile flext-based externals or also native PD and Max/MSP externals, provided there is a package.txt file in the project folder. In the shell, change to the project folder. Then, simply run the flext build script, e.g. under Windows ..\flext\build pd msvc Then install your newly built external with ..\flext\build pd msvc install You can clean up the intermediate build folders with ..\flext\build pd msvc clean or under unix with bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc Then install your external with bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc install You can clean up the intermediate build folders with bash ../flext/build.sh pd gcc clean 1.4) Tested configurations ========================== Both flext and flext-based externals have been successfully built with the following combination of platform-system-compiler, build type. A missing combination does not necessarily mean that it won't work. win-pd-msvc, single/multi/shared win-pd-bcc, single/multi/shared win-pd-mingw, single/multi/shared (from CMD prompt, not MSYS) win-pd-cygwin, single/multi/shared win-max-msvc, single/multi/shared win-max-cygwin, single/multi/shared win-max-mingw, single/multi/shared mac-pd-gcc, single/multi/shared mac-max-gcc, single/multi/shared lnx-pd-gcc, single/multi/shared ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Using autoconf ================= Thanks to Tim Blechmann, flext can also be built using autoconf. This only works under unix shells. When starting from a fresh cvs-based copy of flext first run ./bootstrap.sh then you can run ./configure --help to get a page of options. You need to pass the path to the PD source files to the ./configure script, e.g. with ./configure --with-sysdir=/usr/local/src/pd/src Then build flext with make and install it with su -c "make install" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) Other ways to compile flext and flext-based externals ======================================================== - Windows - Microsoft Visual Studio projects (.vcproj files) Please have a look at the projects delivered with flext and flext-based externals. - MacOSX - Apple Xcode projects (.xcode bundles) Please have a look at the projects delivered with flext and flext-based externals. Xcode projects often use some Source Trees (definable in the Xcode Preferences). - Flext - the flext main folder - PD - the PD installation - Max SDK - the Max SDK (path ending with "c74support") - Max Common - Max common files (normally /Library/Application\ Support/Cycling\ \'74 ) - MacOSX - Metrowerks Codewarrior (.mcp files) You should have the following "Source Trees" (CW preferences, not project specific!) defined: "OS X Volume" - Pointing to your OSX boot drive "flext" - Pointing to the flext main directory "Cycling74 OSX" - Pointing to the SDK for Max/MSP - the path should end with /c74support With your project using flext use the prefix file "flcwmax-x.h" or, alternatively "flcwmax-x-thr.h" for threading support. - MacOS9 - Metrowerks Codewarrior (.mcp files) You should have the following "Source Trees" (CW preferences, not project specific!) defined: "flext" - Pointing to the flext main directory "Cycling74" - Pointing to the Cycling 74 SDK "MP SDK" - Pointing to the Multiprocessing SDK (for threading support) With your project using flext use the prefix file "flcwmax.h" or, alternatively "flcwmax-thr.h" for threading support.