# where are the Max/MSP SDK header files? # you should have the latest version! MAXSDKPATH=/Volumes/Daten/Prog/MaxMSP-SDK/4.5\ headers/c74support ############################################################### # where do/should the flext headers reside/be built? FLEXTINC=/usr/local/include/flext # where do/should the flext static libraries reside/be built? FLEXTLIB=/usr/local/lib # where do/should the flext shared libraries reside/be built? FLEXTSHLIB=$(FLEXTLIB) ############################################################### # where should the external be built? OUTPATH=max-darwin # where should the external be installed? INSTPATH=/Library/Application\ Support/Cycling\ \'74/externals ############################################################### # user defined compiler flags # (check if they match your system!) OFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=G4 -malign-natural -maltivec -faltivec