# flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals # Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) # # Makefile for BorlandC++ # # usage: make -f makefile.bcc # # --------------------------------------------- # # note: no threading support for BorlandC++ # # --------------------------------------------- !include config-pd-bcc.txt SOURCE=source NAME=flext TARGET=pdwin # appendix to lib name # includes INCPATH=-I$(BCCPATH)\include -I$(PDPATH)\src -I$(SOURCE) !ifdef SNDOBJ INCPATH=$(INCPATH) -I$(SNDOBJ) !endif # compiler definitions and flags DEFS=-DPD -DNT -DNOPTHREAD CFLAGS=-6 -O2 -OS -ff -tWD # the rest can stay untouched # ---------------------------------------------- # all the source files from the package !include make-files.txt !ifdef SNDOBJ SRCS=$(SRCS) flsndobj.cpp HDRS=$(HDRS) flsndobj.h !endif #default target all: $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME)-$(TARGET).lib # remove build clean: -del /s /q $(OUTPATH) > nul rmdir $(OUTPATH) # ----------------------------------------------- OBJS= $(SRCS:.cpp=.obj) #.PATH.obj=$(OUTPATH) {$(SOURCE)}.cpp.obj: bcc32 -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCPATH) -n$(OUTPATH) $< $(OUTPATH): @if not exist $< mkdir $< $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME)-$(TARGET).lib:: $(OUTPATH) $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME)-$(TARGET).lib:: $(OBJS) @-del "$<" cd $(OUTPATH) tlib "..\$<" +$(**: = +) cd .. !ifdef INSTALL !if "$(INSTALL)" == "yes" @-if not exist $(INSTDIR) mkdir $(INSTDIR) copy $< $(INSTDIR) >nul copy $(SOURCE)\*.h $(INSTDIR) >nul !endif !endif