/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flbase.cpp \brief Implementation of the internal flext base classes. \remark This is all derived from GEM by Mark Danks */ #include "flext.h" #include "flinternal.h" #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable:4091) #endif #include <g_canvas.h> #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (pop) #endif #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // flext_obj // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// flext_hdr *flext_obj::m_holder = NULL; const t_symbol *flext_obj::m_holdname = NULL; bool flext_obj::m_holdattr = false; int flext_obj::m_holdaargc = 0; const t_atom *flext_obj::m_holdaargv = NULL; bool flext_obj::process_attributes = false; void flext_obj::ProcessAttributes(bool attr) { process_attributes = attr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// flext_obj :: FLEXT_CLASSDEF(flext_obj)() : x_obj(m_holder) , procattr(m_holdattr) , init_ok(true) , m_name(m_holdname) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD m_canvas = canvas_getcurrent(); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX m_canvas = (t_patcher *)gensym("#P")->s_thing; x_obj->curinlet = 0; #endif } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// flext_obj :: ~FLEXT_CLASSDEF(flext_obj)() { x_obj = NULL; } bool flext_obj::Init() { return true; } bool flext_obj::Finalize() { return true; } void flext_obj::Exit() {} void flext_obj::DefineHelp(t_classid c,const char *ref,const char *dir,bool addtilde) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD char tmp[256]; if(dir) { strcpy(tmp,dir); strcat(tmp,"/"); strcat(tmp,ref); if(addtilde) strcat(tmp,"~"); } else strcpy(tmp,ref); ::class_sethelpsymbol(getClass(c),gensym(const_cast<char *>(tmp))); #else // no solution for Max/MSP yet #endif } const t_symbol *flext_obj::GetParamSym(const t_symbol *sym,t_canvas *c) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD if(!c) c = canvas_getcurrent(); const char *s = GetString(sym); if((s[0] == '$' || s[0] == '#') && isdigit(s[1])) { // patcher parameter detected... get value! if(s[0] != '$') { char tmp[MAXPDSTRING]; strcpy(tmp,s); tmp[0] = '$'; return canvas_realizedollar(c,const_cast<t_symbol *>(MakeSymbol(tmp))); } else return canvas_realizedollar(c,const_cast<t_symbol *>(sym)); } else #else #pragma message("Not implemented") #endif return sym; }