/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flbuf.cpp \brief Implementation of the buffer abstraction class. */ #include "flext.h" #if FLEXT_SYS != FLEXT_SYS_JMAX #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX #include "flmspbuffer.h" // include inofficial buffer.h #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD #define DIRTY_INTERVAL 0 // buffer dirty check in msec #endif flext::buffer::buffer(const t_symbol *bn,bool delayed): sym(NULL),data(NULL), chns(0),frames(0) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD arr = NULL; interval = DIRTY_INTERVAL; isdirty = false; ticking = false; tick = clock_new(this,(t_method)cb_tick); #endif if(bn) Set(bn,delayed); } flext::buffer::~buffer() { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD clock_free(tick); #endif } int flext::buffer::Set(const t_symbol *s,bool nameonly) { int ret = 0; bool valid = data != NULL; // valid now? (before change) if(s && sym != s) { ret = 1; data = NULL; frames = 0; chns = 0; } if(s && *GetString(s)) sym = s; if(!sym) { if(valid) ret = -1; } else if(!nameonly) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD int frames1; t_sample *data1; arr = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(const_cast(sym), garray_class); if(!arr) { if (*GetString(sym)) FLEXT_LOG1("buffer: no such array '%s'",GetString(sym)); sym = NULL; if(valid) ret = -1; } else if(!garray_getfloatarray(arr, &frames1, &data1)) { error("buffer: bad template '%s'",GetString(sym)); data = NULL; frames = 0; if(valid) ret = -1; } else { ret = 0; garray_usedindsp(arr); if(frames != frames1) { frames = frames1; if(!ret) ret = 1; } if(data != data1) { data = data1; if(!ret) ret = 1; } chns = 1; } #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(sym->s_thing) { const _buffer *p = (const _buffer *)sym->s_thing; if(NOGOOD(p)) { post("buffer: buffer object '%s' no good",GetString(sym)); if(valid) ret = -1; } else { #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG post("flext: buffer object '%s' - valid:%i samples:%i channels:%i frames:%i",GetString(sym),p->b_valid,p->b_frames,p->b_nchans,p->b_frames); #endif if(data != p->b_samples) { data = p->b_samples; if(!ret) ret = 1; } if(chns != p->b_nchans) { chns = p->b_nchans; if(!ret) ret = 1; } if(frames != p->b_frames) { frames = p->b_frames; if(!ret) ret = 1; } } } else { FLEXT_LOG1("buffer: symbol '%s' not defined", GetString(sym)); if(valid) ret = -1; } #else #error not implemented #endif } return ret; } bool flext::buffer::Valid() const { if(sym) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD int frames1; t_sample *data1; return garray_getfloatarray(arr, &frames1, &data1) != 0; #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX const _buffer *p = (const _buffer *)sym->s_thing; return p && p->b_valid; #else #error #endif } else return false; } bool flext::buffer::Update() { if(!Ok()) return false; #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD int frames1; t_sample *data1; if(!garray_getfloatarray(arr, &frames1, &data1)) { frames = 0; data = NULL; chns = 0; return true; } else if(data != data1 || frames != frames1) { frames = frames1; data = data1; return true; } else return false; #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(!sym->s_thing) return false; else { const _buffer *p = (const _buffer *)sym->s_thing; if(data != p->b_samples || chns != p->b_nchans || frames != p->b_frames) { data = p->b_samples; chns = p->b_nchans; frames = p->b_frames; return true; } else return false; } #else #error not implemented #endif } void flext::buffer::Frames(int fr,bool keep,bool zero) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // is this function guaranteed to keep memory and set rest to zero? ::garray_resize(arr,(float)fr); Update(); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX t_sample *tmp = NULL; int sz = frames; if(fr < sz) sz = fr; if(keep) { // copy buffer data to tmp storage tmp = new t_sample[sz]; if(tmp) CopySamples(tmp,data,sz); else error("flext::buffer - not enough memory for keeping buffer~ contents"); } t_atom msg; _buffer *buf = (_buffer *)sym->s_thing; // b_msr reflects buffer sample rate... is this what we want? // Max bug: adding half a sample to prevent roundoff errors.... float ms = (fr+0.5)/buf->b_msr; SetFloat(msg,ms); ::typedmess((object *)buf,gensym("size"),1,&msg); Update(); if(tmp) { // copy data back CopySamples(data,tmp,sz); delete[] tmp; if(zero && sz < fr) ZeroSamples(data+sz,fr-sz); } else if(zero) ZeroSamples(data,fr); #else #error #endif } #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD void flext::buffer::SetRefrIntv(float intv) { interval = intv; if(interval == 0 && ticking) { clock_unset(tick); ticking = false; } } #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX void flext::buffer::SetRefrIntv(float) {} #else #error #endif void flext::buffer::Dirty(bool force) { if(sym) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD if((!ticking) && (interval || force)) { ticking = true; cb_tick(this); // immediately redraw } else { if(force) clock_delay(tick,0); isdirty = true; } #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(sym->s_thing) { _buffer *p = (_buffer *)sym->s_thing; if(NOGOOD(p)) { post("buffer: buffer object '%s' no good",sym->s_name); } else { p->b_modtime = gettime(); } } else { FLEXT_LOG1("buffer: symbol '%s' not defined",sym->s_name); } #else #error #endif } } #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD void flext::buffer::cb_tick(buffer *b) { if(b->arr) garray_redraw(b->arr); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG else error("buffer: array is NULL"); #endif if(b->isdirty && b->interval) { b->isdirty = false; b->ticking = true; clock_delay(b->tick,b->interval); } else b->ticking = false; } #endif #endif // Jmax