/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flmap.h \brief special map class (faster and less memory-consuming than std::map) */ #ifndef __FLMAP_H #define __FLMAP_H #include "flprefix.h" /*! \defgroup FLEXT_SUPPORT Flext support classes @{ */ class FLEXT_SHARE TableAnyMap { public: virtual TableAnyMap *_newmap(TableAnyMap *parent) = 0; virtual void _delmap(TableAnyMap *map) = 0; struct Data { void operator()(size_t k,void *v) { key = k,value = v; } void operator =(void *v) { value = v; } size_t key; void *value; }; protected: // constructor and destructor are protected so that they can't be directly instantiated TableAnyMap(TableAnyMap *p,Data *dt) : data(dt) , parent(p),left(0),right(0) , n(0) {} virtual ~TableAnyMap(); public: #if 0 // set 1 for asserting the map structure (very cpu-intensive!) void check(int tsize) { if(n) _check(tsize); } #else // void check(int tsize) {} #endif void *insert(int tsize,size_t k,void *t) { void *r; if(LIKELY(n)) r = _set(tsize,k,t); else { data[n++](k,t); r = 0; } // check(tsize); return r; } void *find(int tsize,size_t k) const { return LIKELY(n)?_find(tsize,k):0; } void *remove(int tsize,size_t k) { void *r = LIKELY(n)?_remove(tsize,k):0; // check(tsize); return r; } virtual void clear(); class FLEXT_SHARE iterator { public: iterator(): map(0) {} iterator(const TableAnyMap &m): map(&m),ix(0) { leftmost(); } iterator(const iterator &it): map(it.map),ix(it.ix) {} iterator &operator =(const iterator &it) { map = it.map,ix = it.ix; return *this; } operator bool() const { return map && ix < map->n; } // no checking here! void *data() const { return map->data[ix].value; } size_t key() const { return map->data[ix].key; } iterator &operator ++() { forward(); return *this; } protected: void leftmost() { // search smallest branch (go left as far as possible) const TableAnyMap *nmap; while((nmap = map->left) != 0) map = nmap; } void forward(); // pointers to map and index within const TableAnyMap *map; int ix; }; void _init(size_t k,void *t) { data[0](k,t); n = 1; } void *_toleft(int tsize,size_t k,void *t) { if(left) return left->_set(tsize,k,t); else { (left = _newmap(this))->_init(k,t); return 0; } } void *_toright(int tsize,size_t k,void *t) { if(right) return right->_set(tsize,k,t); else { (right = _newmap(this))->_init(k,t); return 0; } } void *_toleft(int tsize,Data &v) { return _toleft(tsize,v.key,v.value); } void *_toright(int tsize,Data &v) { return _toright(tsize,v.key,v.value); } void *_set(int tsize,size_t k,void *t); void *_find(int tsize,size_t k) const; void *_remove(int tsize,size_t k); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG void _check(int tsize); #endif Data *data; TableAnyMap *parent,*left,*right; int n; //! return index of data item with key <= k //! \note index can point past the last item! unsigned int _tryix(size_t k) const { unsigned int ix = 0,b = n; while(ix != b) { const unsigned int c = (ix+b)>>1; const size_t dk = data[c].key; if(k == dk) return c; else if(k < dk) b = c; else if(ix < c) ix = c; else return b; } return ix; } void _eraseempty(TableAnyMap *&b) { if(!b->n) { // remove empty branch _delmap(b); b = 0; } } void _getsmall(Data &dt); void _getbig(Data &dt); private: // hide, so that it can't be used..... explicit TableAnyMap(const TableAnyMap &): data(NULL) {} TableAnyMap &operator =(const TableAnyMap &) { return *this; } }; template <typename K,typename T,int N = 8> class TablePtrMap : #if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__MWERKS__) public // necessary for VC6 #endif TableAnyMap { public: TablePtrMap(): TableAnyMap(0,slots),count(0) {} virtual ~TablePtrMap() { clear(); } virtual void clear() { TableAnyMap::clear(); count = 0; } inline int size() const { return count; } inline T insert(K k,T t) { void *d = TableAnyMap::insert(N,*(size_t *)&k,(void *)t); if(!d) ++count; return (T)d; } inline T find(K k) const { return (T)TableAnyMap::find(N,*(size_t *)&k); } inline T remove(K k) { void *d = TableAnyMap::remove(N,*(size_t *)&k); if(LIKELY(d)) --count; return (T)d; } class iterator : TableAnyMap::iterator { public: iterator() {} iterator(const TablePtrMap &m): TableAnyMap::iterator(m) {} iterator(const iterator &it): TableAnyMap::iterator(it) {} // this ugly syntax (cast to parent class) is needed for MSVC6 inline iterator &operator =(const iterator &it) { ((TableAnyMap::iterator &)*this) = it; return *this; } inline operator bool() const { return (bool)((TableAnyMap::iterator &)*this); } inline T data() const { return (T)(((TableAnyMap::iterator &)*this).data()); } inline K key() const { return (K)(((TableAnyMap::iterator &)*this).key()); } inline iterator &operator ++() { ++((TableAnyMap::iterator &)*this); return *this; } }; protected: TablePtrMap(TableAnyMap *p): TableAnyMap(p,slots),count(0) {} virtual TableAnyMap *_newmap(TableAnyMap *parent) { return new TablePtrMap(parent); } virtual void _delmap(TableAnyMap *map) { delete (TablePtrMap *)map; } int count; Data slots[N]; private: explicit TablePtrMap(const TableAnyMap &p) {} }; //! @} // FLEXT_SUPPORT #endif