/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flmeth.cpp \brief Method processing of flext base class. */ #include "flext.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "flinternal.h" flext_base::methitem::methitem(int in,const t_symbol *tg,attritem *conn): item(tg,in,conn), argc(0),args(NULL) ,fun(NULL) {} flext_base::methitem::~methitem() { if(args) delete[] args; } void flext_base::methitem::SetArgs(methfun _fun,int _argc,metharg *_args) { fun = _fun; if(args) delete[] args; argc = _argc,args = _args; } void flext_base::AddMethodDef(int inlet,const char *tag) { methhead->Add(new methitem(inlet,tag?MakeSymbol(tag):NULL)); } /*! \brief Add a method to the queue */ void flext_base::AddMethod(itemarr *ma,int inlet,const char *tag,methfun fun,metharg tp,...) { va_list marker; // at first just count the arg type list (in argc) int argc = 0; va_start(marker,tp); metharg *args = NULL,arg = tp; for(; arg != a_null; ++argc) arg = (metharg)va_arg(marker,int); //metharg); va_end(marker); if(argc > 0) { if(argc > FLEXT_MAXMETHARGS) { error("flext - method %s: only %i arguments are type-checkable: use variable argument list for more",tag?tag:"?",FLEXT_MAXMETHARGS); argc = FLEXT_MAXMETHARGS; } args = new metharg[argc]; va_start(marker,tp); metharg a = tp; for(int ix = 0; ix < argc; ++ix) { #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG if(a == a_list && ix > 0) { ERRINTERNAL(); } #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD if(a == a_pointer && flext_base::compatibility) { post("Pointer arguments are not allowed in compatibility mode"); } #endif args[ix] = a; a = (metharg)va_arg(marker,int); //metharg); } va_end(marker); } methitem *mi = new methitem(inlet,MakeSymbol(tag)); mi->SetArgs(fun,argc,args); ma->Add(mi); }