/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flout.cpp \brief Implementation of the flext outlet functionality. */ #include "flext.h" #include "flinternal.h" #include <string.h> #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD || FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX void flext_base::ToSysAtom(int n,const t_atom &at) const { outlet *o = GetOut(n); if(LIKELY(o)) { CRITON(); if(IsSymbol(at)) outlet_symbol((t_outlet *)o,const_cast<t_symbol *>(GetSymbol(at))); else if(IsFloat(at)) outlet_float((t_outlet *)o,GetFloat(at)); #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX else if(IsInt(at)) outlet_flint((t_outlet *)o,GetInt(at)); #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD else if(IsPointer(at)) outlet_pointer((t_outlet *)o,GetPointer(at)); #endif else error("Atom type not supported"); CRITOFF(); } } #else #error Not implemented #endif #if defined(FLEXT_THREADS) #if FLEXT_QMODE == 2 #define CHKTHR() (LIKELY((IsSystemThread() || IsThread(flext::thrmsgid)) && !InDSP())) #else #define CHKTHR() (LIKELY(IsSystemThread() && !InDSP())) #endif #else #define CHKTHR() (LIKELY(!InDSP())) #endif void flext_base::ToOutBang(int n) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysBang(n); else ToQueueBang(n); } void flext_base::ToOutFloat(int n,float f) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysFloat(n,f); else ToQueueFloat(n,f); } void flext_base::ToOutInt(int n,int f) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysInt(n,f); else ToQueueInt(n,f); } void flext_base::ToOutSymbol(int n,const t_symbol *s) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysSymbol(n,s); else ToQueueSymbol(n,s); } void flext_base::ToOutAtom(int n,const t_atom &at) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysAtom(n,at); else ToQueueAtom(n,at); } void flext_base::ToOutList(int n,int argc,const t_atom *argv) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysList(n,argc,argv); else ToQueueList(n,argc,argv); } void flext_base::ToOutAnything(int n,const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv) const { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysAnything(n,s,argc,argv); else ToQueueAnything(n,s,argc,argv); } void flext::ToOutMsg(MsgBundle *mb) { if(CHKTHR()) ToSysMsg(mb); else ToQueueMsg(mb); } bool flext::Forward(const t_symbol *recv,const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv) { return CHKTHR()?SysForward(recv,s,argc,argv):QueueForward(recv,s,argc,argv); } bool flext_base::InitInlets() { bool ok = true; // incnt has number of inlets (any type) // insigs should be 0 FLEXT_ASSERT(!insigs && !inlets); // ---------------------------------- // create inlets // ---------------------------------- #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // copy inlet descriptions indesc = new char *[incnt]; for(int i = 0; i < incnt; ++i) { xlet &x = inlist[i]; indesc[i] = x.desc; x.desc = NULL; } #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD || FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX inlets = incnt > 1?new px_object *[incnt]:NULL; #endif // type info is now in list array #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD { int cnt = 0; if(incnt >= 1) { xlet &xi = inlist[0]; // points to first inlet if(xi.tp == xlet_sig) ++insigs; // else leftmost inlet is already there... ++cnt; #if PD_MINOR_VERSION >= 37 && defined(PD_DEVEL_VERSION) // set tooltip // this is on a per-class basis... we cannot really use it here // if(xi.desc && *xi.desc) class_settip(thisClass(),gensym(xi.desc)); #endif } for(int ix = 1; ix < incnt; ++ix,++cnt) { xlet &xi = inlist[ix]; // points to first inlet t_inlet *in = NULL; switch(xi.tp) { case xlet_float: case xlet_int: { if(ix > 9) { // proxy inlet needed (inlets[ix-1] = (px_object *)pd_new(px_class))->init(this,ix); // proxy for 2nd inlet messages in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj,&inlets[ix-1]->obj.ob_pd, (t_symbol *)sym_float, (t_symbol *)sym_float); } else { inlets[ix-1] = NULL; static char sym[] = " ft ?"; sym[4] = '0'+ix; in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj, &x_obj->obj.ob_pd, (t_symbol *)sym_float, gensym(sym)); } break; } case xlet_sym: (inlets[ix-1] = (px_object *)pd_new(px_class))->init(this,ix); // proxy for 2nd inlet messages in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj,&inlets[ix-1]->obj.ob_pd, (t_symbol *)sym_symbol, (t_symbol *)sym_symbol); break; case xlet_list: (inlets[ix-1] = (px_object *)pd_new(px_class))->init(this,ix); // proxy for 2nd inlet messages in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj,&inlets[ix-1]->obj.ob_pd, (t_symbol *)sym_list, (t_symbol *)sym_list); break; case xlet_any: (inlets[ix-1] = (px_object *)pd_new(px_class))->init(this,ix); // proxy for 2nd inlet messages in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj,&inlets[ix-1]->obj.ob_pd, 0, 0); break; case xlet_sig: inlets[ix-1] = NULL; #ifdef FLEXT_COMPATIBLE if(inlist[ix-1].tp != xlet_sig) { post("%s: All signal inlets must be left-aligned in compatibility mode",thisName()); ok = false; } else #endif { // pd is not able to handle signals and messages into the same inlet... in = inlet_new(&x_obj->obj, &x_obj->obj.ob_pd, (t_symbol *)sym_signal, (t_symbol *)sym_signal); ++insigs; } break; default: inlets[ix-1] = NULL; error("%s: Wrong type for inlet #%i: %i",thisName(),ix,(int)inlist[ix].tp); ok = false; } #if PD_MINOR_VERSION >= 37 && defined(PD_DEVEL_VERSION) // set tooltip if(in && xi.desc && *xi.desc) inlet_settip(in,gensym(xi.desc)); #endif } incnt = cnt; } #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX { int ix,cnt; // count leftmost signal inlets while(insigs < incnt && inlist[insigs].tp == xlet_sig) ++insigs; for(cnt = 0,ix = incnt-1; ix >= insigs; --ix,++cnt) { xlet &xi = inlist[ix]; if(ix == 0) { if(xi.tp != xlet_any) { error("%s: Leftmost inlet must be of type signal or anything",thisName()); ok = false; } } else { switch(xi.tp) { case xlet_sig: inlets[ix-1] = NULL; error("%s: All signal inlets must be left-aligned",thisName()); ok = false; break; case xlet_float: { if(ix < 10) { inlets[ix-1] = NULL; floatin(x_obj,ix); break; } else goto makeproxy; } case xlet_int: { if(ix < 10) { inlets[ix-1] = NULL; intin(x_obj,ix); break; } else goto makeproxy; } makeproxy: case xlet_any: // non-leftmost case xlet_sym: case xlet_list: inlets[ix-1] = (px_object *)proxy_new(x_obj,ix,&((flext_hdr *)x_obj)->curinlet); break; default: inlets[ix-1] = NULL; error("%s: Wrong type for inlet #%i: %i",thisName(),ix,(int)xi.tp); ok = false; } } } while(ix > 0) inlets[ix--] = NULL; } #else #error #endif return ok; } bool flext_base::InitOutlets() { bool ok = true; int procattr = HasAttributes()?1:0; // outcnt has number of inlets (any type) // outsigs should be 0 FLEXT_ASSERT(outsigs == 0); // ---------------------------------- // create outlets // ---------------------------------- #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // for Max/MSP the rightmost outlet has to be created first outlet *attrtmp = NULL; if(procattr) attrtmp = (outlet *)newout_anything(thisHdr()); #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // copy outlet descriptions outdesc = new char *[outcnt]; for(int i = 0; i < outcnt; ++i) { xlet &xi = outlist[i]; outdesc[i] = xi.desc; xi.desc = NULL; } #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD || FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(outcnt+procattr) outlets = new outlet *[outcnt+procattr]; else outlets = NULL; // type info is now in list array #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD for(int ix = 0; ix < outcnt; ++ix) #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX for(int ix = outcnt-1; ix >= 0; --ix) #else #error #endif { switch(outlist[ix].tp) { case xlet_float: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_float(&x_obj->obj); break; case xlet_int: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_flint(&x_obj->obj); break; case xlet_sig: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_signal(&x_obj->obj); ++outsigs; break; case xlet_sym: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_symbol(&x_obj->obj); break; case xlet_list: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_list(&x_obj->obj); break; case xlet_any: outlets[ix] = (outlet *)newout_anything(&x_obj->obj); break; #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG default: ERRINTERNAL(); ok = false; #endif } } #else #error #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD || FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX if(procattr) { // attribute dump outlet is the last one outlets[outcnt] = #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // attribute dump outlet is the last one (outlet *)newout_anything(&x_obj->obj); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX attrtmp; #endif } #endif return ok; }