/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #ifndef __FLSTK_H #define __FLSTK_H #include "flext.h" #include <Stk.h> class FLEXT_SHARE flext_stk: public flext_dsp { FLEXT_HEADER(flext_stk,flext_dsp) public: flext_stk(); // these have to be overridden in child classes virtual bool NewObjs() { return true; } virtual void FreeObjs() {} virtual void ProcessObjs(int blocksize) {} protected: virtual bool Init(); virtual void Exit(); //! STK object for reading from inlet buffer class Input: public Stk { public: Input(const t_sample *b,int vecsz); inline MY_FLOAT lastOut() const { return (MY_FLOAT)buf[index]; } inline MY_FLOAT tick() { if(++index >= vecsz) index = 0; return lastOut(); } MY_FLOAT *tick(MY_FLOAT *vector,unsigned int vectorSize); inline void SetBuf(const t_sample *b) { buf = b; } private: const t_sample *buf; int vecsz,index; }; //! STK object for writing to outlet buffer class Output: public Stk { public: Output(t_sample *b,int vecsz); inline void tick(MY_FLOAT s) { buf[index] = (t_sample)s; if(++index >= vecsz) index = 0; } void tick(const MY_FLOAT *vector,unsigned int vectorSize); inline void SetBuf(t_sample *b) { buf = b; } private: t_sample *buf; int vecsz,index; }; Input &Inlet(int ix) { return *inobj[ix]; } Output &Outlet(int ix) { return *outobj[ix]; } private: virtual void m_dsp(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out); virtual void m_signal(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out); void ClearObjs(); int inobjs,outobjs; Input **inobj; Output **outobj; float smprt; int blsz; }; #endif