/* flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ /*! \file flsupport.h \brief flext support functions and classes */ #ifndef __FLSUPPORT_H #define __FLSUPPORT_H #include "flstdc.h" #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS #include #endif class FLEXT_EXT flext { /*! \defgroup FLEXT_SUPPORT Flext support class @{ */ public: // --- buffer/array stuff ----------------------------------------- /*! \defgroup FLEXT_S_BUFFER Buffer handling @{ */ //! Class for platform independent buffer handling class buffer { public: /*! \brief Construct buffer. \param s: symbol name, can be NULL \param delayed = true: only sets name, needs another Set(NULL) to really initialize the buffer \remark As externals can be created prior to the buffer objects they are pointing to, initialization should be done at loadbang! */ buffer(const t_symbol *s = NULL,bool delayed = false); //! Destroy buffer ~buffer(); /*! \brief Check if the data is valid */ bool Ok() const { return sym != NULL && data != NULL; } /*! \brief Check and update if the buffer has been changed (e.g. resized) */ bool Update(); /*! \brief Set to specified buffer. \param nameonly: if true sets name only, but doesn't look at buffer actually */ int Set(const t_symbol *s = NULL,bool nameonly = false); /*! \brief Declare buffer content as dirty. \param refr: if true forces immediate graphics refresh */ void Dirty(bool refr = false); //! Get symbol of buffer t_symbol *Symbol() const { return const_cast(sym); } //! Get literal name of buffer const char *Name() const { return sym?sym->s_name:""; } /*! \brief Get pointer to buffer, channel and frame count. \remark Channels are interleaved */ t_sample *Data() { return data; } //! Get channel count int Channels() const { return chns; } //! Get frame count int Frames() const { return frames; } //! Set frame count void Frames(int fr,bool keep = false); //! Graphic auto refresh interval void SetRefrIntv(float intv); protected: const t_symbol *sym; t_sample *data; int chns,frames; #ifdef PD t_garray *arr; float interval; bool isdirty,ticking; t_clock *tick; private: static void cb_tick(buffer *b); #endif }; //! @} FLEXT_S_BUFFER // --- utilities -------------------------------------------------- /*! \defgroup FLEXT_S_UTIL Utility functions @{ */ //! Copy an atom static void CopyAtom(t_atom *dst,const t_atom *src) { *dst = *src; } //! Print an atom static void PrintAtom(const t_atom &a,char *buf); //! Scan an atom static bool ScanAtom(t_atom &a,const char *buf); //! Copy a list of atoms static t_atom *CopyList(int argc,const t_atom *argv); //! Copy a memory region static void CopyMem(void *dst,const void *src,int bytes); //! Zero a memory region static void ZeroMem(void *dst,int bytes); //! Sleep for an amount of time static void Sleep(float s); //! @} FLEXT_S_UTIL // --- various symbols -------------------------------------------- /*! \defgroup FLEXT_S_ATOM Atom/list handling @{ */ //! Symbol constant for "float" static const t_symbol *sym_float; //! Symbol constant for "symbol" static const t_symbol *sym_symbol; //! Symbol constant for "bang" static const t_symbol *sym_bang; //! Symbol constant for "list" static const t_symbol *sym_list; //! Symbol constant for "anything" static const t_symbol *sym_anything; /*! \brief Symbol constant for "int" \note Only the Max/MSP system has this defined as an internal type */ static const t_symbol *sym_int; /*! Symbol constant for "pointer" \note Only PD has this defined as an internal type */ static const t_symbol *sym_pointer; #ifdef PD /*! \brief Symbol constant for "signal" \note PD only */ static const t_symbol *sym_signal; #endif //! Make a symbol from a string static const t_symbol *MakeSymbol(const char *s) { return gensym(const_cast(s)); } //! Get symbol string static const char *GetString(const t_symbol *s) { return s->s_name; } //! Check for symbol and get string static const char *GetAString(const t_symbol *s) { return s?s->s_name:""; } // --- atom stuff ---------------------------------------- //! Set atom from another atom static int GetType(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type; } //! Set atom from another atom static void SetAtom(t_atom &a,const t_atom &b) { CopyAtom(&a,&b); } //! Check whether the atom is nothing static bool IsNothing(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type == A_NULL; } //! Set the atom to represent nothing static void SetNothing(t_atom &a) { a.a_type = A_NULL; } //! Check whether the atom is a float static bool IsFloat(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type == A_FLOAT; } //! Check whether the atom can be represented as a float static bool CanbeFloat(const t_atom &a) { return IsFloat(a) || IsInt(a); } //! Access the float value (without type check) static float GetFloat(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_w.w_float; } //! Set the atom to represent a float static void SetFloat(t_atom &a,float v) { a.a_type = A_FLOAT; a.a_w.w_float = v; } //! Check whether the atom is a symbol static bool IsSymbol(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type == A_SYMBOL; } #ifdef PD //! Access the symbol value (without type check) static t_symbol *GetSymbol(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_w.w_symbol; } //! Set the atom to represent a symbol static void SetSymbol(t_atom &a,const t_symbol *s) { a.a_type = A_SYMBOL; a.a_w.w_symbol = const_cast(s); } #else //! Access the symbol value (without type check) static t_symbol *GetSymbol(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_w.w_sym; } //! Set the atom to represent a symbol static void SetSymbol(t_atom &a,const t_symbol *s) { a.a_type = A_SYMBOL; a.a_w.w_sym = const_cast(s); } #endif //! Check for a symbol and get its value static t_symbol *GetASymbol(const t_atom &a) { return IsSymbol(a)?GetSymbol(a):NULL; } // NULL or empty symbol? //! Check whether the atom is a string static bool IsString(const t_atom &a) { return IsSymbol(a); } //! Access the string value (without type check) static const char *GetString(const t_atom &a) { t_symbol *s = GetSymbol(a); return s?GetString(s):NULL; } //! Check for a string and get its value static void GetAString(const t_atom &a,char *buf,int szbuf); //! Set the atom to represent a string static void SetString(t_atom &a,const char *c) { SetSymbol(a,gensym(const_cast(c))); } //! Check whether the atom can be represented as an integer static bool CanbeInt(const t_atom &a) { return IsFloat(a) || IsInt(a); } //! Set the atom to represent a boolean static void SetBool(t_atom &a,bool v) { SetInt(a,v?1:0); } //! Check whether the atom can be represented as a boolean static bool CanbeBool(const t_atom &a) { return CanbeInt(a); } //! Check for an boolean and get its value static bool GetABool(const t_atom &a) { return GetAInt(a) != 0; } #ifdef PD //! Check for a float and get its value static float GetAFloat(const t_atom &a) { return IsFloat(a)?GetFloat(a):0; } //! Check whether the atom is an integer static bool IsInt(const t_atom &) { return false; } //! Access the integer value (without type check) static int GetInt(const t_atom &a) { return (int)GetFloat(a); } //! Check for an integer and get its value static int GetAInt(const t_atom &a) { return (int)GetAFloat(a); } //! Set the atom to represent a integer (depending on the system) static void SetInt(t_atom &a,int v) { a.a_type = A_FLOAT; a.a_w.w_float = (float)v; } //! Check whether the atom strictly is a pointer static bool IsPointer(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type == A_POINTER; } //! Check whether the atom can be a pointer static bool CanbePointer(const t_atom &a) { return IsPointer(a); } //! Access the pointer value (without type check) static t_gpointer *GetPointer(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_w.w_gpointer; } //! Check for a pointer and get its value static void *GetAPointer(const t_atom &a) { return IsPointer(a)?GetPointer(a):NULL; } //! Set the atom to represent a pointer static void SetPointer(t_atom &a,void *p) { a.a_type = A_POINTER; a.a_w.w_gpointer = (t_gpointer *)p; } #elif defined(MAXMSP) //! Check for a float and get its value static float GetAFloat(const t_atom &a) { return IsFloat(a)?GetFloat(a):(IsInt(a)?GetInt(a):0); } //! Check whether the atom is an int static bool IsInt(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_type == A_INT; } //! Access the integer value (without type check) static int GetInt(const t_atom &a) { return a.a_w.w_long; } //! Check for an integer and get its value static int GetAInt(const t_atom &a) { return IsInt(a)?GetInt(a):(IsFloat(a)?(int)GetFloat(a):0); } //! Set the atom to represent an integer static void SetInt(t_atom &a,int v) { a.a_type = A_INT; a.a_w.w_long = v; } //! Check whether the atom strictly is a pointer static bool IsPointer(const t_atom &) { return false; } //! Check whether the atom can be a pointer static bool CanbePointer(const t_atom &a) { return IsInt(a); } //! Check for a pointer and get its value static void *GetAPointer(const t_atom &a) { return IsInt(a)?(void *)GetInt(a):NULL; } //! Set the atom to represent a pointer static void SetPointer(t_atom &a,void *p) { SetInt(a,(int)p); } #endif // --- atom list stuff ------------------------------------------- //! Class representing a list of atoms class AtomList { public: //! Construct list AtomList(int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL); //! Construct list AtomList(const AtomList &a); //! Destroy list ~AtomList(); //! Clear list AtomList &Clear() { return operator()(); } //! Set list AtomList &Set(int argc,const t_atom *argv,int offs = 0,bool resize = false); //! Get list int Get(t_atom *argv,int mxsz = -1) const; //! Set list AtomList &operator()(int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL) { return Set(argc,argv,0,true); } //! Set list by another AtomList AtomList &operator =(const AtomList &a) { return operator()(a.Count(),a.Atoms()); } //! Get number of atoms in the list int Count() const { return cnt; } //! Get a reference to an indexed atom t_atom &operator [](int ix) { return lst[ix]; } //! Get a reference to an indexed atom const t_atom &operator [](int ix) const { return lst[ix]; } //! Get a pointer to the list of atoms t_atom *Atoms() { return lst; } //! Get a pointer to the list of atoms const t_atom *Atoms() const { return lst; } //! Append an atom to the list AtomList &Append(const t_atom &a); //! Append an atom list to the list AtomList &Append(int argc,const t_atom *argv = NULL); //! Append an atom list to the list AtomList &Append(const AtomList &a) { return Append(a.Count(),a.Atoms()); } //! Prepend an atom to the list AtomList &Prepend(const t_atom &a); //! Prepend an atom list to the list AtomList &Prepend(int argc,const t_atom *argv = NULL); //! Prepend an atom list to the list AtomList &Prepend(const AtomList &a) { return Prepend(a.Count(),a.Atoms()); } //! Get a part of the list AtomList GetPart(int offs,int len) const; //! Set to a part of the list AtomList &Part(int offs,int len) { return (*this = GetPart(offs,len)); } protected: int cnt; t_atom *lst; }; //! Class representing an "anything" class AtomAnything: public AtomList { public: //! Construct anything AtomAnything(const t_symbol *h = NULL,int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL); //! Construct anything AtomAnything(const char *h,int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL); //! Construct anything AtomAnything(const AtomAnything &a); //! Clear anything AtomAnything &Clear() { return operator()(); } //! Get header symbol of anything const t_symbol *Header() const { return hdr; } //! Set header symbol of anything void Header(const t_symbol *h) { hdr = h; } //! Set anything AtomAnything &operator()(const t_symbol *h = NULL,int argc = 0,const t_atom *argv = NULL) { hdr = h; AtomList::operator()(argc,argv); return *this; } //! Set list by another AtomAnything AtomAnything &operator =(const AtomAnything &a) { return operator()(a.Header(),a.Count(),a.Atoms()); } protected: const t_symbol *hdr; }; //! @} FLEXT_S_ATOM // --- clock stuff ------------------------------------------------ /*! \defgroup FLEXT_S_CLOCK Flext clock functions At the moment there are none @{ */ //! @} // --- thread stuff ----------------------------------------------- #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS /*! \defgroup FLEXT_S_THREAD Flext thread handling @{ */ /*! \brief Thread mutex \sa pthreads documentation */ class ThrMutex { public: //! Construct thread mutex ThrMutex(): cnt(0) { pthread_mutex_init(&mutex,NULL); } //! Destroy thread mutex ~ThrMutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); } //! Lock thread mutex int Lock() { cnt = 1; return pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); } //! Try to lock, but don't wait int TryLock() { return pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex); } //! Unlock thread mutex int Unlock() { cnt = 0; return pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } //! Lock thread mutex (increase lock count by one) void Push() { if(!cnt++) Lock(); } //! Unlock thread mutex if lock count reaches zero void Pop() { if(!--cnt) Unlock(); } protected: pthread_mutex_t mutex; int cnt; }; /*! \brief Thread conditional \sa pthreads documentation */ class ThrCond: public ThrMutex { public: //! Construct thread conditional ThrCond() { pthread_cond_init(&cond,NULL); } //! Destroy thread conditional ~ThrCond() { pthread_cond_destroy(&cond); } //! Wait for condition int Wait() { return pthread_cond_wait(&cond,&mutex); } /*! \brief Wait for condition (for a certain time) \param time Wait time in seconds */ int TimedWait(float time) { timespec tm; tm.tv_sec = (long)time; tm.tv_nsec = (long)((time-(long)time)*1.e9); return pthread_cond_timedwait(&cond,&mutex,&tm); } //! Signal condition int Signal() { return pthread_cond_signal(&cond); } //! Broadcast condition int Broadcast() { return pthread_cond_broadcast(&cond); } protected: pthread_cond_t cond; }; //! @} FLEXT_S_THREAD #endif // FLEXT_THREADS //! @} protected: #ifdef __MRC__ friend class flext_obj; #endif static void Setup(); }; #endif