
flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals

Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.  


/*! \file flxlet.cpp
    \brief Implementation of the variable inlet/outlet functionality.
#include "flext.h"
#include "flinternal.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

flext_base::xlet::xlet(type t,const char *d): 
	if(d) {
		int ln = strlen(d);
		desc = new char[ln+1];
		desc[ln] = 0;
	else desc = NULL;

	if(desc) delete[] desc;
	if(nxt) delete nxt; 

void flext_base::AddXlet(xlet::type tp,int mult,const char *desc,xlet *&root)
	if(!root && mult) { root = new xlet(tp,desc); --mult; }
	if(mult) {
		xlet *xi = root; 
		while(xi->nxt) xi = xi->nxt;
		while(mult--) xi = xi->nxt = new xlet(tp,desc);

void flext_base::DescXlet(int ix,const char *d,xlet *&root)
	xlet *xi = root; 
	for(int i = 0; xi && i < ix; xi = xi->nxt,++i) {}

	if(xi) {
		if(xi->desc) delete[] xi->desc;
		int ln = strlen(d);
		xi->desc = new char[ln+1];
		xi->desc[ln] = 0;

unsigned long flext_base::XletCode(xlet::type tp,...)
	unsigned long code = 0;

	va_list marker;
	int cnt = 0;
	xlet::type arg = tp;
	for(; arg; ++cnt) {
		if(cnt > 9) {
			error("%s - Too many in/outlets defined - truncated to 9",thisName());

		code = code*10+(int)arg;
		arg = (xlet::type)va_arg(marker,int);

	return code;

void flext_base::AddInlets(unsigned long code) 
	for(; code; code /= 10) AddInlet((xlet::type)(code%10));

void flext_base::AddOutlets(unsigned long code) 
	for(; code; code /= 10) AddOutlet((xlet::type)(code%10));