# flext - C++ layer for Max/MSP and pd (pure data) externals # Copyright (c) 2001,2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) # # Makefile for MSVC++ # # # IMPORTANT: Adjust some of the paths also in makefile-inc.msvc # # usage: make -f makefile.pd-msvc # # --------------------------------------------------------------- !include config-pd-msvc.txt # includes INCPATH=/I"$(MSVCPATH)\include" /I"$(PDPATH)\src" /I"$(FLEXTPATH)" LIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(MSVCPATH)\lib" /LIBPATH:"$(PDPATH)\bin" /LIBPATH:"$(FLEXTPATH)" LIBS=pd.lib pthreadVC.lib flext_t-pdwin.lib # compiler definitions and flags DEFS=/DPD /DNT /DFLEXT_THREADS CFLAGS=/GR /GD /G6 /Ox /MT # the rest can stay untouched # ---------------------------------------------- # all the source files from the package SRCS=main.cpp HDRS= # ----------------------------------------------- all: $(OUTPATH) $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll $(OUTPATH): -mkdir $(OUTPATH) $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME)~.dll : $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll -ren $** $< $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll : $(DIR)\$(SRCS) cl /c /LD $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCPATH) $** /Fotemp.obj link /DLL /out:$@ /INCREMENTAL:NO temp.obj $(LIBS) $(LIBPATH) @-del $(OUTPATH)\*.exp @-del $(OUTPATH)\*.lib @-del temp.obj