/* flext tutorial - timer 1 Copyright (c) 2003 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an example of an object using timers */ // enable flext attributes #define FLEXT_ATTRIBUTES 1 // include flext header #include <flext.h> // check for appropriate flext version #if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 403) #error You need at least flext version 0.4.3 #endif // define the class that stands for a pd/Max object class timer1: // inherit from basic flext class public flext_base { // obligatory flext header (class name,base class name) FLEXT_HEADER_S(timer1,flext_base,Setup) public: // constructor timer1(); protected: // timers Timer tmrA,tmrB; void m_getostime(float &f) { f = (float)GetOSTime(); } // method for operating system time attribute void m_getrttime(float &f) { f = (float)GetTime(); } // method for real-time system time attribute void m_timerA(void *) { ToOutString(0,"Timer A"); } // timer A method void m_timerB(void *) { ToOutString(0,"Timer B"); } // timer B method void m_resetA() { tmrA.Reset(); } // timer A reset void m_resetB() { tmrB.Reset(); } // timer B reset void m_oneshotA(int del) { tmrA.Delay(del*0.001); } // timer A one shot void m_oneshotB(int del) { tmrB.Delay(del*0.001); } // timer B one shot void m_periodicA(int del) { tmrA.Periodic(del*0.001); } // timer A periodic void m_periodicB(int del) { tmrB.Periodic(del*0.001); } // timer B periodic private: static void Setup(t_classid c); // register timer callbacks FLEXT_CALLBACK_T(m_timerA) FLEXT_CALLBACK_T(m_timerB) // register method callbacks FLEXT_CALLGET_F(m_getostime) FLEXT_CALLGET_F(m_getrttime) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_resetA) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_resetB) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_oneshotA) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_oneshotB) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_periodicA) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_periodicB) }; // instantiate the class FLEXT_NEW("timer1",timer1) // class setup function void timer1::Setup(t_classid c) { FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"ostime",m_getostime); // register attribute for OS time FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"time",m_getrttime); // register attribute for RT time FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"resetA",m_resetA); // register reset method for timer A FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"resetB",m_resetB); // register reset method for timer B FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"oneshotA",m_oneshotA); // register one shot method for timer A FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"oneshotB",m_oneshotB); // register one shot method for timer B FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"periodicA",m_periodicA); // register periodic method for timer A FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"periodicB",m_periodicB); // register periodic method for timer B } // class constructor timer1::timer1(): tmrA(false),tmrB(false) { AddInAnything("Control timers"); // add inlet for control commands AddOutAnything("Timer output"); // add outlet for timer output // register methods FLEXT_ADDTIMER(tmrA,m_timerA); // register method "m_timerA" for timer A FLEXT_ADDTIMER(tmrB,m_timerB); // register method "m_timerB" for timer B }