# pool - hierarchical storage object for PD and Max/MSP # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Thomas Grill # # Makefile for BorlandC++ # # usage: make -f makefile.pd-bcc # # --------------------------------------------- !include config-pd-bcc.txt # all the source files from the package !include make-files.txt SETUPFUNCTION=$(NAME)_setup # flext stuff TARGET=pdwin # includes, libs INCPATH=-I$(BCCPATH)\include -I$(PDPATH)\src -I$(FLEXTPATH) LIBPATH=-L$(BCCPATH)\lib -L$(PDPATH)\lib LIBS=cw32.lib import32.lib C0D32.OBJ # compiler definitions and flags DEFS=-DFLEXT_SYS=2 CFLAGS=-tWD $(UFLAGS) # the rest can stay untouched # ---------------------------------------------- # default target all: $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll # remove build clean: -del /s /q $(OUTPATH) > nul rmdir $(OUTPATH) install: cp $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll $(INSTPATH) # ---------------------------------------------- OBJS= $(SRCS:.cpp=.obj) #.PATH.OBJ=$(OUTPATH) #$(SRCS): $(HDRS) # -touch $< {$(SRCDIR)}.cpp.obj: bcc32 -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(INCPATH) -n$(OUTPATH) $< $(OUTPATH): -@if not exist $< mkdir $< $(OUTPATH)\pd.lib: $(PDPATH)\bin\pd.dll implib -a $< $** $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).def: @echo EXPORTS $(SETUPFUNCTION) = _$(SETUPFUNCTION) > $< # this next line fixes a strange problem with implib - lacking underscore?! @echo IMPORTS _rtext_retext=PD.rtext_retext >> $< $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll :: $(OUTPATH) $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).def $(OUTPATH)\pd.lib $(OUTPATH)\$(NAME).dll :: $(OBJS) cd $(OUTPATH) ilink32 -C -Tpd $(LIBPATH) $** ,..\$<,,$(LIBS) pd.lib $(FLEXTPATH)\flext-$(TARGET).lib ,$(NAME).def cd .. !if $d(INSTPATH) && "$(INSTPATH)" != "" @-if not exist $(INSTPATH) mkdir $(INSTPATH) copy $< $(INSTPATH) >nul !endif