/* pool - hierarchical storage object for PD and Max/MSP Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Thomas Grill For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "pool.h" #include #define POOL_VERSION "0.2.2pre" #define VCNT 32 #define DCNT 8 class pool: public flext_base { FLEXT_HEADER_S(pool,flext_base,setup) public: pool(I argc,const A *argv); virtual ~pool(); static V setup(t_classid); virtual BL Init(); pooldata *Pool() { return pl; } protected: // switch to other pool V ms_pool(const AtomList &l); V mg_pool(AtomList &l); // clear all data in pool V m_reset(); // handle directories V m_getdir(); V m_mkdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs = true,BL chg = false); // make (and change) to dir V m_mkchdir(I argc,const A *argv) { m_mkdir(argc,argv,true,true); } // make and change to dir V m_chdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs = true); // change to dir V m_rmdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs = true); // remove dir V m_updir(I argc,const A *argv); // one or more levels up V m_mksub(I argc,const A *argv) { m_mkdir(argc,argv,false); } V m_mkchsub(I argc,const A *argv) { m_mkdir(argc,argv,false,true); } V m_chsub(I argc,const A *argv) { m_chdir(argc,argv,false); } V m_rmsub(I argc,const A *argv) { m_rmdir(argc,argv,false); } // handle data V m_set(I argc,const A *argv) { set(argc,argv,true); } V m_seti(I argc,const A *argv); // set value at index V m_add(I argc,const A *argv) { set(argc,argv,false); } V m_clr(I argc,const A *argv); V m_clri(I ix); // clear value at index V m_clrall(); // only values V m_clrrec(); // also subdirectories V m_clrsub(); // only subdirectories V m_get(I argc,const A *argv); V m_geti(I ix); // get value at index V m_getall(); // only values V m_getrec(I argc,const A *argv); // also subdirectories V m_getsub(I argc,const A *argv); // only subdirectories V m_ogetall(); // only values (ordered) V m_ogetrec(I argc,const A *argv); // also subdirectories (ordered) V m_ogetsub(I argc,const A *argv); // only subdirectories (ordered) V m_cntall(); // only values V m_cntrec(I argc,const A *argv); // also subdirectories V m_cntsub(I argc,const A *argv); // only subdirectories // print directories V m_printall(); // print values in current dir V m_printrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL fromroot = false); // print values recursively V m_printroot() { m_printrec(0,NULL,true); } // print values recursively from root // cut/copy/paste V m_paste(I argc,const A *argv) { paste(thisTag(),argc,argv,true); } // paste contents of clipboard V m_pasteadd(I argc,const A *argv) { paste(thisTag(),argc,argv,false); } // paste but don't replace V m_clrclip(); // clear clipboard V m_cut(I argc,const A *argv) { copy(thisTag(),argc,argv,true); } // cut value into clipboard V m_copy(I argc,const A *argv) { copy(thisTag(),argc,argv,false); } // copy value into clipboard V m_cutall() { copyall(thisTag(),true,0); } // cut all values in current directory into clipboard V m_copyall() { copyall(thisTag(),false,0); } // copy all values in current directory into clipboard V m_cutrec(I argc,const A *argv) { copyrec(thisTag(),argc,argv,true); } // cut directory (and subdirs) into clipboard V m_copyrec(I argc,const A *argv) { copyrec(thisTag(),argc,argv,false); } // cut directory (and subdirs) into clipboard // load/save from/to file V m_load(I argc,const A *argv) { load(argc,argv,false); } V m_save(I argc,const A *argv) { save(argc,argv,false); } V m_loadx(I argc,const A *argv) { load(argc,argv,true); } // XML V m_savex(I argc,const A *argv) { save(argc,argv,true); } // XML // load directories V m_lddir(I argc,const A *argv) { lddir(argc,argv,false); } // load values into current dir V m_ldrec(I argc,const A *argv) { ldrec(argc,argv,false); } // load values recursively V m_ldxdir(I argc,const A *argv) { lddir(argc,argv,true); } // load values into current dir (XML) V m_ldxrec(I argc,const A *argv) { ldrec(argc,argv,true); } // load values recursively (XML) // save directories V m_svdir(I argc,const A *argv) { svdir(argc,argv,false); } // save values in current dir V m_svrec(I argc,const A *argv) { svrec(argc,argv,false); } // save values recursively V m_svxdir(I argc,const A *argv) { svdir(argc,argv,true); } // save values in current dir (XML) V m_svxrec(I argc,const A *argv) { svrec(argc,argv,true); } // save values recursively (XML) private: static BL KeyChk(const A &a); static BL ValChk(I argc,const A *argv); static BL ValChk(const AtomList &l) { return ValChk(l.Count(),l.Atoms()); } V ToOutAtom(I ix,const A &a); static const t_symbol *sym_echo; enum get_t { get_norm,get_cnt,get_print }; V set(I argc,const A *argv,BL over); V getdir(const S *tag); I getrec(const S *tag,I level,BL order,get_t how /*= get_norm*/,const AtomList &rdir); I getsub(const S *tag,I level,BL order,get_t how /*= get_norm*/,const AtomList &rdir); V paste(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL repl); V copy(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL cut); V copyall(const S *tag,BL cut,I lvls); V copyrec(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL cut); V load(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); V save(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); V lddir(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); // load values into current dir V ldrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); // load values recursively V svdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); // save values in current dir V svrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml); // save values recursively V echodir() { if(echo) getdir(sym_echo); } BL priv,absdir,echo; I vcnt,dcnt; pooldata *pl; Atoms curdir; pooldir *clip; const S *holdname; static pooldata *head,*tail; V SetPool(const S *s); V FreePool(); static pooldata *GetPool(const S *s); static V RmvPool(pooldata *p); string MakeFilename(const C *fn) const; FLEXT_CALLVAR_V(mg_pool,ms_pool) FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(absdir) FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(echo) FLEXT_ATTRGET_B(priv) // FLEXT_ATTRGET_B(curdir) FLEXT_ATTRVAR_I(vcnt) FLEXT_ATTRVAR_I(dcnt) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_reset) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_getdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_mkdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_chdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_mkchdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_updir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_rmdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_mksub) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_chsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_mkchsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_rmsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_set) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_seti) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_add) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_clr) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_clri) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_clrall) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_clrrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_clrsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_get) FLEXT_CALLBACK_I(m_geti) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_getall) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_getrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_getsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_ogetall) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_ogetrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_ogetsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_cntall) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_cntrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_cntsub) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_printall) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_printrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_printroot) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_paste) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_pasteadd) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_clrclip) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_copy) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_cut) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_copyall) FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_cutall) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_copyrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_cutrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_load) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_save) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_lddir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_ldrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_svdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_svrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_loadx) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_savex) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_ldxdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_ldxrec) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_svxdir) FLEXT_CALLBACK_V(m_svxrec) }; FLEXT_NEW_V("pool",pool); pooldata *pool::head,*pool::tail; const t_symbol *pool::sym_echo; V pool::setup(t_classid c) { post(""); post("pool %s - hierarchical storage object, (C)2002-2005 Thomas Grill",POOL_VERSION); post(""); head = tail = NULL; sym_echo = MakeSymbol("echo"); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"pool",mg_pool,ms_pool); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"absdir",absdir); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"echodir",echo); FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"private",priv); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"valcnt",vcnt); FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"dircnt",dcnt); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"reset",m_reset); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getdir",m_getdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"mkdir",m_mkdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"chdir",m_chdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"mkchdir",m_mkchdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"rmdir",m_rmdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"updir",m_updir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"mksub",m_mksub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"chsub",m_chsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"mkchsub",m_mkchsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"rmsub",m_rmsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"set",m_set); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"seti",m_seti); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"add",m_add); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clr",m_clr); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clri",m_clri); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clrall",m_clrall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clrrec",m_clrrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clrsub",m_clrsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"get",m_get); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"geti",m_geti); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getall",m_getall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getrec",m_getrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"getsub",m_getsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ogetall",m_ogetall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ogetrec",m_ogetrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ogetsub",m_ogetsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cntall",m_cntall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cntrec",m_cntrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cntsub",m_cntsub); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"printall",m_printall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"printrec",m_printrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"printroot",m_printroot); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"paste",m_paste); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"pasteadd",m_pasteadd); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"clrclip",m_clrclip); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cut",m_cut); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"copy",m_copy); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cutall",m_cutall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"copyall",m_copyall); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"cutrec",m_cutrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"copyrec",m_copyrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"load",m_load); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"save",m_save); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"lddir",m_lddir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ldrec",m_ldrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"svdir",m_svdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"svrec",m_svrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"loadx",m_loadx); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"savex",m_savex); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ldxdir",m_ldxdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"ldxrec",m_ldxrec); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"svxdir",m_svxdir); FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"svxrec",m_svxrec); } pool::pool(I argc,const A *argv): absdir(true),echo(false), pl(NULL),priv(false), clip(NULL), vcnt(VCNT),dcnt(DCNT) { holdname = argc >= 1 && IsSymbol(argv[0])?GetSymbol(argv[0]):NULL; AddInAnything("Commands in"); AddOutList(); AddOutAnything(); AddOutList(); AddOutAnything(); } pool::~pool() { FreePool(); } BL pool::Init() { if(flext_base::Init()) { SetPool(holdname); return true; } else return false; } V pool::SetPool(const S *s) { if(s) { priv = false; if(pl) // check if new symbol equals the current one if(pl->sym == s) return; else FreePool(); pl = GetPool(s); } else { // if already private no need to allocate new storage if(priv) return; priv = true; if(pl) FreePool(); pl = new pooldata(NULL,vcnt,dcnt); } } V pool::FreePool() { curdir(); // reset current directory if(pl) { if(!priv) RmvPool(pl); else delete pl; pl = NULL; } if(clip) { delete clip; clip = NULL; } } V pool::ms_pool(const AtomList &l) { const S *s = NULL; if(l.Count()) { if(l.Count() > 1) post("%s - pool: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName()); s = GetASymbol(l[0]); if(!s) post("%s - pool: invalid pool name, pool set to private",thisName()); } SetPool(s); } V pool::mg_pool(AtomList &l) { if(priv || !pl) l(); else { l(1); SetSymbol(l[0],pl->sym); } } V pool::m_reset() { curdir(); pl->Reset(); } V pool::getdir(const S *tag) { ToOutAnything(3,tag,0,NULL); ToOutList(2,curdir); } V pool::m_getdir() { getdir(thisTag()); } V pool::m_mkdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs,BL chg) { // const char *nm = chg?"mkchdir":"mkdir"; if(!ValChk(argc,argv)) post("%s - %s: invalid directory name",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { Atoms ndir; if(abs) ndir(argc,argv); else (ndir = curdir).Append(argc,argv); if(!pl->MkDir(ndir,vcnt,dcnt)) { post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be created",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } else if(chg) // change to newly created directory curdir = ndir; } echodir(); } V pool::m_chdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs) { if(!ValChk(argc,argv)) post("%s - %s: invalid directory name",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { Atoms prv(curdir); if(abs) curdir(argc,argv); else curdir.Append(argc,argv); if(!pl->ChkDir(curdir)) { post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be changed",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); curdir = prv; } } echodir(); } V pool::m_updir(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = 1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); if(lvls < 0) post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to 1",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to 1",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } Atoms prv(curdir); if(lvls > curdir.Count()) { post("%s - %s: level exceeds directory depth - corrected",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); curdir(); } else curdir.Part(0,curdir.Count()-lvls); if(!pl->ChkDir(curdir)) { post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be changed",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); curdir = prv; } echodir(); } V pool::m_rmdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL abs) { if(abs) curdir(argc,argv); else curdir.Append(argc,argv); if(!pl->RmDir(curdir)) post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be removed",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); curdir(); echodir(); } V pool::set(I argc,const A *argv,BL over) { if(!argc || !KeyChk(argv[0])) post("%s - %s: invalid key",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else if(!ValChk(argc-1,argv+1)) { post("%s - %s: invalid data values",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } else if(!pl->Set(curdir,argv[0],new AtomList(argc-1,argv+1),over)) post("%s - %s: value couldn't be set",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); echodir(); } V pool::m_seti(I argc,const A *argv) { if(!argc || !CanbeInt(argv[0])) post("%s - %s: invalid index",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else if(!ValChk(argc-1,argv+1)) { post("%s - %s: invalid data values",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } else if(!pl->Seti(curdir,GetAInt(argv[0]),new Atoms(argc-1,argv+1))) post("%s - %s: value couldn't be set",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); echodir(); } V pool::m_clr(I argc,const A *argv) { if(!argc || !KeyChk(argv[0])) post("%s - %s: invalid key",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(!pl->Clr(curdir,argv[0])) post("%s - %s: value couldn't be cleared",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::m_clri(I ix) { if(ix < 0) post("%s - %s: invalid index",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { if(!pl->Clri(curdir,ix)) post("%s - %s: value couldn't be cleared",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::m_clrall() { if(!pl->ClrAll(curdir,false)) post("%s - %s: values couldn't be cleared",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); echodir(); } V pool::m_clrrec() { if(!pl->ClrAll(curdir,true)) post("%s - %s: values couldn't be cleared",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); echodir(); } V pool::m_clrsub() { if(!pl->ClrAll(curdir,true,true)) post("%s - %s: directories couldn't be cleared",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); echodir(); } V pool::m_get(I argc,const A *argv) { if(!argc || !KeyChk(argv[0])) post("%s - %s: invalid key",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); poolval *r = pl->Ref(curdir,argv[0]); ToOutAnything(3,thisTag(),0,NULL); if(absdir) ToOutList(2,curdir); else ToOutList(2,0,NULL); if(r) { ToOutAtom(1,r->key); ToOutList(0,*r->data); } else { ToOutBang(1); ToOutBang(0); } } echodir(); } V pool::m_geti(I ix) { if(ix < 0) post("%s - %s: invalid index",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { poolval *r = pl->Refi(curdir,ix); ToOutAnything(3,thisTag(),0,NULL); if(absdir) ToOutList(2,curdir); else ToOutList(2,0,NULL); if(r) { ToOutAtom(1,r->key); ToOutList(0,*r->data); } else { ToOutBang(1); ToOutBang(0); } } echodir(); } I pool::getrec(const t_symbol *tag,I level,BL order,get_t how,const AtomList &rdir) { Atoms gldir(curdir); gldir.Append(rdir); I ret = 0; switch(how) { case get_cnt: ret = pl->CntAll(gldir); break; case get_print: ret = pl->PrintAll(gldir); break; case get_norm: { A *k; Atoms *r; I cnt = pl->GetAll(gldir,k,r); if(!k) post("%s - %s: error retrieving values",thisName(),GetString(tag)); else { for(I i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { ToOutAnything(3,tag,0,NULL); ToOutList(2,absdir?gldir:rdir); ToOutAtom(1,k[i]); ToOutList(0,r[i]); } delete[] k; delete[] r; } ret = cnt; } } if(level != 0) { const A **r; I cnt = pl->GetSub(gldir,r); if(!r) post("%s - %s: error retrieving directories",thisName(),GetString(tag)); else { I lv = level > 0?level-1:-1; for(I i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { Atoms l(rdir); l.Append(*r[i]); ret += getrec(tag,lv,order,how,l); } delete[] r; } } return ret; } V pool::m_getall() { AtomList l; getrec(thisTag(),0,false,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } V pool::m_ogetall() { AtomList l; getrec(thisTag(),0,true,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } V pool::m_getrec(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = -1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to infinite",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; getrec(thisTag(),lvls,false,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } V pool::m_ogetrec(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = -1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to infinite",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; getrec(thisTag(),lvls,true,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } I pool::getsub(const S *tag,I level,BL order,get_t how,const AtomList &rdir) { Atoms gldir(curdir); gldir.Append(rdir); I ret = 0; const A **r = NULL; // CntSub is not used here because it doesn't allow checking for valid directory I cnt = pl->GetSub(gldir,r); if(!r) post("%s - %s: error retrieving directories",thisName(),GetString(tag)); else { I lv = level > 0?level-1:-1; for(I i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { Atoms ndir(absdir?gldir:rdir); ndir.Append(*r[i]); ++ret; if(how == get_norm) { ToOutAnything(3,tag,0,NULL); ToOutList(2,curdir); ToOutList(1,ndir); ToOutBang(0); } if(level != 0) { AtomList l(rdir); l.Append(*r[i]); ret += getsub(tag,lv,order,how,l); } } delete[] r; } return ret; } V pool::m_getsub(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = 0; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to 0",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; getsub(thisTag(),lvls,false,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } V pool::m_ogetsub(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = 0; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to 0",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; getsub(thisTag(),lvls,true,get_norm,l); ToOutBang(3); echodir(); } V pool::m_cntall() { AtomList l; I cnt = getrec(thisTag(),0,false,get_cnt,l); ToOutSymbol(3,thisTag()); ToOutBang(2); ToOutBang(1); ToOutInt(0,cnt); echodir(); } V pool::m_cntrec(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = -1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to infinite",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; I cnt = getrec(thisTag(),lvls,false,get_cnt,l); ToOutSymbol(3,thisTag()); ToOutBang(2); ToOutBang(1); ToOutInt(0,cnt); echodir(); } V pool::m_cntsub(I argc,const A *argv) { I lvls = 0; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to 0",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } AtomList l; I cnt = getsub(thisTag(),lvls,false,get_cnt,l); ToOutSymbol(3,thisTag()); ToOutBang(2); ToOutBang(1); ToOutInt(0,cnt); echodir(); } V pool::m_printall() { AtomList l; I cnt = getrec(thisTag(),0,false,get_print,l); post(""); } V pool::m_printrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL fromroot) { const S *tag = MakeSymbol(fromroot?"printroot":"printrec"); I lvls = -1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(tag)); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to infinite",thisName(),GetString(tag)); } Atoms svdir(curdir); if(fromroot) curdir.Clear(); AtomList l; I cnt = getrec(tag,lvls,false,get_print,l); post(""); curdir = svdir; } V pool::paste(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL repl) { if(clip) { BL mkdir = true; I depth = -1; if(argc >= 1) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) depth = GetAInt(argv[1]); else post("%s - %s: invalid depth argument - set to -1",thisName(),GetString(tag)); if(argc >= 2) { if(CanbeBool(argv[1])) mkdir = GetABool(argv[1]); else post("%s - %s: invalid mkdir argument - set to true",thisName(),GetString(tag)); if(argc > 2) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(tag)); } } pl->Paste(curdir,clip,depth,repl,mkdir); } else post("%s - %s: clipboard is empty",thisName(),GetString(tag)); echodir(); } V pool::m_clrclip() { if(clip) { delete clip; clip = NULL; } } V pool::copy(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL cut) { if(!argc || !KeyChk(argv[0])) post("%s - %s: invalid key",thisName(),GetString(tag)); else { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(tag)); m_clrclip(); clip = pl->Copy(curdir,argv[0],cut); if(!clip) post("%s - %s: Copying into clipboard failed",thisName(),GetString(tag)); } echodir(); } V pool::copyall(const S *tag,BL cut,I depth) { m_clrclip(); clip = pl->CopyAll(curdir,depth,cut); if(!clip) post("%s - %s: Copying into clipboard failed",thisName(),GetString(tag)); echodir(); } V pool::copyrec(const S *tag,I argc,const A *argv,BL cut) { I lvls = -1; if(argc > 0) { if(CanbeInt(argv[0])) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(tag)); lvls = GetAInt(argv[0]); } else post("%s - %s: invalid level specification - set to infinite",thisName(),GetString(tag)); } copyall(tag,cut,lvls); } V pool::load(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; if(argc > 0) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: no filename given",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->LoadXML(file.c_str()):pl->Load(file.c_str()))) post("%s - %s: error loading data",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::save(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; if(argc > 0) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: no filename given",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->SaveXML(file.c_str()):pl->Save(file.c_str()))) post("%s - %s: error saving data",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::lddir(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; if(argc > 0) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: invalid filename",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->LdDirXML(curdir,file.c_str(),0):pl->LdDir(curdir,file.c_str(),0))) post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be loaded",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::ldrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; I depth = -1; BL mkdir = true; if(argc >= 1) { if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); if(argc >= 2) { if(CanbeInt(argv[1])) depth = GetAInt(argv[1]); else post("%s - %s: invalid depth argument - set to -1",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(argc >= 3) { if(CanbeBool(argv[2])) mkdir = GetABool(argv[2]); else post("%s - %s: invalid mkdir argument - set to true",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(argc > 3) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } } } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: invalid filename",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->LdDirXML(curdir,file.c_str(),depth,mkdir):pl->LdDir(curdir,file.c_str(),depth,mkdir))) post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be saved",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::svdir(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; if(argc > 0) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: invalid filename",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->SvDirXML(curdir,file.c_str(),0,absdir):pl->SvDir(curdir,file.c_str(),0,absdir))) post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be saved",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } V pool::svrec(I argc,const A *argv,BL xml) { const C *flnm = NULL; if(argc > 0) { if(argc > 1) post("%s - %s: superfluous arguments ignored",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); if(IsString(argv[0])) flnm = GetString(argv[0]); } if(!flnm) post("%s - %s: invalid filename",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); else { string file(MakeFilename(flnm)); if(!(xml?pl->SvDirXML(curdir,file.c_str(),-1,absdir):pl->SvDir(curdir,file.c_str(),-1,absdir))) post("%s - %s: directory couldn't be saved",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } echodir(); } BL pool::KeyChk(const t_atom &a) { return IsSymbol(a) || IsFloat(a) || IsInt(a); } BL pool::ValChk(I argc,const t_atom *argv) { for(I i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const t_atom &a = argv[i]; if(!IsSymbol(a) && !IsFloat(a) && !IsInt(a)) return false; } return true; } V pool::ToOutAtom(I ix,const t_atom &a) { if(IsSymbol(a)) ToOutSymbol(ix,GetSymbol(a)); else if(IsFloat(a)) ToOutFloat(ix,GetFloat(a)); else if(IsInt(a)) ToOutInt(ix,GetInt(a)); else post("%s - %s type not supported!",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); } pooldata *pool::GetPool(const S *s) { pooldata *pi = head; for(; pi && pi->sym != s; pi = pi->nxt) (V)0; if(pi) { pi->Push(); return pi; } else { pooldata *p = new pooldata(s); p->Push(); // now add to chain if(head) head->nxt = p; else head = p; tail = p; return p; } } V pool::RmvPool(pooldata *p) { pooldata *prv = NULL,*pi = head; for(; pi && pi != p; prv = pi,pi = pi->nxt) (V)0; if(pi && !pi->Pop()) { if(prv) prv->nxt = pi->nxt; else head = pi->nxt; if(!pi->nxt) tail = pi; delete pi; } } string pool::MakeFilename(const C *fn) const { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // / and \ must not be mixed! // (char *) type casts for BorlandC++ C *sl = strchr((C *)fn,'/'); if(!sl) sl = strchr((C *)fn,'\\'); if(!sl || (sl != fn #if FLEXT_OS == FLEXT_OS_WIN && sl[-1] != ':' // look for drive specification with ":/" or ":\\" #endif )) { // prepend absolute canvas path if filename has no absolute path const C *p = GetString(canvas_getdir(thisCanvas())); return string(p)+'/'+fn; } else return fn; #else #pragma message("Relative file paths not implemented") return fn; #endif }