/* pool - hierarchical storage object for PD and Max/MSP Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. $LastChangedRevision: 26 $ $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-03 16:14:29 +0100 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008) $ $LastChangedBy: thomas $ */ #ifndef __POOL_H #define __POOL_H #define FLEXT_ATTRIBUTES 1 #include <flext.h> #if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 500) #error You need at least flext version 0.5.0 #endif #include <iostream> using namespace std; typedef flext::AtomListStatic<8> Atoms; class poolval: public flext { public: poolval(const t_atom &key,AtomList *data); ~poolval(); poolval &Set(AtomList *data); poolval *Dup() const; t_atom key; AtomList *data; poolval *nxt; }; class pooldir: public flext { public: pooldir(const t_atom &dir,pooldir *parent,int vcnt,int dcnt); ~pooldir(); void Clear(bool rec,bool dironly = false); void Reset(bool realloc = true); bool Empty() const { return !dirs && !vals; } bool HasDirs() const { return dirs != NULL; } bool HasVals() const { return vals != NULL; } pooldir *GetDir(int argc,const t_atom *argv,bool cut = false); pooldir *GetDir(const AtomList &d,bool cut = false) { return GetDir(d.Count(),d.Atoms(),cut); } bool DelDir(int argc,const t_atom *argv); bool DelDir(const AtomList &d) { return DelDir(d.Count(),d.Atoms()); } pooldir *AddDir(int argc,const t_atom *argv,int vcnt = 0,int dcnt = 0); pooldir *AddDir(const AtomList &d,int vcnt = 0,int dcnt = 0) { return AddDir(d.Count(),d.Atoms(),vcnt,dcnt); } void SetVal(const t_atom &key,AtomList *data,bool over = true); bool SetVali(int ix,AtomList *data); void ClrVal(const t_atom &key) { SetVal(key,NULL); } bool ClrVali(int ix) { return SetVali(ix,NULL); } AtomList *PeekVal(const t_atom &key); AtomList *GetVal(const t_atom &key,bool cut = false); int CntAll() const; int GetAll(t_atom *&keys,Atoms *&lst,bool cut = false); int PrintAll(char *buf,int len) const; int GetKeys(AtomList &keys); int CntSub() const; int GetSub(const t_atom **&dirs); poolval *RefVal(const t_atom &key); poolval *RefVali(int ix); bool Paste(const pooldir *p,int depth,bool repl,bool mkdir); bool Copy(pooldir *p,int depth,bool cur); bool LdDir(istream &is,int depth,bool mkdir); bool LdDirXML(istream &is,int depth,bool mkdir); bool SvDir(ostream &os,int depth,const AtomList &dir = AtomList()); bool SvDirXML(ostream &os,int depth,const AtomList &dir = AtomList(),int ind = 0); int VSize() const { return vsize; } int DSize() const { return dsize; } protected: int VIdx(const t_atom &v) const { return FoldBits(AtomHash(v),vbits); } int DIdx(const t_atom &d) const { return FoldBits(AtomHash(d),dbits); } t_atom dir; pooldir *nxt; pooldir *parent; const int vbits,dbits,vsize,dsize; static unsigned int FoldBits(unsigned long h,int bits); static int Int2Bits(unsigned long n); struct valentry { int cnt; poolval *v; }; struct direntry { int cnt; pooldir *d; }; valentry *vals; direntry *dirs; private: bool LdDirXMLRec(istream &is,int depth,bool mkdir,AtomList &d); }; class pooldata: public flext { public: pooldata(const t_symbol *s = NULL,int vcnt = 0,int dcnt = 0); ~pooldata(); bool Private() const { return sym == NULL; } void Push() { ++refs; } bool Pop() { return --refs > 0; } void Reset() { root.Reset(); } bool MkDir(const AtomList &d,int vcnt = 0,int dcnt = 0) { root.AddDir(d,vcnt,dcnt); return true; } bool ChkDir(const AtomList &d) { return root.GetDir(d) != NULL; } bool RmDir(const AtomList &d) { return root.DelDir(d); } bool Set(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key,AtomList *data,bool over = true) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); if(!pd) return false; pd->SetVal(key,data,over); return true; } bool Seti(const AtomList &d,int ix,AtomList *data) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); if(!pd) return false; pd->SetVali(ix,data); return true; } bool Clr(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); if(!pd) return false; pd->ClrVal(key); return true; } bool Clri(const AtomList &d,int ix) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); if(!pd) return false; pd->ClrVali(ix); return true; } bool ClrAll(const AtomList &d,bool rec,bool dironly = false) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); if(!pd) return false; pd->Clear(rec,dironly); return true; } AtomList *Peek(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->PeekVal(key):NULL; } AtomList *Get(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->GetVal(key):NULL; } poolval *Ref(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->RefVal(key):NULL; } poolval *Refi(const AtomList &d,int ix) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->RefVali(ix):NULL; } int CntAll(const AtomList &d) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->CntAll():0; } int PrintAll(const AtomList &d); int GetAll(const AtomList &d,t_atom *&keys,Atoms *&lst); int CntSub(const AtomList &d) { pooldir *pd = root.GetDir(d); return pd?pd->CntSub():0; } int GetSub(const AtomList &d,const t_atom **&dirs); bool Paste(const AtomList &d,const pooldir *clip,int depth = -1,bool repl = true,bool mkdir = true); pooldir *Copy(const AtomList &d,const t_atom &key,bool cut); pooldir *CopyAll(const AtomList &d,int depth,bool cut); bool LdDir(const AtomList &d,const char *flnm,int depth,bool mkdir = true); bool SvDir(const AtomList &d,const char *flnm,int depth,bool absdir); bool Load(const char *flnm) { AtomList l; return LdDir(l,flnm,-1); } bool Save(const char *flnm) { AtomList l; return SvDir(l,flnm,-1,true); } bool LdDirXML(const AtomList &d,const char *flnm,int depth,bool mkdir = true); bool SvDirXML(const AtomList &d,const char *flnm,int depth,bool absdir); bool LoadXML(const char *flnm) { AtomList l; return LdDirXML(l,flnm,-1); } bool SaveXML(const char *flnm) { AtomList l; return SvDirXML(l,flnm,-1,true); } int refs; const t_symbol *sym; pooldata *nxt; pooldir root; private: static const t_atom nullatom; }; #endif