# py/pyext - python script objects for PD and Max/MSP # Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) # # where is PD? PDPATH=c:\programme\audio\pd # where do the flext libraries reside? FLEXTPATH=$(PDPATH)\flext # where is MS VC++? MSVCPATH=c:\programme\prog\microsoft visual studio\VC98 # which version of Python? PYTHONVER=python22 # where are the python header files? PYTHONINCLUDE=c:\programme\prog\$(PYTHONVER)\include # what is the python library file? PYTHONLIB=c:\programme\prog\$(PYTHONVER)\libs\$(PYTHONVER).lib # where should the external be built? OUTPATH=pd-msvc # where should the external be installed? # (leave blank to omit installation) INSTDIR=$(PDPATH)\extra