py/pyext - python script objects for PD and Max/MSP Copyright (c)2002-2005 Thomas Grill ( For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. Donations for further development of the package are highly appreciated. Visit¤cy_code=EUR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING from source -------------------- You will need the flext C++ layer for PD and Max/MSP externals to compile this. See Download, install and compile the package. Afterwards you can proceed with building this external. pd/Max - Windows - Microsoft Visual C, Borland C++, MinGW: ---------------------------------------------------------- Start a command shell with your eventual build environment (e.g. run vcvars32.bat for Microsoft Visual Studio) then run ..\flext\build.bat (you would have to substitute ..\flext with the respective path to the flext package) pd/Max - OSX/Linux - GCC: ------------------------- From a shell run bash ../flext/ (you would have to substitute ../flext with the respective path to the flext package) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals/features of the package: Access the flexibility of the python language in PD and MaxMSP PD - Load it as i library with e.g. "pd -lib py -path scripts" Check out the sample patches and scripts Description: With the py object you can load python modules and execute the functions therein. With the pyext you can use python classes to represent full-featured pd/Max message objects. Multithreading (detached methods) is supported for both objects. You can send messages to named objects or receive (with pyext) with Python methods. Known bugs: - The TCL/TK help patch is not usable under OSX. - With standard PD 0.37, threaded py scripts will cause "Stack overflows" under some circumstances -> use PD 0.38 or the devel_0_37 cvs branch instead ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The py/pyext package should run with Python version >= 2.1. It has been thoroughly tested with versions 2.2 to 2.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: 0.2.0: - ADD: handling of Python threads - FIX: output of single atoms instead of 1-element lists - ADD: new detach mechanism (call queue) - ADD: support for Max/MSP @ OSX and Windows - DEL: eliminated meaningless inchannels and outchannels methods - ADD: enabled "int"-tags for pyext class functions - ADD: py: when no function is given on the command line, let it be selected by message tag - FIX: __init__ wasn't called on reload - FIX: bound instance methods weren't correctly decref'd - ADD: Python symbol type - ADD: _del method in pyext-derived class can be used to clean up things on exit - FIX: solved py->py messaging problem with lock count instead of message queuing - ADD: buffer handling with optional numarray support (if present) 0.1.4: - ADD: better (and independent) handling of inlet and outlet count (as class variables or dynamically initialized in __init__) - FIX: many memory leaks associated to ***GetItem stuff (big thanks to sven!) - FIX: set "this" memory in object after reloading script - ADD: _getvalue,_setvalue to access PD values - FIX: don't shout when Python script returns PyNone - ADD: alias creation names pyext. and pyx. take the script name also for the class name 0.1.3: - FIX: class variables are now set atomic if parameter list has only 1 element - ADD: introduced shortcut "pyx" for pyext. - ADD: arguments to the pyext class are now exposed as attributes "args" - FIX: parameters to Python functions are treated as integers when they can be. - ADD: inlet and outlet count can be given for pyext, python _inlet and _outlet members are ignored then - FIX: crash if script or class names are non-strings - FIX: long multi-line doc strings are now printed correctly - FIX: message "doc+" for class/instance __doc__ now working - FIX: improved/debugged handling of reference counts - FIX: _pyext._send will now send anythings if feasible - CHANGE: no more finalization - it's really not necessary... - FIX: calling from unregistered threads (like flext helper thread) now works 0.1.2: - CHANGE: updates for flext 0.4.1 - method registering within class scope - FIX: bugs in bound.cpp (object_free calls) - FIX: bug with threaded methods along with flext bug fix. - ADD: map Python threads to system threads - ADD: shut down the Python interpreter appropriately - CHANGE: use flext timer and bind functionality - ADD: attribute functionality - ADD: dir and dir+ methods for Python dictionary listing - ADD: get and set methods for Python class attributes 0.1.1: - CHANGE: updates for flext 0.4.0 - FIX: crash when module couldn't be loaded - FIX: GetBound method (modmeth.cpp, line 138) doesn't exist in flext any more - FIX: deadlock occured when connecting two py/pyext boxes in non-detached mode - ADD: current path and path of the canvas is added to the python path - FIX: path is not added to python path if already included 0.1.0: - completely reworked all code - added class functionality for full-featured objects and renamed the merge to pyext - enabled threads and made everything thread-safe ... phew! - using flext 0.3.2 - pyext now gets full python path - python's argv[0] is now "py" or "pyext" - etc.etc. 0.0.2: - fixed bug when calling script with no function defined (thanks to Ben Saylor) - cleaner gcc makefile 0.0.1: - using flext 0.2.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO list: bugs: - crashes with long Python printouts general: - Documentation and better example patches - better error reporting for runtime errors features: - enable multiple interpreters? ( -> not possible within one thread) - options to fully detach a script (included initialization and finalization) - stop individual threads - support named (keyword) arguments (like attributes for messages) tests: - compile-time check for python threading support