# py/pyext - python script objects for PD and MaxMSP # # Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) # For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL # WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. # """This is an example script for the py/pyext object's send/receive functionality. You can: - bind There are several classes exposing py/pyext features: - ex1: A class receiving messages and sending them out again - ex2: A class receiving messages and putting them out to an outlet - ex3: Do some PD scripting """ try: import pyext except: print "ERROR: This script must be loaded by the PD/Max pyext external" from time import sleep ################################################################# def recv_gl(arg): """This is a global receive function, it has no access to class members.""" print "GLOBAL",arg class ex1(pyext._class): """Example of a class which receives and sends messages It has two creation arguments: a receiver and a sender name. There are no inlets and outlets. Python functions (one global function, one class method) are bound to PD's or Max/MSP's receive symbols. The class method sends the received messages out again. """ # no inlets and outlets _inlets=0 _outlets=0 recvname="" sendname="" def recv(self,arg): """This is a class-local receive function, which has access to class members.""" # print some stuff print "CLASS",self.recvname,arg # send data to specified send address self._send(self.sendname,arg) def __init__(self,args): """Class constructor""" # store sender/receiver names if len(args) >= 1: self.recvname = args[0] if len(args) >= 2: self.sendname = args[1] # bind functions to receiver names # both are called upon message self._bind(self.recvname,self.recv) self._bind(self.recvname,recv_gl) def __del__(self): """Class destructor""" # you can but you don't need to # unbinding is automatically done at destruction # you can also comment the _unbind lines self._unbind(self.recvname,self.recv) self._unbind(self.recvname,recv_gl) pass ################################################################# class ex2(pyext._class): """Example of a class which receives a message and forwards it to an outlet It has one creation argument: the receiver name. """ # define inlets and outlets _inlets=0 _outlets=1 recvname="" def recv(self,arg): """This is a class-local receive function""" # send received data to outlet self._outlet(1,arg) def __init__(self,rname): """Class constructor""" # store receiver names self.recvname = rname # bind function to receiver name self._bind(self.recvname,self.recv) ################################################################# from math import sin,cos,pi from cmath import exp from random import random,randint class ex3(pyext._class): """Example of a class which does some object manipulation by scripting""" # define inlets and outlets _inlets=1 _outlets=0 def __init__(self): """Class constructor""" # called scripting method should run on its own thread self._detach(1) def bang_1(self): """Do some scripting - PD only!""" num = 12 # number of objects ori = complex(150,150) # origin rad = 100 # radius l = range(num) # initialize list # make flower self._tocanvas("obj",ori.real,ori.imag,"bng",20,250,50,0,"empty","yeah","empty",0,-6,64,8,-24198,-1,-1) for i in xrange(num): l[i] = ori+rad*exp(complex(0,i*2*pi/num)) self._tocanvas("obj",l[i].real,l[i].imag,"bng",15,250,50,0,"empty","yeah"+str(i),"empty",0,-6,64,8,0,-1,-1) self._tocanvas("connect",2,0,3+i,0) # blink for i in range(10): self._send("yeah","bang") sleep(1./(i+1)) # move objects around for i in xrange(200): ix = randint(0,num-1) l[ix] = ori+rad*complex(2*random()-1,2*random()-1) self._send("yeah"+str(ix),"pos",l[ix].real,l[ix].imag) sleep(0.02) # now delete # this is not well-done... from time to time an object remains self._tocanvas("editmode",1) for i in xrange(num): self._tocanvas("mouse",l[i].real,l[i].imag,0,0) self._tocanvas("cut") self._tocanvas("mouse",ori.real+1,ori.imag+1,0,0) self._tocanvas("cut") self._tocanvas("editmode",0)