/* py/pyext - python external object for PD and MaxMSP Copyright (c)2002-2004 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "main.h" V py::lib_setup() { post(""); post("py/pyext %s - python script objects, (C)2002-2004 Thomas Grill",PY__VERSION); post(""); FLEXT_SETUP(pyobj); FLEXT_SETUP(pyext); pyref = 0; } FLEXT_LIB_SETUP(py,py::lib_setup) PyInterpreterState *py::pystate = NULL; #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS std::map py::pythrmap; #endif I py::pyref = 0; PyObject *py::module_obj = NULL; PyObject *py::module_dict = NULL; py::py(): module(NULL), detach(false),shouldexit(false),thrcount(0), stoptick(0) { Lock(); if(!(pyref++)) { Py_Initialize(); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS // enable thread support and acquire the global thread lock PyEval_InitThreads(); // get thread state PyThreadState *pythrmain = PyThreadState_Get(); // get main interpreter state pystate = pythrmain->interp; // release global lock PyEval_ReleaseLock(); // add thread state of main thread to map pythrmap[GetThreadId()] = pythrmain; #endif // register/initialize pyext module only once! module_obj = Py_InitModule(PYEXT_MODULE, func_tbl); module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(module_obj); PyModule_AddStringConstant(module_obj,"__doc__",(C *)py_doc); } else { PY_LOCK Py_INCREF(module_obj); Py_INCREF(module_dict); PY_UNLOCK } Unlock(); FLEXT_ADDTIMER(stoptmr,tick); } py::~py() { if(thrcount) { shouldexit = true; // Wait for a certain time for(int i = 0; i < (PY_STOP_WAIT/PY_STOP_TICK) && thrcount; ++i) Sleep((F)(PY_STOP_TICK/1000.)); // Wait forever post("%s - Waiting for thread termination!",thisName()); while(thrcount) Sleep(0.2f); post("%s - Okay, all threads have terminated",thisName()); } Lock(); if(!(--pyref)) { // no more py/pyext objects left... shut down Python module_obj = NULL; module_dict = NULL; Py_XDECREF(module); PyEval_AcquireLock(); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS PyThreadState_Swap(pythrmap[GetThreadId()]); #endif #if 0 //def FLEXT_DEBUG // need not necessarily do that.... Py_Finalize(); #endif #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS // reset thread state map pythrmap.clear(); #endif } else { Py_DECREF(module_obj); Py_DECREF(module_dict); } Unlock(); } void py::GetDir(PyObject *obj,AtomList &lst) { if(obj) { PY_LOCK PyObject *pvar = PyObject_Dir(obj); if(!pvar) PyErr_Print(); // no method found else { AtomList *l = GetPyArgs(pvar); if(l) { lst = *l; delete l; } else post("%s - %s: List could not be created",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); Py_DECREF(pvar); } PY_UNLOCK } } void py::m__dir(PyObject *obj) { AtomList lst; GetDir(obj,lst); // dump dir to attribute outlet ToOutAnything(GetOutAttr(),thisTag(),lst.Count(),lst.Atoms()); } V py::m__doc(PyObject *obj) { if(obj) { PY_LOCK PyObject *docf = PyDict_GetItemString(obj,"__doc__"); // borrowed!!! if(docf && PyString_Check(docf)) { post(""); post(PyString_AsString(docf)); } PY_UNLOCK } } V py::SetArgs(I argc,const t_atom *argv) { // script arguments C **sargv = new C *[argc+1]; for(int i = 0; i <= argc; ++i) { sargv[i] = new C[256]; if(!i) strcpy(sargv[i],thisName()); else GetAString(argv[i-1],sargv[i],255); } // the arguments to the module are only recognized once! (at first use in a patcher) PySys_SetArgv(argc+1,sargv); for(int j = 0; j <= argc; ++j) delete[] sargv[j]; delete[] sargv; } V py::ImportModule(const C *name) { if(!name) return; module = PyImport_ImportModule((C *)name); if (!module) { PyErr_Print(); dict = NULL; } else dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); // borrowed } V py::ReloadModule() { if(module) { PyObject *newmod = PyImport_ReloadModule(module); if(!newmod) { PyErr_Print(); // old module still exists?! // dict = NULL; } else { Py_XDECREF(module); module = newmod; dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); // borrowed } } else post("%s - No module to reload",thisName()); } V py::GetModulePath(const C *mod,C *dir,I len) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // uarghh... pd doesn't show it's path for extra modules C *name; I fd = open_via_path("",mod,".py",dir,&name,len,0); if(fd > 0) close(fd); else name = NULL; // if dir is current working directory... name points to dir if(dir == name) strcpy(dir,"."); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // how do i get the path in Max/MSP? short path; long type; char smod[256]; strcat(strcpy(smod,mod),".py"); if(!locatefile_extended(smod,&path,&type,&type,-1)) path_topathname(path,NULL,dir); else // not found *dir = 0; #else *dir = 0; #endif } V py::AddToPath(const C *dir) { if(dir && *dir) { PyObject *pobj = PySys_GetObject("path"); if(pobj && PyList_Check(pobj)) { int i,n = PyList_Size(pobj); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { PyObject *pt = PyList_GetItem(pobj,i); if(PyString_Check(pt) && !strcmp(dir,PyString_AsString(pt))) break; } if(i == n) { // string is not yet existent in path PyObject *ps = PyString_FromString(dir); PyList_Append(pobj,ps); } } PySys_SetObject("path",pobj); } }