/* py/pyext - python external object for PD and MaxMSP Copyright (c)2002-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "pybase.h" #include "pyatom.h" static const t_symbol *symatom = flext::MakeSymbol(" py "); static PyObject *MakePyAtom(const t_atom &at) { if(flext::IsSymbol(at)) return pySymbol_FromSymbol(flext::GetSymbol(at)); /* else if(flext::CanbeInt(at) || flext::CanbeFloat(at)) { // if a number can be an integer... let it be an integer! int ival = flext::GetAInt(at); double fval = flext::GetAFloat(at); return (double)ival == fval?PyInt_FromLong(ival):PyFloat_FromDouble(fval); } */ else if(flext::IsFloat(at)) return PyFloat_FromDouble(flext::GetFloat(at)); else if(flext::IsInt(at)) return PyInt_FromLong(flext::GetInt(at)); return NULL; } static PyObject *MakePyAtom(int argc,const t_atom *argv) { if(argc != sizeof(size_t)/2) return NULL; size_t atom = 0; for(int i = sizeof(size_t)/2-1; i >= 0; --i) if(!flext::CanbeInt(argv[i])) { atom = 0; break; } else atom = (atom<<16)+flext::GetAInt(argv[i]); if(atom) { PyObject *el = PyAtom::Retrieve(atom); if(!el) el = Py_None; // object already gone.... Py_INCREF(el); return el; } else return NULL; } PyObject *pybase::MakePyArgs(const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv,int inlet) { PyObject *ret,*el; if(s == symatom && (el = MakePyAtom(argc,argv)) != NULL) { ret = PyTuple_New(1); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,0,el); } else { bool any = IsAnything(s); ret = PyTuple_New(argc+(any?1:0)+(inlet >= 0?1:0)); int pix = 0; if(inlet >= 0) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,pix++,PyInt_FromLong(inlet)); if(any) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,pix++,pySymbol_FromSymbol(s)); for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { el = MakePyAtom(argv[i]); if(!el) { post("py/pyext: cannot convert argument %i",any?i+1:i); el = Py_None; Py_INCREF(Py_None); } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,pix++,el); // reference stolen } } return ret; } PyObject *pybase::MakePyArg(const t_symbol *s,int argc,const t_atom *argv) { PyObject *ret; if(s == symatom && (ret = MakePyAtom(argc,argv)) != NULL) { // ok! } else if(argc == 1 && IsAtom(s)) ret = MakePyAtom(*argv); else { bool any = s != sym_list; ret = PyTuple_New(argc+(any?1:0)); int pix = 0; if(any) PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,pix++,pySymbol_FromSymbol(s)); for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { PyObject *el = MakePyAtom(argv[i]); if(!el) { post("py/pyext: cannot convert argument %i",any?i+1:i); el = Py_None; Py_INCREF(Py_None); } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret,pix++,el); // reference stolen } } return ret; } bool pybase::GetPyArgs(AtomList &lst,PyObject *pValue,int offs) { if(pValue == NULL) return false; // analyze return value or tuple int rargc = 0; bool ok = true; retval tp = nothing; if(PyString_Check(pValue)) { rargc = 1; tp = atom; } else if(PySequence_Check(pValue)) { rargc = PySequence_Size(pValue); tp = sequ; } else if(pValue != Py_None) { rargc = 1; tp = atom; } // else // Py_DECREF(pValue); lst(offs+rargc); for(int ix = 0; ix < rargc; ++ix) { PyObject *arg; if(tp == sequ) arg = PySequence_GetItem(pValue,ix); // new reference else arg = pValue; t_atom &at = lst[offs+ix]; if(PyInt_Check(arg)) SetInt(at,PyInt_AsLong(arg)); else if(PyLong_Check(arg)) SetInt(at,PyLong_AsLong(arg)); else if(PyFloat_Check(arg)) SetFloat(at,(float)PyFloat_AsDouble(arg)); else if(pySymbol_Check(arg)) SetSymbol(at,pySymbol_AS_SYMBOL(arg)); else if(PyString_Check(arg)) SetString(at,PyString_AS_STRING(arg)); /* else if(ix == 0 && self && PyInstance_Check(arg)) { // assumed to be self ... that should be checked _somehow_ !!! Py_INCREF(arg); *self = arg; } */ else { PyObject *tp = PyObject_Type(arg); PyObject *stp = tp?PyObject_Str(tp):NULL; char *tmp = ""; if(stp) tmp = PyString_AS_STRING(stp); post("py/pyext: Could not convert argument %s",tmp); Py_XDECREF(stp); Py_XDECREF(tp); ok = false; } if(tp == sequ) Py_DECREF(arg); } return ok; } bool pybase::GetPyAtom(AtomList &lst,PyObject *obj) { size_t atom = PyAtom::Register(obj); size_t szat = sizeof(atom)/2; lst(1+szat); SetSymbol(lst[0],symatom); for(size_t i = 0; i < szat; ++i,atom >>= 16) flext::SetInt(lst[i+1],(int)(atom&((1<<16)-1))); return true; }