/* py/pyext - python script object for PD and Max/MSP Copyright (c)2002-2008 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. $LastChangedRevision: 26 $ $LastChangedDate: 2008-01-03 17:20:03 +0100 (Thu, 03 Jan 2008) $ $LastChangedBy: thomas $ */ #include "pyatom.h" #include <map> #define INTV 0.01 typedef std::map<size_t,PyObject *> ObjMap; static ObjMap objmap; static size_t collix = 0,curix = 0; static double last = 0; size_t PyAtom::Register(PyObject *obj) { Collect(); Py_INCREF(obj); objmap[++curix] = obj; #ifdef _DEBUG // post("REG %p (%i)\n",obj,objmap.size()); #endif return curix; } PyObject *PyAtom::Retrieve(size_t id) { ObjMap::iterator it = objmap.find(id); PyObject *ret = it == objmap.end()?NULL:it->second; Collect(); return ret; } void PyAtom::Collect() { for(;;) { ObjMap::iterator it = objmap.begin(); if(it == objmap.end() || it->first > collix) break; PyObject *obj = it->second; Py_DECREF(obj); objmap.erase(it); #ifdef _DEBUG // post("DEL %p\n",obj); #endif } // schedule next collect time double tm = flext::GetTime(); if(tm > last+INTV) last = tm,collix = curix; }