/* py/pyext - python external object for PD and MaxMSP Copyright (c)2002-2005 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "pybase.h" #include static PyMethodDef StdOut_Methods[] = { { "write", pybase::StdOut_Write, 1 }, { NULL, NULL, } }; static PyObject *gcollect = NULL; #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS typedef std::map PyThrMap; static PyInterpreterState *pymain = NULL; static PyThrMap pythrmap; PyThreadState *pybase::pythrsys = NULL; int pybase::lockcount = 0; PyThreadState *pybase::FindThreadState() { flext::thrid_t id = flext::GetThreadId(); PyThrMap::iterator it = pythrmap.find(id); if(it == pythrmap.end()) { // Make new thread state PyThreadState *st = PyThreadState_New(pymain); pythrmap[id] = st; return st; } else return it->second; } void pybase::FreeThreadState() { flext::thrid_t id = flext::GetThreadId(); PyThrMap::iterator it = pythrmap.find(id); if(it != pythrmap.end()) { // clear out any cruft from thread state object PyThreadState_Clear(it->second); // delete my thread state object PyThreadState_Delete(it->second); // delete from map pythrmap.erase(it); } } #endif PyObject *pybase::module_obj = NULL; PyObject *pybase::module_dict = NULL; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void initsymbol(); void initsamplebuffer(); void pybase::lib_setup() { post(""); post("------------------------------------------------"); post("py/pyext %s - python script objects",PY__VERSION); post("(C)2002-2005 Thomas Grill - http://grrrr.org/ext"); post(""); post("using Python %s",Py_GetVersion()); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG post(""); post("DEBUG version compiled on %s %s",__DATE__,__TIME__); #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------- Py_Initialize(); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG // Py_VerboseFlag = 1; #endif #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS // enable thread support and acquire the global thread lock PyEval_InitThreads(); // get thread state pythrsys = PyThreadState_Get(); // get main interpreter state pymain = pythrsys->interp; // add thread state of main thread to map pythrmap[GetThreadId()] = pythrsys; #endif // sys.argv must be set to empty tuple char *nothing = ""; PySys_SetArgv(0,¬hing); // register/initialize pyext module only once! module_obj = Py_InitModule(PYEXT_MODULE, func_tbl); module_dict = PyModule_GetDict(module_obj); // borrowed reference PyModule_AddStringConstant(module_obj,"__doc__",(char *)py_doc); // redirect stdout PyObject* py_out; py_out = Py_InitModule("stdout", StdOut_Methods); PySys_SetObject("stdout", py_out); py_out = Py_InitModule("stderr", StdOut_Methods); PySys_SetObject("stderr", py_out); // get garbage collector function PyObject *gcobj = PyImport_ImportModule("gc"); if(gcobj) { gcollect = PyObject_GetAttrString(gcobj,"collect"); Py_DECREF(gcobj); } // add symbol type initsymbol(); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"Symbol",(PyObject *)&pySymbol_Type); // pre-defined symbols PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_",(PyObject *)pySymbol__); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_bang",(PyObject *)pySymbol_bang); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_list",(PyObject *)pySymbol_list); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_symbol",(PyObject *)pySymbol_symbol); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_float",(PyObject *)pySymbol_float); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"_s_int",(PyObject *)pySymbol_int); // add samplebuffer type initsamplebuffer(); PyModule_AddObject(module_obj,"Buffer",(PyObject *)&pySamplebuffer_Type); // ------------------------------------------------------------- FLEXT_SETUP(pyobj); FLEXT_SETUP(pyext); FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(pydsp); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS // release global lock PyEval_ReleaseLock(); #endif post("------------------------------------------------"); post(""); } FLEXT_LIB_SETUP(py,pybase::lib_setup) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pybase::pybase() : module(NULL) #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS , shouldexit(false),thrcount(0),stoptick(0) #endif , detach(0) , xlate(true) { PyThreadState *state = PyLockSys(); Py_INCREF(module_obj); PyUnlock(state); } pybase::~pybase() { PyThreadState *state = PyLockSys(); Py_XDECREF(module_obj); PyUnlock(state); } void pybase::Exit() { #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS shouldexit = true; qucond.Signal(); if(thrcount) { // Wait for a certain time for(int i = 0; i < (PY_STOP_WAIT/PY_STOP_TICK) && thrcount; ++i) Sleep(PY_STOP_TICK*0.001f); if(thrcount) { // Wait forever post("py/pyext - Waiting for thread termination!"); while(thrcount) Sleep(PY_STOP_TICK*0.001f); post("py/pyext - Okay, all threads have terminated"); } } #endif } void pybase::GetDir(PyObject *obj,AtomList &lst) { if(obj) { PyThreadState *state = PyLock(); PyObject *pvar = PyObject_Dir(obj); if(!pvar) PyErr_Print(); // no method found else { if(!GetPyArgs(lst,pvar)) post("py/pyext - Argument list could not be created"); Py_DECREF(pvar); } PyUnlock(state); } } void pybase::m__dir(PyObject *obj) { AtomList lst; GetDir(obj,lst); // dump dir to attribute outlet DumpOut(NULL,lst.Count(),lst.Atoms()); } void pybase::m__doc(PyObject *obj) { if(obj) { PyThreadState *state = PyLock(); PyObject *docf = PyDict_GetItemString(obj,"__doc__"); // borrowed!!! if(docf && PyString_Check(docf)) { post(""); const char *s = PyString_AS_STRING(docf); // FIX: Python doc strings can easily be larger than 1k characters // -> split into separate lines for(;;) { char buf[1024]; char *nl = strchr((char *)s,'\n'); // the cast is for Borland C++ if(!nl) { // no more newline found post(s); break; } else { // copy string before newline to temp buffer and post unsigned int l = nl-s; if(l >= sizeof(buf)) l = sizeof buf-1; strncpy(buf,s,l); // copy all but newline buf[l] = 0; post(buf); s = nl+1; // set after newline } } } PyUnlock(state); } } void pybase::OpenEditor() { // this should once open the editor.... } void pybase::SetArgs() { // script arguments int argc = args.Count(); const t_atom *argv = args.Atoms(); char **sargv = new char *[argc+1]; for(int i = 0; i <= argc; ++i) { sargv[i] = new char[256]; if(!i) strcpy(sargv[i],"py/pyext"); else GetAString(argv[i-1],sargv[i],255); } // the arguments to the module are only recognized once! (at first use in a patcher) PySys_SetArgv(argc+1,sargv); for(int j = 0; j <= argc; ++j) delete[] sargv[j]; delete[] sargv; } bool pybase::ImportModule(const char *name) { if(!name) return false; if(modname == name) return true; modname = name; return ReloadModule(); } void pybase::UnimportModule() { if(!module) return; FLEXT_ASSERT(dict && module_obj && module_dict); Py_DECREF(module); // reference count to module is not 0 here, altough probably the last instance was unloaded // Python retains one reference to the module all the time // we don't care module = NULL; dict = NULL; } bool pybase::ReloadModule() { bool ok = false; SetArgs(); PyObject *newmod = module ?PyImport_ReloadModule(module) :PyImport_ImportModule((char *)modname.c_str()); if(!newmod) { // unload faulty module if(module) UnimportModule(); } else { Py_XDECREF(module); module = newmod; dict = PyModule_GetDict(module); // borrowed ok = true; } return ok; } void pybase::GetModulePath(const char *mod,char *dir,int len) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // uarghh... pd doesn't show its path for extra modules char *name; int fd = open_via_path("",mod,".py",dir,&name,len,0); if(fd > 0) close(fd); else name = NULL; // if dir is current working directory... name points to dir if(dir == name) strcpy(dir,"."); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX // how do i get the path in Max/MSP? short path; long type; char smod[1024]; strcat(strcpy(smod,mod),".py"); if(!locatefile_extended(smod,&path,&type,&type,-1)) { #if FLEXT_OS == FLEXT_OS_WIN path_topathname(path,NULL,dir); #else // convert pathname to unix style path_topathname(path,NULL,smod); char *colon = strchr(smod,':'); if(colon) { *colon = 0; strcpy(dir,"/Volumes/"); strcat(dir,smod); strcat(dir,colon+1); } else strcpy(dir,smod); #endif } else // not found *dir = 0; #else *dir = 0; #endif } void pybase::AddToPath(const char *dir) { if(dir && *dir) { PyObject *pobj = PySys_GetObject("path"); if(pobj && PyList_Check(pobj)) { PyObject *ps = PyString_FromString(dir); if(!PySequence_Contains(pobj,ps)) PyList_Append(pobj,ps); // makes new reference Py_DECREF(ps); } PySys_SetObject("path",pobj); // steals reference to pobj } } void pybase::AddCurrentPath(t_canvas *cnv) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // add dir of current patch to path AddToPath(GetString(canvas_getdir(cnv))); // add current dir to path AddToPath(GetString(canvas_getcurrentdir())); #elif FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX char dir[1024]; short path = patcher_myvol(cnv); path_topathname(path,NULL,dir); AddToPath(dir); #else #pragma message("Adding current dir to path is not implemented") #endif } bool pybase::OutObject(flext_base *ext,int o,PyObject *obj) { flext::AtomListStatic<16> lst; if(xlate?GetPyArgs(lst,obj):GetPyAtom(lst,obj)) { // call to outlet _outside_ the Mutex lock! // otherwise (if not detached) deadlock will occur if(lst.Count() && IsSymbol(lst[0])) ext->ToOutAnything(o,GetSymbol(lst[0]),lst.Count()-1,lst.Atoms()+1); else if(lst.Count() > 1) ext->ToOutList(o,lst); else ext->ToOutAtom(o,lst[0]); return true; } else return false; } static const t_symbol *sym_response = flext::MakeSymbol("response"); void pybase::Respond(bool b) { if(respond) { t_atom a; SetBool(a,b); DumpOut(sym_response,1,&a); } } void pybase::Reload() { PyThreadState *state = PyLockSys(); PyObject *reg = GetRegistry(REGNAME); if(reg) { PyObject *key; int pos = 0; while(PyDict_Next(reg,&pos,&key,NULL)) { pybase *th = (pybase *)PyLong_AsLong(key); FLEXT_ASSERT(th); th->Unload(); } UnloadModule(); } bool ok = ReloadModule(); if(ok) { LoadModule(); if(reg) { SetRegistry(REGNAME,reg); PyObject *key; int pos = 0; while(PyDict_Next(reg,&pos,&key,NULL)) { pybase *th = (pybase *)PyLong_AsLong(key); FLEXT_ASSERT(th); th->Load(); } } else Load(); } Report(); PyUnlock(state); } static PyObject *output = NULL; // post to the console PyObject* pybase::StdOut_Write(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) { // should always be a tuple FLEXT_ASSERT(PyTuple_Check(args)); const int sz = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args); for(int i = 0; i < sz; ++i) { PyObject *val = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args,i); // borrowed reference PyObject *str = PyObject_Str(val); // new reference char *cstr = PyString_AS_STRING(str); char *lf = strchr(cstr,'\n'); // line feed in string if(!lf) { // no -> just append if(output) PyString_ConcatAndDel(&output,str); // str is decrefd else output = str; // take str reference } else { // yes -> append up to line feed, reset output buffer to string remainder PyObject *part = PyString_FromStringAndSize(cstr,lf-cstr); // new reference if(output) PyString_ConcatAndDel(&output,part); // str is decrefd else output = part; // take str reference // output concatenated string post(PyString_AS_STRING(output)); Py_DECREF(output); output = PyString_FromString(lf+1); // new reference } } Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } class work_data { public: work_data(PyObject *f,PyObject *a): fun(f),args(a) {} ~work_data() { Py_DECREF(fun); Py_DECREF(args); } PyObject *fun,*args; }; bool pybase::gencall(PyObject *pmeth,PyObject *pargs) { bool ret = false; // Now call method switch(detach) { case 0: ret = callpy(pmeth,pargs); Py_DECREF(pargs); Py_DECREF(pmeth); break; #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS case 1: // put call into queue ret = qucall(pmeth,pargs); break; case 2: // each call a new thread if(!shouldexit) { ret = thrcall(new work_data(pmeth,pargs)); if(!ret) post("py/pyext - Failed to launch thread!"); } break; #endif default: post("py/pyext - Unknown detach mode"); } return ret; } void pybase::work_wrapper(void *data) { FLEXT_ASSERT(data); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS ++thrcount; #endif PyThreadState *state = PyLock(); // call worker work_data *w = (work_data *)data; callpy(w->fun,w->args); delete w; PyUnlock(state); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS --thrcount; #endif } #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS bool pybase::qucall(PyObject *fun,PyObject *args) { FifoEl *el = qufifo.New(); el->Set(fun,args); qufifo.Put(el); qucond.Signal(); return true; } void pybase::threadworker() { ++thrcount; FifoEl *el; PyThreadState *my = FindThreadState(),*state; for(;;) { while(el = qufifo.Get()) { ++thrcount; state = PyLock(my); callpy(el->fun,el->args); Py_XDECREF(el->fun); Py_XDECREF(el->args); PyUnlock(state); qufifo.Free(el); --thrcount; } if(shouldexit) break; else qucond.Wait(); } state = PyLock(my); // unref remaining Python objects while(el = qufifo.Get()) { Py_XDECREF(el->fun); Py_XDECREF(el->args); qufifo.Free(el); } PyUnlock(state); --thrcount; } #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX short pybase::patcher_myvol(t_patcher *x) { t_box *w; if (x->p_vol) return x->p_vol; else if (w = (t_box *)x->p_vnewobj) return patcher_myvol(w->b_patcher); else return 0; } #endif bool pybase::collect() { if(gcollect) { PyObject *ret = PyObject_CallObject(gcollect,NULL); if(ret) { #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG int refs = PyInt_AsLong(ret); if(refs) post("py/pyext - Garbage collector reports %i unreachable objects",refs); #endif Py_DECREF(ret); return false; } } return true; } /* PY_EXPORT PyThreadState *py_Lock(PyThreadState *st = NULL) { return pybase::PyLock(st?st:pybase::FindThreadState()); } PY_EXPORT PyThreadState *py_LockSys() { return pybase::PyLockSys(); } PY_EXPORT void py_Unlock(PyThreadState *st) { pybase::PyUnlock(st); } */