/* py/pyext - python script object for PD and MaxMSP Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net) For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution. */ #include "pyext.h" #include <flinternal.h> FLEXT_LIB_V("pyext",pyext) V pyext::setup(t_class *) { px_head = px_tail = NULL; px_class = class_new(gensym("pyext proxy"),NULL,NULL,sizeof(py_proxy),CLASS_PD|CLASS_NOINLET, A_NULL); ::add_anything(px_class,py_proxy::px_method); // for other inlets } pyext *pyext::GetThis(PyObject *self) { PyObject *th = PyObject_GetAttrString(self,"_this"); pyext *ret = th?(pyext *)PyLong_AsVoidPtr(th):NULL; PyErr_Clear(); Py_XDECREF(th); return ret; } I pyext::pyextref = 0; PyObject *pyext::class_obj = NULL; PyObject *pyext::class_dict = NULL; pyext::pyext(I argc,const t_atom *argv): pyobj(NULL),pythr(NULL), inlets(0),outlets(0), methname(NULL) { PY_LOCK if(!pyextref++) { // register/initialize pyext base class along with module class_dict = PyDict_New(); PyObject *className = PyString_FromString(PYEXT_CLASS); PyMethodDef *def; // add setattr/getattr to class for(def = attr_tbl; def->ml_name; def++) { PyObject *func = PyCFunction_New(def, NULL); PyDict_SetItemString(class_dict, def->ml_name, func); Py_DECREF(func); } class_obj = PyClass_New(NULL, class_dict, className); PyDict_SetItemString(module_dict, PYEXT_CLASS,class_obj); Py_DECREF(className); // add methods to class for (def = meth_tbl; def->ml_name != NULL; def++) { PyObject *func = PyCFunction_New(def, NULL); PyObject *method = PyMethod_New(func, NULL, class_obj); PyDict_SetItemString(class_dict, def->ml_name, method); Py_DECREF(func); Py_DECREF(method); } #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x02020000 // not absolutely necessary, existent in python 2.2 upwards // make pyext functions available in class scope PyDict_Merge(class_dict,module_dict,0); #endif PyDict_SetItemString(class_dict,"__doc__",PyString_FromString(pyext_doc)); } else { Py_INCREF(class_obj); Py_INCREF(class_dict); } // init script module if(argc >= 1) { C dir[1024]; #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // add dir of current patch to path strcpy(dir,GetString(canvas_getdir(thisCanvas()))); AddToPath(dir); // add current dir to path strcpy(dir,GetString(canvas_getcurrentdir())); AddToPath(dir); #else #pragma message("Adding current dir to path is not implemented") #endif GetModulePath(GetString(argv[0]),dir,sizeof(dir)); // add to path AddToPath(dir); if(!IsString(argv[0])) post("%s - script name argument is invalid",thisName()); else { SetArgs(0,NULL); ImportModule(GetString(argv[0])); } } Register("_pyext"); // t_symbol *sobj = NULL; if(argc >= 2) { // object name if(!IsString(argv[1])) post("%s - object name argument is invalid",thisName()); else { methname = GetSymbol(argv[1]); } args(argc-2,argv+2); } if(methname) { SetClssMeth(); // now get number of inlets and outlets inlets = 1,outlets = 1; if(pyobj) { PyObject *res; res = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyobj,"_inlets"); // get ref if(res) { if(PyCallable_Check(res)) { PyObject *fres = PyEval_CallObject(res,NULL); Py_DECREF(res); res = fres; } if(PyInt_Check(res)) inlets = PyInt_AsLong(res); Py_DECREF(res); } else PyErr_Clear(); res = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyobj,"_outlets"); // get ref if(res) { if(PyCallable_Check(res)) { PyObject *fres = PyEval_CallObject(res,NULL); Py_DECREF(res); res = fres; } if(PyInt_Check(res)) outlets = PyInt_AsLong(res); Py_DECREF(res); } else PyErr_Clear(); } } PY_UNLOCK AddInAnything(1+inlets); AddOutAnything(outlets); FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"reload.",m_reload); FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"reload",m_reload_); FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"doc",m_doc); FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"doc+",m_doc_); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"detach",m_detach); FLEXT_ADDMETHOD_(0,"stop",m_stop); #endif if(!pyobj) InitProblem(); } pyext::~pyext() { PY_LOCK ClearBinding(); Unregister("_pyext"); Py_XDECREF(pyobj); Py_XDECREF(class_obj); Py_XDECREF(class_dict); /* // Don't unregister if(!--pyextref) { class_obj = NULL; class_dict = NULL; } */ PY_UNLOCK } BL pyext::SetClssMeth() //I argc,t_atom *argv) { // pyobj should already have been decref'd / cleared before getting here!! if(module && methname) { PyObject *pref = PyObject_GetAttrString(module,const_cast<C *>(GetString(methname))); if(!pref) PyErr_Print(); else if(PyClass_Check(pref)) { // make instance, but don't call __init__ pyobj = PyInstance_NewRaw(pref,NULL); Py_DECREF(pref); if(pyobj == NULL) PyErr_Print(); else { // remember the this pointer PyObject *th = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(this); int ret = PyObject_SetAttrString(pyobj,"_this",th); // ref is taken // call init now, after _this has been set, which is // important for eventual callbacks from __init__ to c PyObject *pargs = MakePyArgs(NULL,args,-1,true); if (pargs == NULL) PyErr_Print(); PyObject *init; init = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyobj,"__init__"); // get ref if(init && PyCallable_Check(init)) { PyObject *res = PyEval_CallObject(init,pargs); if(!res) PyErr_Print(); else Py_DECREF(res); } Py_XDECREF(pargs); } } else post("%s - Type of \"%s\" is unhandled!",thisName(),GetString(methname)); return true; } else return false; } V pyext::Reload() { ClearBinding(); Py_XDECREF(pyobj); // by here, the Python class destructor should have been called! SetArgs(0,NULL); ReloadModule(); SetClssMeth(); } V pyext::m_reload() { PY_LOCK Unregister("_pyext"); // self Reload(); Reregister("_pyext"); // the others Register("_pyext"); // self PY_UNLOCK } V pyext::m_reload_(I argc,const t_atom *argv) { args(argc,argv); m_reload(); } V pyext::m_doc_() { if(pyobj) { PY_LOCK PyObject *docf = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyobj,"__doc__"); // borrowed!!! if(docf && PyString_Check(docf)) { post(""); post(PyString_AsString(docf)); } PY_UNLOCK } } BL pyext::m_method_(I n,const t_symbol *s,I argc,const t_atom *argv) { if(pyobj && n >= 1) { return callwork(n,s,argc,argv); } else { post("%s - no method for type '%s' into inlet %i",thisName(),GetString(s),n); return false; } } V pyext::m_help() { post(""); post("pyext %s - python script object, (C)2002 Thomas Grill",PY__VERSION); #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG post("compiled on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__); #endif post("Arguments: %s [script name] [class name] {args...}",thisName()); post("Inlet 1: messages to control the pyext object"); post(" 2...: python inlets"); post("Outlets: python outlets"); post("Methods:"); post("\thelp: shows this help"); post("\treload {args...}: reload python script"); post("\treload. : reload with former arguments"); post("\tdoc: display module doc string"); post("\tdoc+: display class doc string"); #ifdef FLEXT_THREADS post("\tdetach 0/1: detach threads"); post("\tstop {wait time (ms)}: stop threads"); #endif post(""); } PyObject *pyext::call(const C *meth,I inlet,const t_symbol *s,I argc,const t_atom *argv) { PyObject *ret = NULL; PyObject *pmeth = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyobj,const_cast<char *>(meth)); /* fetch bound method */ if(pmeth == NULL) { PyErr_Clear(); // no method found } else { PyObject *pargs = MakePyArgs(s,AtomList(argc,argv),inlet?inlet:-1,true); if(!pargs) PyErr_Print(); else { ret = PyEval_CallObject(pmeth, pargs); if (ret == NULL) // function not found resp. arguments not matching #if 1 //def FLEXT_DEBUG PyErr_Print(); #else PyErr_Clear(); #endif else { // Py_DECREF(pres); } Py_DECREF(pargs); } Py_DECREF(pmeth); } return ret; } V pyext::work_wrapper(V *data) { ++thrcount; #ifdef FLEXT_DEBUG if(!data) post("%s - no data!",thisName()); else #endif { work_data *w = (work_data *)data; work(w->n,w->Header(),w->Count(),w->Atoms()); // delete w; } --thrcount; } BL pyext::callwork(I n,const t_symbol *s,I argc,const t_atom *argv) { if(detach) { if(shouldexit) { post("%s - Stopping.... new threads can't be launched now!",thisName()); return true; } else { BL ret = FLEXT_CALLMETHOD_X(work_wrapper,new work_data(n,s,argc,argv)); if(!ret) post("%s - Failed to launch thread!",thisName()); return true; } } else return work(n,s,argc,argv); } BL pyext::work(I n,const t_symbol *s,I argc,const t_atom *argv) { BL retv = false; PY_LOCK PyObject *ret = NULL; char *str = new char[strlen(GetString(s))+10]; { // try tag/inlet sprintf(str,"%s_%i",GetString(s),n); ret = call(str,0,NULL,argc,argv); } if(!ret) { // try anything/inlet sprintf(str,"_anything_%i",n); if(s == sym_bang && !argc) { t_atom argv; SetString(argv,""); ret = call(str,0,s,1,&argv); } else ret = call(str,0,s,argc,argv); } if(!ret) { // try tag at any inlet sprintf(str,"%s_",GetString(s)); ret = call(str,n,NULL,argc,argv); } if(!ret) { // try anything at any inlet strcpy(str,"_anything_"); if(s == sym_bang && !argc) { t_atom argv; SetString(argv,""); ret = call(str,n,s,1,&argv); } else ret = call(str,n,s,argc,argv); } if(!ret) // no matching python method found post("%s - no matching method found for '%s' into inlet %i",thisName(),GetString(s),n); if(str) delete[] str; if(ret) { if(!PyObject_Not(ret)) post("%s - returned value is ignored",thisName()); Py_DECREF(ret); retv = true; } PY_UNLOCK return retv; }