max v2; #N vpatcher 258 153 663 403; #P comment 49 142 118 196617 c \, d ... right operand; #P comment 49 127 118 196617 a \, b ... left operand; #P comment 49 112 102 196617 e \, f ... target buffers; #P newex 238 88 43 196617 vasp.c+; #P comment 49 190 300 196617 differences in lengths are adjusted to smaller vector of each pair; #P comment 49 81 98 196617 e+if=(a+ib)+(c+id); #P comment 49 42 89 196622 vasp.c+; #P comment 49 174 302 196617 vasp.c+ needs 2 vectors per operand which are treated as pairs; #P comment 49 65 100 196617 complex addition; #P pop;