max v2; #N vpatcher 188 104 857 525; #P message 437 350 91 196617 vasp buf<= buf<=1; #N vpatcher 40 55 218 175; #P newex 45 79 61 196617 vasp.update; #P newex 45 56 45 196617 vasp.= 0; #N comlet vasp to clear in; #P inlet 45 26 15 0; #P connect 0 0 1 0; #P connect 1 0 2 0; #P pop; #P newobj 437 373 78 196617 p clear_buffers; #P newex 59 327 61 196617 vasp.update; #P flonum 149 272 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P comment 274 286 48 196617 0/false; #P comment 137 145 148 196617 generate a sine wave at 1Hz; #P message 59 145 55 196617 vasp buf<=; #P newex 59 191 61 196617 vasp.update; #P newex 59 168 80 196617 vasp.osc 44100; #P comment 137 229 100 196617 copy to new buffer; #P hidden message 321 219 55 196617 set buf<=1; #P user waveform~ 321 237 312 99 3 9; #W mode select; #W mouseoutput continuous; #W unit ms; #W grid 1000.; #W ticks 8.; #W labels 1; #W vlabels 1; #W vticks 1; #W vzoom 1.; #W voffset 0.; #W bpm 120. 4.; #W frgb 0 0 0; #W brgb 255 255 255; #W rgb2 132 132 132; #W rgb3 0 0 0; #W rgb4 0 0 0; #W rgb5 255 255 255; #W rgb6 100 100 100; #W rgb7 100 100 100; #P newex 530 373 103 196617 buffer~ buf<=1 2000; #P comment 52 86 188 196617 argument/right inlet: value; #N vpatcher 40 55 418 371; #P button 183 82 15 0; #P newex 129 145 60 196617 prepend set; #N comlet waveform~ mode messages; #P inlet 129 121 15 0; #P newex 259 64 27 196617 << 1; #P newex 206 121 40 196617 change; #P newex 206 145 107 196617 select 0 1 2; #P newex 206 98 27 196617 |; #P newex 47 121 40 196617 change; #P outlet 129 252 15 0; #P message 47 145 65 196617 constrain \$1; #P newex 129 195 45 196617 loadbang; #P newex 47 40 222 196617 pushkeys; #P message 270 169 58 196617 mode move; #P message 206 213 61 196617 mode select; #P message 238 191 52 196617 mode loop; #P connect 3 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 5 0; #P connect 12 0 13 0; #P fasten 5 0 6 0 52 243 134 243; #P fasten 0 0 6 0 243 243 134 243; #P fasten 1 0 6 0 211 243 134 243; #P fasten 2 0 6 0 275 243 134 243; #P connect 11 0 14 0; #P connect 3 3 8 0; #P connect 14 0 8 0; #P connect 8 0 10 0; #P connect 10 0 9 0; #P connect 4 0 1 0; #P connect 9 0 1 0; #P connect 13 0 1 0; #P connect 11 0 8 1; #P connect 9 1 0 0; #P connect 3 4 11 0; #P connect 9 2 2 0; #P pop; #P hidden newobj 321 52 49 196617 p wfkeys; #P hidden message 321 98 50 196617 set buf<=; #P hidden newex 321 74 45 196617 loadbang; #P user waveform~ 321 118 312 99 3 9; #W mode select; #W mouseoutput continuous; #W unit ms; #W grid 1000.; #W ticks 8.; #W labels 1; #W vlabels 1; #W vticks 1; #W vzoom 1.; #W voffset 0.; #W bpm 120. 4.; #W frgb 0 0 0; #W brgb 255 255 255; #W rgb2 132 132 132; #W rgb3 0 0 0; #W rgb4 0 0 0; #W rgb5 255 255 255; #W rgb6 100 100 100; #W rgb7 100 100 100; #P newex 59 296 65 196617 vasp.<= -0.4; #P message 59 228 63 196617 vasp buf<=1; #P newex 530 350 103 196617 buffer~ buf<= 2000; #P newex 59 249 65 196617 vasp.= buf<=; #P comment 52 71 83 196617 sample <= value; #P comment 52 48 89 196622 vasp.<=; #P comment 598 103 44 196617 source; #P comment 277 244 44 196617 1/true; #P connect 19 0 17 0; #P connect 17 0 18 0; #P connect 6 0 4 0; #P connect 4 0 7 0; #P connect 7 0 23 0; #P fasten 22 0 7 1 154 292 119 292; #P hidden connect 9 0 10 0; #P hidden fasten 5 1 10 0 628 371 638 371 638 94 326 94; #P hidden connect 11 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 10 0 8 0; #P hidden connect 9 0 15 0; #P hidden connect 11 0 14 0; #P hidden connect 15 0 14 0; #P connect 25 0 24 0; #P hidden fasten 14 5 8 4 626 340 638 340 638 94 626 94; #P hidden connect 8 5 14 4; #P pop;